Dear Spinning Circle,
This month, we are joined by community member, Ange, who some of you will know from our Maker Mornings. Ange has been a part of our community for a long while and has been incredibly supportive of those spindle spinning in our #spindlespunsummer along that we've been finishing up!
Watch on YouTube here
In answer to some questions she'd fielded on her YouTube channel, she made a great video about support spindling that many within our community have watched and found incredibly helpful! It can be found here if you haven't seen it (highly recommended!).
YarnNYarns YouTube channel here
RainbowAnge on Instagram here
Things we talked about:
Soulful Spinning YouTube channel here
Enid Ashcroft spindles here
Woodland Handcrafts spindles here
The Spindle Shop here
Pattern via Ravelry: Aurealis by Jennifer Stiengass
Pattern via Ravelry: Bluebird of Happiness by Sara Elizabeth Kellner
Pattern via Ravelry: Hellik by Stephen West
Thank you so much to Ange for spending the time with me today & for sharing her journey!
I hope you will tune in again next month as I chat with more fibre people about their love of all things spinning, making & more!
If you would like to come onto Wool n' Spinning Radio as my guest, tell your story and let us get to know you some more, please send me a message and we will coordinate a time! You are always welcome!
Patreon Link here
Until next time,