My guests today are Wesley Heaton and Kameron Lockwood, producers, engineers, and mixers from Indianapolis, Indiana. They are studio partners at Holy Ground Productions and have extensive live sound experience working with bands like Bingo Boys, Skeletonwitch Rituaal, and Pillars.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Studio Location And Name
- Early Friendship Timeline
- Growing Up Experiences
- Meeting Through Audio
- Live Sound Frustrations
- Musical Background Origins
- Gear Acquisition Journey
- First Paid Recordings
- Studio Environment Challenges
- DIY Venue Recordings
- Recording School Experiences
- Self-Education In Audio
- Recording With Anthrax
- Transition From Live Sound
- Studio Construction Challenges
- Importance Of Deposits
- Business Partnership Dynamics
- Studio Community Focus
- Lessons From First Studio
- Hospitality And Client Comfort
Matt's Rant: Perfection
Links and Show Notes
- Guest: Wesley Heaton and Kameron Lockwood
- Host: Matt Boudreau
- Engineer: Matt Boudreau
- Producer: Matt Boudreau
- Editing: Anne-Marie Pleau
- WCA Theme Music: Cliff Truesdell
- Announcer: Chuck Smith