Warcast turns 12 on Sunday! Thanks to everyone who has listened to and supported the show all these years.
Mike and Ren go off on an unexpected tangent about games and age - have you changed your gaming habits as you got older?
Dinner with Thorn and Thyst in meatspace!
How to NOT recruit for your guild.
Mike finally gets Vial of the Sands after a week of farming.
- Was it worth it?
- Can you undercut the competition?
- How much are the mats and how much profit would you make?
Authentication issues with the Legion app (Mike had login issues with the game as well).
This week:
Darkmoon Faire! With the start of Blight Boar?
Fireworks on the 4th.
Fire Festival ends the 5th.
Patch 7.3 hitting PTR https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20757296503
First wing of ToS LFR opened up.
Blizz taking action against accounts that advertize raid clears for money.
It’s summer! http://blizzardwatch.com/2017/06/27/qiraji-guardling-summer-pet-wow/
The Necromancer arrives in D3 $15
Overwatch hoodies from Jinx
Mention of class development Reddit AMA that happened last Friday - https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/6j2wwk/wow_class_design_ama_june_2017/?st=j4inb11y&sh=c7617731
Discord! https://discord.gg/0igWZxupFC0N8mH4