Dear Spinning Circle,
This month, we are joined by Rachel Richardson, who is a long-time member of Wool n' Spinning -- she's been an endless cheerleader for me and I hope you gain some knowledge, inspiration and maybe even develop your own daily practice from watching/listening to Rachel!
Direct YouTube Link.
Find Rachel on Instragram @raerich
and on the Slack channel as @Rachel Richardson
Please don't hesitate to reach out to Rachel!
Thank to Rachel for joining me this month - I will definitely seek her out again once she's finished her flax journey to talk about that -- I'm sure we are all on pins and needles wondering about that! I hope you enjoyed our conversation!
Thank you again to Rachel for coming onto the show!
Patreon Link here
If you would like to come onto Wool n' Spinning Radio as my guest, tell your story and let us get to know you some more, please send me a message and we will coordinate a time! You are always welcome!
Until next time,