We get a bit philosophical and try to find out that if animals do dream, will we ever be able to know what they’re dreaming about?
- Cassie, Claire and Pidgey the Parrot.
- Associate Professor Nicole Lovato, Flinders University.
- Associate Professor John Lesku, La Trobe University.
- Professor David Pena Guzman, author of ‘Animal Dreaming’ and San Francisco State University.
- Professor Sidarta Ribeiro, neuroscientist at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
- Dr Shauni Omond, @wormgirl on Instagram, La Trobe University.
- Professor Niels Rattenborg, Research leader on Avian Sleep, Max Planck Institute.
- Ann Jones, Presenter / Producer.
- Petria Ladgrove, Producer.
- Additional mastering: Hamish Camilleri.
This episode of What the Duck?! was produced on the land of the Wadawarrung and Kaurna people.