World of Warcast: A World of Warcraft Podcast
50% off Swift Windsteed for one week only
Patch 5.4 will not bring epic gems to Mists
Blizzard releases more information on Connected Realms
Blizzard introduces The Burdens of Shaohao Prelude: The Vision
Blizzard music now available on Pandora
WoW Insider is looking for hunter and mage columnists
Priest to 82
Can no longer get Benediction. Boo :(
Soloed MC up to Gehennas
Got two pieces of Darkmoon gear for her
Found that the level 85 heirlooms don’t scale AT ALL
What did I miss? Oh, everything.
I went to Northrend and Grizzly Hills and looked at Jewelcrafting and Skinning and LW IN REAL LIFEZ