Last week, as the House Managers presented their Impeachment case -- a step-by-step, rigorous, fact-based prosecution that clearly drew the connection between Donald Trump’s words and the violence that ensued in that very chamber little more than a month earlier - we thought back to the stirring words of the Senate Chaplain, Rear Admiral (Ret.) Barry C. Black following that failed insurrection.
At 4:45am on the morning of January 7th - just hours after an angry mob had violently attacked the US Capitol - a joint session of Congress certified the free and fair election of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States.
As the proceeding drew to a close - Vice President Mike Pence, who just hours earlier was targeted for execution by the mob in that very building - recognized the Senate Chaplain to give the final invocation.
Let’s listen to the powerful prayer offered by the Senate Chaplain, Rear Admiral (Ret.) Barry C. Black.
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