Written in Uncertainty: An Elder Scrolls Lore Podcast
Today Written in Uncertainty leaves Tamriel and heads east. No, not to Akavir. To the islands of Ynslea, and its bat-elf people, the Echmer. We sit down with Uutak Mythos creator At-Hatoor/IceFireWarden to discuss elves, bats, souls, perspectives, colonialism and a bunch of other stuff in the context of the Elder Scrolls. Enjoy!
Interview transcript: https://writteninuncertainty.com/podcast/uutak-interview/
Link to the Uutak Mythos Discord: https://discord.gg/BE9YThAF6g
Uutak on UESP: https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/General:Uutak_Mythos
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