God's people were living in exile in Babylon. The world around them had grown dark. No light. No temple. No Sabbath. No God. No hope. Into this dark cloud of despair comes a word from elsewhere from Isaiah of the Exile. He brings a word of comfort, a word of encouragement -- the God of Israel was coming to rescue and save.
Isaiah poetic word of prophecy was filled with seven themes:
1. God is creator. (Is. 40:28-31)
2. Israel is God’s servant. (Is. 43:10-11)
3. Idolatry is stupid. (Is. 44:9, 14-19)
4. Israel has sinned and thus suffered. (Is. 48:3-5)
5. God is compassionate. (Is. 49:13-18)
6. God’s messenger is coming. (Is. 52:7-8, 13-15; 53:1-9)
7. New creation awaits. (Is. 65:17-25)
In this we see the gospel in miniature.