World of Warcast: A World of Warcraft Podcast
Patch 5.4.2
In-game raid/world boss LFG that works
O->Raid->Other Raids
Account-bound items can now be mailed cross-server/faction
In-game store now live. (note location)
Some stuff on sale.
Monks still overpowered
Customer service button moved (but I still see it)
Game menu->Help
How to break OQ
Arenas - got a chestpiece
ICC 25 broken, but cust. service to the rescue!
Farming still working out on Sunsong.
Healing Celestials, fight mechanics
PVP build, Tol Barad farming easy honor (ohhh the memories!)
Ugh Mage, and DK for that matter.
OMG NICE PEOPLE, pet, lock, wipe
Galactic Starfighter