The Picton Tunnel in New South Wales, notorious for its eerie reputation, has captivated ghost hunters and paranormal enthusiasts alike. Originally part of the rail system, it was later abandoned and repurposed as a mushroom farm, adding to its unsettling atmosphere.
Reports from those who’ve dared to enter the tunnel describe hearing disembodied voices, unsettling footsteps, and unexplained shadows lurking in the dark. The most frequent phenomenon is the feeling of being watched or touched by unseen entities, with many attributing these sensations to the ghostly presence said to haunt the site.
Join Holly & Matthew as they explore the chilling history of the Picton Tunnel.
Sources cited:- The Goulburn Evening Penny Post. 1884. "Town Talk." January 24: 2. Accessed August 25, 2021.
- The Picton Post. 1916. "Obituary." December 20: 4. Accessed August 25, 2021.
- brendan_the_winger. 2010. Picton Tunnels. November 8. Accessed August 25, 2021.
- Doug_T13. 2013. Picton Tunnels. February 16. Accessed August 25, 2021.
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