The UK’s Premier RPG Podcast
The podcast What Would The Smart Party Do? is created by The Smart Party. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
This time Becky Annison and Josh Fox of Black Armada Games join us to talk about the new edition of Lovecraftesque, GMless games, design and small press publishing.
Find out all about Black Armada on their website.
Check out fast-paced Actual Play at Unconventional GMs!
Gaz is joined by (Stunt Ben) Guy to talk about pacing in games. How do you manage pace and get the most out of your sessions?
Check out Unconventional GMs for pace-filled games!
Hi All
It's been a minute, we've had a lot to deal with on the home front, but I've pulled out the stops and got you some Stunt Bens in to chat about reviews in gaming - how useful they are and what we want from them.
Have a great festive season - all the best!
Gaz & Ben
With a new edition of D&D on its way, more evolution than revolution, what elements could be done differently? The lads dive into other games and new ideas to see what could make the hobby's big player even better.
How do you prepare a new game for running at a convention, event or just with your friends? Gaz is joined by Stunt Ben, Guy from the Burn After Running blog and Craig from Third Floor Wars to give you all the advice you need and more!
We were delighted to have returning guest Jason Cordova on to talk about all things Brindlewood Bay, The Gauntlet and more!
How much should players contribute to the ttrpg experience? How much are they allowed too? The lads discuss getting more out of your gaming sessions.
Live From the Spring Kraken 2024 in Germany, Gaz joined forces with game designer Robin D Laws and fellow Unconventional GM Guy Milner to give a seminar on running adventures games for ttrpgs.
If you dig actual plays played with vim and vigour, check out the new Unconventional GMs YouTube channel.
How do you put more character in your #ttrpg character? You don't have to go full method actor, here are some simple and actionable ideas to get you started.
If you dig actual plays played with vim and vigour, check out the new Unconventional GMs YouTube channel.
Episode 186 – What Games Workshop Can Teach Us
There's a lot of crossover between geeky hobbies, and with the lads both working for the big Games Workshop back in the day, what can skirmish games teach us about RPGs?
If you dig actual plays played with vim and vigour, check out the new Unconventional GMs YouTube channel.
Episode 185 – Cities (aka Fantasy Tripadvisor)
After wandering the wilderness and diving down dungeons, plucky adventurers wish to go to an enthralling city. Maybe your entire campaign is based around one location. The lads explore various cities from ttrgps and the merits and flaws thereof!
If you dig actual plays played with vim and vigour, check out the new Unconventional GMs YouTube channel.
Episode 184 – Hot War, Cold City (with Jon Hodgson and Malcolm Craig)
Joining the ‘cast this time, Jon Hodgson of Handiwork Games and RPG author and academic Malcolm Craig. The Cold War period and monster hunting in Berlin come to the fore as the lads dive into Hot War and Cold City among other great games from the Handiwork studio!
You can find out more about Malcolm Craig here. And here are some links for Handiwork Games:
Hot War & Cold City
If you dig actual plays played with vim and vigour, check out the new Unconventional GMs YouTube channel.
Episode 183 – Unacceptable! (a.k.a. It’s Not You It’s Us)
There are a plethora of gaming events to go to these days and you meet all kinds of people and playstyles. Often this is a cause for celebration, a way to pick up new ideas and techniques. Sometimes though, it’s suboptimal. There are still some people who haven’t got the memo about gaming with others, and this time the lads aim to set things straight.
Episode 182 – How To GM with Justin Alexander
The lads are delighted to have returning Good Friend of the Show, RPG producer and designer at Atlas Games, Justin Alexander. He’s got a new book coming out, available in all good purveyors of such things, So You Want To Be A Game Master. Join for great insights, some not seen or heard before on the Alexandrian (or maybe anywhere!) and to get a unique precis of what is in this fine work. Visit Justin’s excellent RPG resource The Alexandrian, as check out what’s hot at Atlas Games.
If you dig actual plays played with vim and vigour, check out the new Unconventional GMs YouTube channel.
Episode 181 – Gaming in Ukraine with Tasha from idearoll
Fresh from The Kraken gaming retreat, the lads have met old friends and made new ones. Chief among those is Tasha from the idearoll youtube channel, who joins them this week to talk about gaming events, the scene in Ukraine and challenges of the current environment. A great episode full of enthusiasm and community spirit!
You can find the idearoll channel below (in Ukrainian), which also has several other links for supporting the team’s efforts. idearoll on YouTube.
Get yourself a copy of the Vaesen Spirits and Monsters of Mythic Ukraine on Drivethru here.
Charitable links:
Defence And Demining
Medical Aid
Rebuild Ukraine
Come Back Alive
If you dig actual plays, check out the new Unconventional GMs YouTube channel. Lots of great games played with vim and vigour in two hours or less.
Episode 180 – Shadow of the Weird Wizard with Rob Schwalb
Returning special guest Rob Schwalb, creator of Shadow of the Demonlord, Punk Apocalyptica, D&D designer and more, returns to the show to tell us all about his design process and work on his new Kickstarter, Shadow of the Weird Wizard.
The Kickstarter project page is here:
If you dig actual plays, check out the new Unconventional GMs YouTube channel. Lots of great games played with vim and vigour in two hours or less.
Episode 179 – Pendragon 6e with David Larkins
Returning special guest David Larkins, Line Editor for the King Arthur Pendragon RPG joins the lads to talk about the new edition, it’s starter set and get back to basics on what Pendragon is all about for new players and old hands alike!
If you dig actual plays then check out the new Unconventional GMs for games played in about two hours!
Episode 178 – Starforged With Shawn Tomkin
Returning special guest Shawn Tomkin, designer of Ironsworn and of particular interest this time, Starforged. It’s an excellent Sci Fi RPG and well worth digging into, which is exactly what the lads do this time!
If you dig actual plays then check out the new Unconventional GMs for games played in about two hours!
Episode 177 – Wilderness Travel
Fancy a trip to the Isle of Dread!? This episode the lads take a look at traveling in the wilderness, how to make it interesting and what tips and trips can improve the journey.
If you dig actual plays then check out the new Unconventional GMs for games played in about two hours!
Episode 176 – Dungeons Not Dragons
Whether you’re from the old school days of white-lined maps on blue backgrounds, or newly arrived at the idea of maps, scouring the internet for your Roll20 backgrounds, dungeons have a long and storied history in RPGs. Join the lads as they look back over the years at dungeons, what makes them good and how they can be used better.
If you dig actual plays then check out the new Unconventional GMs for games played in about two hours
If you’re a fan of the show, you’ll know we love AGON, powered by the Paragon system. This time the lads are delighted to be joined by Sean Nittner, the co-author and independent game designer Tim Denee, who’s done some great stuff with the game. Come on in for a deep dive on the game design process, what makes these sets of games great and how to squeeze more gaming juice from your sessions!
Evil Hat have a ton of great games you can peruse for your delectation on their website.
You can see more of Tim’s great work on his website, Old Dog Games
If you’re in the US, or plan on travelling there for a convention, find out about Big Bad Con here.
If you dig actual plays then check out the new Unconventional GMs for games played in about two hours!
Episode 174 – Beyond Dread Portals (a.k.a. Climinal)
This time the boys are joined by Good Friend of the Show and returning guest Dr Mitch and Newt from D101 Games to talk about their new project Beyond Dread Portals. A game for those wanting to move slightly away from what D&D has to offer, but with some familiarity so the leap of faith isn’t too scary!
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