Jesus, we sit with you in lament for the land.
We lament the long history of injustice that has been upon this land.
We weep for the Native Americans who were killed and driven from their land.
We weep for the African slaves who were sold and suffered in this land.
We weep for Native Americans who continue to suffer injustice in this land.
We weep for African Americans who continue to suffer injustice in this land.
We weep for the families of black men who have been unjustly killed.
We weep for the families of police officers slain while keeping the peace.
We weep for our children growing up in this violent land.
But while we weep, lament, and repent…
We do not give in to despair.
We look to God, for our hope is in God.
The psalmist said, “The meek shall inherit the land.”
Jesus, you said, “The meek shall inherit the earth.”
Lord, teach us to be meek and trusting, not greedy and clutching.
Jesus, you blessed those who hunger and thirst for justice.
We have a deep ache in the pit of our belly;
We have a searing thirst deep in our soul—
For this wounded land to see justice and be healed.
But we don’t know exactly what to do—
So Jesus, we sit with you.
We sit with you so we might see the deep truth—
That God is love…
And there is no them, there is only us.