“We need to restore Earth systems patterns and relationships through bioregional organizing.”
— Joe Brewer
Together with Joe, we explore the true meaning of collapse—not as an apocalyptic endpoint but as a transformation of stability, a shift in patterns. Joe invites us to move beyond fear and recognize that everyone alive today was born into an ongoing collapse. We discuss the planetary boundary tipping points already crossed, the unraveling of human social systems, and the urgent need for regenerative pathways so that humanity and countless other species may continue to share life on this beautiful blue planet.
Drawing from his book, The Design Pathway for Regenerating Earth, Joe shares how bioregional organizing, regenerative economies, and living system principles can guide us toward renewal. Through a deep ecological lens, we rediscover our ancestral roots, the essential role of healthy hydrological cycles, and the power of regenerative education to mend our relationships—with ourselves, each other, and Earth as our living home.
This episode is an invitation to shift from apathy and despair to heartfelt and life-centric action—to restore our bioregions, reimagine economics and education through an ecological lens, and reclaim the radical responsibility of regenerating Earth.
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