Hello team! Welcome to episode 28 and our discussion of S02E04 – Salvaged. This is a really great episode of the show and there's a lot to talk about, so let's get to it!
Freshman, definitely do the homework! An Apple-laxative seems like a costly mistake to make!
The episode segments are as follows:
Hello Megan - 1:42
Mission Briefing - 2:42
Feeling the Aster - 7:42
Canary Debrief - 27:07
Crashing the Mode – 31:36 to 38:32
Our Fan Service this week is: @GameablePodcast : Basically our Canary Debriefs turned to 11. Chris and Katrina do deep dives into Disney movies, Saturday Morning Cartoons through the decades, animated series, and more, pulling from them ideas for story arcs, characters, and more. They focus on Roleplaying games, but since they aren’t focused on a particular system, their breakdowns can inspire any storytelling endeavor.
As always, thanks for listening and all your support. We appreciate each and every one of you more than we can express. If you have a moment to add some additional support, a rating and review on iTunes or your pod catcher of choice would help immensely. And if you have the ability to support us monetarily, we have a Patreon here.
Thank you all, and stay whelmed.