Once we understand that Jesus is image of God, the exact imprint of God’s nature, and the only perfect theology, we can answer some important questions about God that in the past we humans have often gotten wrong.
Does God send the storm? No. He calms the storm.
Does God cause famines? No. He feeds the hungry.
Does God inflict sickness? No. He heals the sick.
Does God shun sinners? No. He welcomes them.
Does God condemn the guilty? No. He saves them.
Does God blame the afflicted? No. He shows them mercy.
Does God resent human pleasure? No. He turns the water to wine.
Does God take our side in our hostilities? No. He humanizes the other side.
Does God kill his enemies? No. He forgives them.
Does God return with revenge on his mind? No. He comes with words of peace.