The Bible contains some shockingly brutal stories. Some of them involve gang rape, murder, and dismemberment. These are not the stories that we tell our children at bedtime. Many of these stories involve a merciless mob of people. Sodom is primarily about group violence from a merciless mob inflicted on foreigners. They are many stories of public stonings. Even the crucifixion of Jesus was at its roots a mob lynching. Lynch mobs never think of themselves as evil. But in fact, the merciless mob is the manifestation of the satan in its fullest form! An angry crowd is cruel, merciless, and stupid, but most of all, it is dangerous. If you follow an angry crowd you will almost certainly be wrong. Even if you're not wrong in the issue you will be wrong in spirit. The crowd is antichrist. Jesus loves you, but he does not love your angry crowd. Jesus never calls his people to join a crowd, only a little flock. Jesus never leads anything other than a gentle, peaceable, merciful minority.