With the Coronavirus craziness of the past week, desperation can start to creep up whether it’s financial, social, or feeling desperate for autonomy. Even if you think creativity is just “extra” in a time like this, it’s actually the key to making it through--creativity is just problem solving, and with more problems than you had last week, creativity is your best friend. In this episode: -how desperation helps or hurts creativity (+ how you can use it to help yours) -the type of desperation that gets you functioning at max creative capacity -when desperation will be your big break + when it’ll ruin everything you’ve built + how to tell the difference -the biggest upside to desperation to utilize right now Mentions: Love soaked family photography free class: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/webinar Book a creative strategy session with Brooke: hello@brookeschultzphotography.com Harvard poverty impedes cognitive function study: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/341/6149/976 Desperation scale: https://justinjackson.ca/desperation Medium writer who reaped after he sowed in a time of desperation: https://medium.com/publishous/want-to-be-more-creative-try-desperation-a115b389c6da