Ellen Braaten is a licensed psychologist and child neuropsychologist. She is the author of the new book Bright Kids Who Couldn’t Care Less, How to Rekindle your Child’s motivation. The book was forwarded by Sheryl Sandburg.
Ellen has a book called Love the Kid You Have, Not the One You Wish You Had
This conversation with Ellen is a good one! We talk about what motivation is and what we can do as parents to help our kids feel self-motivated rather than pushing them to do things.
What we talked about:
4:15- Introduction to Ellen
7:25- Learning differences
9:30- Talking to our kids about motivation
21:30- The lifelong impact of your parenting
25:00- Timeframe that a child should get a job
32:25- Setting goals with your kids
38:05- Setting expectations with our kids
44:25- Working with a child as they lose motivation
49:35- End of podcast questions
Show notes:
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