The koala, Australia's beloved marsupial. Master of Camouflage, Marsupial of a Hundred Names, Disqualified Entrant of the "World's Cutest Animal" contest.
Known for its fluffy, gray fur and round face, the koala is an emblem of cuteness. Everyone knows what a Koala is.
But what if we told you that we've been saying its name wrong for decades?
Join us as we examine the Cullawine, Native Bear, Coolah, Koala and Ash-Coloured-Pouch-Bear, and its unique path to an evolutionary dead end.
Jingle: Caramello Koala (1997)
Song: Don Spencer - Don't Call Me a Koala Bear
Main Theme music – Kevin MacLeod
"Slow Ticking Clock" – Kevin MacLeod
Used under a Creative Commons license.
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