We decided to get together for another conversation since we had so many topics we left in our last conversation! This is Part II of my conversation with Kai and Becca, two very active members of our Patreon community. If you missed Part I, please check it out here.
This time, we chatted about slow cloth, slow living and railing against our fast-paced world to remember to value how things are made, the true cost of items that surround us in our everyday world and moving forward mindful of these concepts.
Becca mentions a podcast that she listens to and quotes in the episode. It can be found here.
I hope you enjoy the conversation! If you'd like to be on Wool n' Spinning Radio, please send me a message through Patreon and I will work it into the schedule - I love getting to know the community. We all have so much value to offer one another and wisdom so let's share!
Patreon Link here
Until next time, Happy Spinning!