Sex with pelvic floor problems. We're going there! Intimacy after childbirth can be difficult at the best of times. How do you even begin to navigate that if you then have incontinence or prolapse or pelvic pain? Helen and the pelvic health physiotherapist Jilly Bond discuss postnatal sex and the issues women with pelvic floor dysfunction can face, both physically and mentally:
'All of these issues are so fixable. So remediable. I struggle to find in my mind anyone that we haven't been able to make progress with at least, if not really got them back to normal intimacy or intimacy that's fulfilling for them through treatment. It's like having a bad back. We can get things moving.'Jilly and Helen talk about the process of getting back to where you'd like to be and how you can access the help you need to get there.
Jilly Bond is a pelvic health physiotherapist based in Wales, with a specialist interest in pelvic pain. She's on maternity leave until Summer 2021. She is @jillybondphysio on Instagram and @jilly_bond on Twitter.
NHS information about sex therapy, including finding a psychosexual counsellor or therapist can be found here
The charity, Relate, can also provide relationship support
For a list of pelvic physios near to you, check out the Squeezy Directory here
For more about Jamie McCartney's Great Wall of Vagina go here
And to get involved with the UK Government's consultation on the gender health gap go here
You can find Helen @whymumsdontjump on Instagram and Twitter or at