Dr. Nicholas Christakis of Yale University has emerged as one of the nation's leading experts on coronavirus. He joins Will Ahmed to discuss how the virus started, why it's spreading so quickly, and what we can do to limit the number of cases moving forward. Nicholas and Will discuss how China used a "social nuclear weapon" to address the outbreak (6:38), what experts believe may have started the pandemic (11:33), how many cases one case can reproduce (12:18), mortality rates compared to other diseases (14:47), how Korea was successful in combating COVID-19 (18:33), what led to Italy's collapse (19:49), the risk healthcare workers are facing (23:05), the best and worst-case scenarios for the United States (25:08), the importance of testing and the next steps the US should take (32:33), if we will experience a second wave of coronavirus (37:30), how technology can help us fight the disease (40:17), why young people aren't out of the woods (49:30), and the importance of trusting experts (55:14).
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