what is forgiveness? / Prithu forgives Indra / we are off our spiritual path if we hold on to resentment / Buddhaghoṣa on holding onto anger / forgiveness means I let go of it all / to what degree should renunciation be part of my practice? / renunciation is a medicine applied differently to different people / establish your level of renunciation & adjust with time / the main thing is to make the main thing the main thing / is good karma good - is bad karma bad / good and bad karma have to do with how we enjoy the material world - Bhakti means going beyond that / a Bhakti-yogi sees the Lord’s benediction at every step / better not to get too caught up in astrology - but if it may help us serve we may use it / what is the goal of a Krishna devotee at the time of death? / ante narayana smriti - remember God at the end / release from the cycle of birth & death is good - connection with God through love is the finishing touch