World of Warcast: A World of Warcraft Podcast
Life invasions > demon invasions
WoW - still plugging away at exalted
- finished Armies of Legionfall
Diablo III -- Season 11 started 8 PM EST on July 20, running a necro
- When I checked at 20 hours in, the highest season necro was level 70 and running level 86 greater rifts (GR 60= T13). I was level 8 and grateful for pants.
- Necro is level 70 running T4 (GR 17)
How to report a bot
Related: Vial of the Sands no longer crowded on the AH
Changes to world bosses
- bosses like Withered Jim
- rotation is currently random but will be changed to a fixed rotation
Raiding with Leashes V - The Cuteaclysm
- Collect in Bastion of Twilight (3 pets), Blackwing Descent (3 pets), Throne of the Four Winds (2 pets), Firelands (4 pets), and Dragon Soul (3 pets).
- 8 of the 15 pets are elemental pets. There are also 2 magic, 2 dragonkin, and 1 each of mechanical, undead, and beast.
- Achievement reward is the Amalgam of Destruction, an elemental pet.
- Christie Golden writing another novel. No idea what it’s about yet.
- ToS Wing 3 on the PTR
- No more XP or Vista support come October, except Overwatch
- Russell Brower leaving Blizzard after 12 years.
Aker sends us a lot of information about what it's like to be in Method.