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We sat down at the Radical Ranch for a nice chat with the bros! For the first time on mic and camera we have Daniel Amaya @danielamayahere (Instagram). He tells his hilarious and serendipitous story of how he ended up landing where he is now, as the ranch hand for Radical Ranch. We discuss other topics like weirdly hot celebs, Billboard's Top 25 Pop Stars of the 21st Century, new Kendrick Album and more!
Come see me on tour! http://steveo.com
Follow us on social media! @steveo @scottjrandolph @skinnyvinny @paulbrisske
Steve-O's Hot Sauce! - https://www.amazon.com/Steve-Os-Sauce-Your-Butthole-Bottle/dp/B08GKXVNSX/ref=sr_1_1?crid=314GTTCX7SAAZ&keywords=butthole&qid=1668129993&sprefix=butthol%2Caps%2C256&sr=8-1