Ukrainian officials will reportedly talk with Russia as early as today on the border of Ukraine and Belarus. Matt Duss, Senator Bernie Sanders’ foreign policy advisor, joins us to discuss today’s expected talks and what he thinks is on the negotiation table for both sides.
President Joe Biden named Ketanji Brown Jackson his nominee for the Supreme Court to replace the retiring Justice Stephen Breyer. If confirmed, she would be the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court.
In headlines: The Supreme Court will hear one of the most important environmental cases today, thousands of African students in Ukraine have found themselves trapped in the country amid Russia’s attacks, and new studies confirm that COVID-19 originated at a live animal market in Wuhan, China.
And we talk with Chesa Boudin, District Attorney of San Francisco, about his decision to drop the case against a woman who was the victim of a sexual assault, but whose DNA from a rape kit was used by the SF Police Department to link her to a different crime.
Show Notes:
USA Today: “Rape survivors, child victims, consensual sex partners: San Francisco police have used DNA from all of them for 7 years” –
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