this time, the series on Arthuriana continues into the post-Galfridian era. following Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, which created the narrative structure and foundation of the Arthurian canon we know today, a whole bunch of writers got in on the fun and started adding to that template. in this case, we focus on 7 stories that begin to flesh out the knights who make up Arthur's round table such as Lancelot, Gawain, Yvain, Percival, Kay, and Erec. these 7 stories include 4 French poems and 3 Welsh romances that were each written toward the end of the 12th century and while they do overlap somewhat, they also add a lot to the canon as we know it.
4 French poems by Chretien de Troyes: Eric and Enide; Lancelot, Knight of the Cart; Yvain, Knight of the Lion; Percival, The Story of the Grail
3 Welsh Romances: Owain or the Lady of the Fountain; Geraint and Enid; Peredur, Son of Efrawg