The role of art is to remind us of this beauty, to help us see what we've overlooked. Those who labor in the visual arts help us see what we have lost sight of. The poets and writers remind us of what we too easily forget: Life is beautiful. Even when life is tragic and painful, there is still beauty in it. We can say similar things about the artists working in music, theater, film, dance. They don’t just create beauty, they call attention to the beauty that already belongs to life. Life is beautiful. And ultimately life is beautiful because God is an artist. God doesn't mass produce anything. Not mountains, not snowflakes. He doesn't manufacture cheap clones. We share a common faith; the faith that confesses Jesus Christ is Lord. But each of us also has a unique story. We need to allow more latitude for diverse stories of saving grace. And not just diversity in how people encounter Christ, but diversity for how the life in Christ is lived out. Don't compare your story with others. We don't need an enforced conformity. We are each a unique poem of God.