World of Warcast: A World of Warcraft Podcast
Episode 264
LIfe invasions continue - but for good reasons
New microphone! (and why it’s a commitment stand-in)
Seeing if I can resurrect the original Renata (but not til 6 PM tonight)
Level 72 shaman
Diablo III
Contemplating a hardcore run for new Seasons (starts Nov 9)
New undead murloc necromancer pet rocks
Got Naxxy, and Pepe is uncomfortable on my Gilnean form witch hat
Horseman’s Reins
Steamwheedle rep does work in Badlands
And Tanaris
Can’t really find any other post-cata quests.
Is there something I’m missing because killing mobs for 2 rep each is not fun.
Timewalking - got a 905 chest, iLvl went down one point lol.
This Week in WoW
Hallows End ends (Wed Nov 1)
Day of the Dead starts (Nov 1 - Nov 3)
World Quest Bonus Event starts (Tues Oct 31)
Shaman Challenge
First two Finishers!
Filius, with troll shaman Shameena reached level 110 in 4d 5h 44m and 14s.
Jemela, Draenei shaman 2 days 10 hours 45 minutes, 41 seconds
Token prices on the rise again - noted by Discord user JSHMLR
190k on US servers average, 290k on European servers
Patch 7.3.2 - Documented changes
Includes additional tuning for Antorus, but the raid isn’t open yet
Balance druid and elemental shaman changes -
Shamanistic Healing trait redesigned - now heals for increasing amount per rank (was fixed) with a fixed cooldown for 30 seconds (was 30 seconds minus 2 seconds per rank)
Three new class hall missions giving follower armor rewards
Added a Primal Sargerite vendor to the Vindicaar
Can now sell a number of legacy class set items back to vendors
*SPOILERS about the next expansion?*
As of today, until Oct 31, Wowhead is giving away 15 Blizzcon Virtual Tickets. Visit Wowhead for entry details.
It’s next week!
Possible leak of the expansion title?