World of Warcast: A World of Warcraft Podcast
Our weekly look at the news of WoW and what we did this week:
Wanderer’s Festival Achieve
Galleon for the first time + amazing loot
Monk @ 80
AH woes
Monk to 81. Decided to slow down.
Did LFR ToT last night.
Will start PvP again tonight.
Lack of motivation for dailies.
Just like Firelands, it feels forced and I don’t like not flying.
News and views:
Should you be able to start at 55 if you already have a 90 of the same race?
If you could align yourself with one non-main faction, what would it be?
Oondasta - the grave maker
- Will be spawning more often
Automatic flight point discovery was not intended in 5.1