#32: Finger Strength Training and Wilderness Medicine Interviews
Dec 2023
Wilderness & Environmental Medicine journal online: www.wemjournal.org
Questions/comments/feedback and/or interest in participating? Send an email to:
[email protected]
Part 1: Journal Club: A Finger in the Game: Sport-Specific Finger Strength Training and Onset of Injury
Link to article: https://www.wemjournal.org/article/S1080-6032(23)00110-2/fulltext
CME Available for WMS members. [TO COME]
Part 2: Darryl Macias’s on-location interview with Drs. Nicolás Mena and Martin Musi at the Chile Summer DiMM Program
Part 3: Fred Bossert interviews WMS committee leaders Drs. Jesse Gehner and Justin Gardner.