Dear Spinning Circle,
This month, Katrina and I take a deep dive into looking back on the year, as well as looking forward. We chat about what it means to look after ourselves and fill our own buckets so that we can fill others, as well as how we see our making unfolding in the new year. Katrina has a very specific goal she wants to fulfill, which she shares and I wish her all the best as she embarks on this next step in her personal making! It will be so exciting to see her learn, grow and achieve new things!
In the introduction to the podcast, I announce a prompt for this episode so please take a moment to comment below - it will be a pleasure to see what you are all hoping to achieve as well!
Music used as part of the Creative Commons Licensing; Scott Holmes, "Storybook"
Patreon Link here
As always, happy spinning,
Rachel & Katrina