This week Mary interviews Melissa on writing for television. We're going to dig into some of the basics and answer some questions on structure and format. Where do we start? How do we know if we're doing it right? When do I invest in a course or coach? Do I need to move to L.A.? *Note this episode was pre-recorded.
Recommended Resources
Scriptnotes Podcast
Children of Tendu Podcast
LA TV Writers Facebook Group
Trying to find TV Scripts from your favorite shows? Check these two online libraries. Or if you're in LA (Post Pandemic visit the Writer's Guild West Library).
Software - Final Draft, Writer Duet, Scrivener, Celtx
Are you thinking about writing for the big or small screen? Hit us up on social media with your questions or thoughts! Also, any black writers struggling to start out as a writer feel free to DM Melissa with questions or a free Zoom chat to discuss your next steps.
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