All about the energies and magic of August plus a few August holidays to highlight.
- Zodiac Signs + Correspondences:
- Crystals: peridot, carnelian
- Animals: crow, owl, sturgeon
- Flowers: poppy, gladiolus
- Deities: Helios, Ra, Aekhmet, Amaterasu
- The sun is in Leo until August 22. Leo is a fixed fire sign.
- Lion's Gate Portal (8/8)
- Moon Phases
- August 4: new moon in Leo
- August 13: second quarter moon in Scorpio
- August 19: full moon in Aquarius
- August 26: fourth quarter moon in Gemini
- Ancient August Celebrations:
- Portunalia (Roman, August 17)
- Vinalia Rustica (Roman, August 19)
- Consualia (Roman, August 21 and December 15)
- Vulcanalia (Roman, August 23)
- Hekatombaion (Greek, late July to early August): The first month of the Attic calendar, which included several festivals such as Panathenaea and Hekatombaia.
- Akitu (Ancient Mesopotamia, New Year Festival, date varies): Celebrated in honor of the god Marduk, marking the beginning of the agricultural year. The festival occurred twice a year, with the most significant celebration taking place in the spring, but it also had an autumn counterpart that could fall in late July or early August.
- Disablót (Norse, date varies, often held in late summer)
- August 1: Lammas / Lughnasadh
- August 18: Zhongyuan Festival (Chinese, Ghost Festival, date varies in lunar calendar, often falls in August)