Once upon a time, borrowing money for college was an affordable path towards upward mobility. Today, it’s a crisis. With Americans owing a whopping $1.7 trillion in student loans. So how did the student debt crisis get so out of control? From bungled government programs to Sputnik to the Great Recession, “How We Got Here” unpacks the history behind spiraling student debt…with interest!
Student loans are now easier to discharge in bankruptcy, attorneys say: It's 'life changing' | CNBC
Average Cost of College [2023]: Yearly Tuition + Expenses | Education Data Initiative
Everything you need to know about college costs - Vox
Student loan forgiveness: What to know about Biden’s $39 billion plan - Vox
Why Does College Cost So Much? - The New York Times
Introducing Bennett Hypothesis 2.0 | Center for College Affordability and Productivity
Is Rising Student Debt Harming the U.S. Economy? | CFR
Student loan forgiveness: How much debt has Biden canceled? | CNN Politics
Federal Student Loan Borrowers Reveal Grim Expectations for Payment Resumption | Morning Consult
Drivers of the Rising Price of a College Education | MHEC
MSD Annual Report 2022 - Student Debt and Young America
State Funding for Higher Education Still Lagging | NEA
Education; College Officials Defend Sharply Rising Tuition - The New York Times
Student loan forgiveness: How much debt has Biden canceled? | CNN Politics
The Political Case For Student Debt Cancellation | Data for Progress