Dear Spinning Circle,
Welcome 2024! I hope this finds you happy, healthy & excited for the new year. I know here in my home, we have had a very quiet week, watching a couple of movies, soccer games & attending a hockey game (very Canadian of us). The kids had never been to a hockey game before so that was fun sharing that joy with them!
Today, Rebecca and I sat down to chat about the upcoming year here at Wool n' Spinning. The overarching theme of the next two years will be Sarah Anderson's The Spinner’s Book of Yarn Designs. We will be tackling the book in regular increments - see the syllabus here - with regular releases of content (Spinning Purls) from myself that touch on key points from within the book.
For a comprehensive overview of the options involved to engage in our 2-year book study - check out this post here. It is also available on the blog here.
Access to the Ravelry thread here
Access previous Wool n' Spinning Radio Episodes here
We also talked a little bit about the coming year. We began with tackling some overarching goals we both have for 2024, including a discussion of the following questions:
I hope you enjoyed our conversation! We have a few more questions we ran out of time to discuss today so we will pick up the thread of the conversation next month - see you then!
Have a wonderful holiday season - Happy New Year once again! Comment below with questions as they come up - if you're wondering, so are others!