Weird Science Marvel Comics Weekly Review Shows
Marvel sure puts out a lot of books each week and we have four tonight as Jim and Branden go back to BC to find Tony Stark with the Avengers #31, then it's off to the Wastelands in Avengers of the Wastelands #2 to see who this Captain America is, then some Earth-Hoping with Spider-Ham and finally finishing by seeing what a mother will do to get her kids back from some stinking mutants! If you want to support us for this show and get a bunch of new and exclusive shows, go to our Patreon ( to get shows like our Marvel Comics Spotlight: Falcon & Winter Soldier #1 and Star Wars #3 and Marvel Back Issues Podcast: Amazing Spider-Man #123 (Luke Cage) and even our Marvel Comics Event Podcast Ep 11: Original Clone Saga Part Four among others!