Lasseter's Reef, one of Australia's most enduring gold mining legends, continues to captivate adventurers and treasure hunters. The story begins with Harold Lasseter, an early 20th-century prospector, who claimed to have discovered a rich gold reef somewhere in the vast and unforgiving deserts of central Australia. His discovery, however, was never proven, and Lasseter’s attempts to return to the reef in 1931 ended tragically when he disappeared, presumed to have perished in the desert. Over the years, many have sought the fabled reef, but it remains elusive, adding to the mystique of the tale.
Join Holly & Matthew as they explore the legend of Lasseter’s Reef, the failed expeditions to find it, and the theories surrounding its elusive nature.
Sources cited:- Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate. 1930. "Gold and Minerals." May 17: 15. Accessed August 24, 2021.
- The Sydney Morning Herald. 1931. "Body found in Central Australia." April 29: 11. Accessed August 24, 2021.
- The Evening News. 1931. "Loneliest man in the whole of Aust. just sits and waits." January 21: 3. Accessed August 24, 2021.
- The Cairns Post. 1931. "Lure of gold in Central Australia, Explorer found dead." April 29: 5. Accessed August 24, 2021.
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