Wildly Creative Life with Brooke Schultz
Anything that replenishes you and fills your cup is not just a nice-to-have in your creative life, it’s a MUST have. Yes, friends: it's actually a need for us to waste our time.
Let's dive into the quiet behind-the-scenes work of truly resting, how that brings us more creativity, and a couple of things you can do in the next few days or weeks with little to no additional prep time.
Heartful Magazine First Issue:
Rick Rubin On Being Interview: https://onbeing.org/programs/rick-rubin-magic-everyday-mystery-and-getting-creative/
Wild Power book: https://www.amazon.com/shop/brookebschultz/list/16BFB7LJ9ABI2?ref_=aipsflist_aipsfbrookebschultz