My guest is Catherine Vericolli, the Chief Transfer Engineer & Archive manager for Infrasonic Mastering. Catherine works on projects for Third Man, ORG Music, Oh Boy! Records, and Sun Records. This is Catherine's second appearance on the show. She originally appeared on WCA #035 in 2015.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Changing Audio Careers
- Moving to Nashville
- Moving Two Studios
- Selling Her House
- Getting Into Archiving
- The Economics of Archiving
- Nashville Recording Practices
- Academia
- Shifting Mindset
- Getting Settled
- Learning on The Fly
- Comparing Stress in Audio Jobs
- Play and Pray
- 90's Digital Formats
- World War 2 and Tape
- Archivists Anonymous
- Prosumer Audio
- Will The Transfer Work Runout?
- The Dixie Cups
Matt's Rant: Let's Read a Letter
Links and Show Notes
- Guest: Catherine Vericolli
- Host: Matt Boudreau
- Engineer: Matt Boudreau
- Producer: Matt Boudreau
- Editing: Anne-Marie Pleau
- WCA Theme Music: Cliff Truesdell
- Announcer: Chuck Smith