This interview with Jack Fisk was recorded as part of my research for the book The Magic Hours: The Films and Hidden Life of Terrence Malick. As such it was never meant for broadcast but with Jack's permission I'm presenting this edited version. Jack picks up from part one to talk about his later collaborations with Malick on The Thin Red Line and The New World, as well as his work on the Weightless Trilogy.
My book is now available from all good book shops and online sources, including here.
Camille Saint-Saëns: Le Carnaval des Animaux
Pianos: Neil and Nancy O'Doan
Orchestra: Seattle Youth Symphony, conducted by Vilem Sokol.
Composed 1886; recorded c. 1980.
Source The Al Goldstein collection in the Pandora Music repository at
Used under the license.
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