Still experiencing life invasions, still playing Diablo III (up to T11, level 50 GRifts)
Haven’t had much time to do anything else
Hit the 500k mark
Started playing the warrior again - up to 17, but too early to tell if it’s a good fit because I can one-shot everything.
Wanted to play the priest. No time.
Timewalking mount
This week in WoW
Northrend Timewalking Dungeon Event
Darkmoon Faire this weekend (8/6-13)
New Darkmoon Dirigible mount coming in 7.3 for 180 tickets -- start saving now!
New cat mount/pet
We talk about today's Twitch Q&A session w/Ion.
Other news
7.3's Blood of Sargeras: Primal Sargerite
new crafting reagent
Transmute: Primal Sargerite (1 Primal Sargerite from 25 Blood of Sargeras)
recipe comes from Alchemist Funen in a new zone, Krokuun
Argus world quest rewqrds
If you are revered with Armies of Legion, can purchase a shoulder enchant that will increase drop of Light's Fortune, which contains Primal Sargerite
What requires Primal Sargerite:
all kinds of new recipes for armor, jewelcrafting, engineering, alchemy
example: Tears of the Naaru (shows all demons on minimap for 30 minutes)
Primal Obliterum: needed to advance crafted armor to 935
Why Icy Veins says to dump Defiled Augment Runes before patch 7.3
"Patch 7.3 comes adds a new faction called Army of the Light and at Exalted you can buy a new BoP rune that has the exact same stats as the old one (Lightforged Augment Rune). It seems it won't get consumed on use, so Defiled Augment Rune will be relevant only by the time players reach Exalted with the new faction. "