Wildly Creative Life with Brooke Schultz
Here with another sneak peek inside the Vault which is my monthly mentoring for photographers, but even if you’re not a photographer this sermon I gave to my girl Rita is one I’ve been giving myself recently as well and I know there’s a breakthrough for you here. To want validation is to be human. Our humanity is the most beautiful, valuable asset we have in our art. The thing that moves us when we experience great art, whether its a painting or a photograph or a cozy experience at a bed and breakfast complete with a warm chocolate chip cookie upon arrival is the HUMANITY. Even if we strive for excellence or even some version of perfection in what we create, we cannot strip it of its humanity.
✨ Rita Ambrosi: https://www.ritaambrosiphoto.com/ @ritaambrosiphoto
✨ ArtHelper AI: https://app.arthelper.ai/signup?fpr=brooke99
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