On this week’s podcast, we’re talking about how hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle produce highly individual physiological responses that affect training and sleep needs. We have launched a new feature in the WHOOP app – menstrual cycle coaching – which provides personalized sleep and strain recommendations to those who menstruate based on where they are in their monthly cycle. That feature – and this conversation – are based on groundbreaking research conducted by WHOOP and leading female physiology expert Dr. Stacy Sims, who returns to the podcast for an in-depth discussion on this topic with WHOOP VP of Performance Kristen Holmes and WHOOP VP of Data Science and Research Emily Capodilupo. They talk about why women and coaches need to have more information about the menstrual cycle (3:23), what WHOOP has learned through research of the cycle (8:08), how the pill affects your training (10:49), understanding the phases of the cycle (15:23), training periodization (20:25), alleviating PMS symptoms (24:19), how ibuprofen affects the body (29:29), why periods are a sign of good overall health (32:09), debunking the myths of the menstrual cycle, and why tracking your cycle is critical to high performance (40:30).