Lex Mandrake is an rpg content creator who writes games and supplements, produces videos, and composes music under the moniker Dank Dungeons.
Some of his larger projects include AZAG, the weird sword and sorcery rpg and 5B, the 5th Edition compatible OSR style rpg.
Recently, he's been working with dungeon-tuber Jorphdan to create videos highlighting indie rpgs on the Jorphdan's Jocular Junction YouTube channel.
I had the honor to work with Lex in AZAG, and had a great time hanging out with him at Gen Con 2023. But besides that, we have been talking and getting to know each other for a while, and this conversation is basically just friends hanging out.
In this chat we talk about his work as a Game Designer, Musician, DungeonTuber, old music equipment, B Movies, Dreams, Soundscapes, Comedy in RPGs, Terror Vision, Ghostbusters RPG, Invisible Sun, influences and a lot more weird and wonderful things!
I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
So listen up and get weird with us!
Check out Lex Mandrake's links:
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You can also support me buy buying one of my games!
Kosmosaurs just got released in print, and it is my new RPG inspired by Saturday morning cartoons about Space Dinosaur Rangers defending the galaxy from evildoers!
Get your copy right here: bit.ly/kosmosaurs
Get other games of mine on Exalted Funeral: https://www.exaltedfuneral.com/search?q=Diogo+nogueira
Or buy anything at DriveThruRPG using this link: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/?affiliate_id=338514
This is super new and I am trying a new thing! I share offers, news, behind the scenes, articles, curiosities, and rants about being me! Fun, right? RIGHT!?
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Stuff mentioned in the Episode:
Jorphdan's Jocular Junction: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO1HvISVLDqwUOzmviTRECw
Terror Vision: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dankdungeons/terrorvision?ref=d4m7y1
Plex: https://www.plex.tv
Mr. Vampire: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Vampire
Between Two Cairns: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2042709
Tangerine Dream: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangerine_Dream
Zorro RPG: https://www.gallantknightgames.com/zorro/
Invisible Sun: https://www.montecookgames.com/store/product/invisible-sun/
MiniBX: https://lucasrolim.itch.io/minibx
The Legend of the Forgotten Ballad: https://coolwayink.itch.io/forgottenballadpamphlet
Horoscope: https://horoscopezine.itch.io/
Sorcerer's Enclave: https://www.squarehex.co.uk/products/the-sorcerers-enclave-late-pledge-option-preorder
Bananachan: http://www.gameandacurry.com/bananachan/sample-page/
Bob Worldbuilder: https://www.youtube.com/c/BobWorldBuilder
Encounters of the Spooky Kind II: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encounters_of_the_Spooky_Kind_II