139 avsnitt • Längd: 70 min • Månadsvis
All about the afterlife without the ”woo.”
This show is hosted by Liz, a sciencey-skeptic who delves into exploring evidence of an afterlife, asking skeptical but open-minded questions of psychic mediums, scientific researchers, and ordinary people who have had inexplicable experiences.
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The podcast WTF Just Happened?!: All about the afterlife. No woo. is created by Elizabeth Entin. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Full Notes on Her Life was Saved by a Near Death Experience with Betty Guadagno Episode 126
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Betty Guadagno’s journey began in a world of hardship and trauma, navigating drug addiction, prostitution, and the tragic loss of both her parents to suicide. Her life took a profound turn in March 2019, following a near-death-like experience from a drug overdose.
During this experience, she went through a detailed life review, reconnected with loved ones who had passed, and was shown her divine mission.
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Guest: James Bonato, NDE (Near Death Experience) Documentary Film Maker Episode 125
Full Notes on "Peace on Both Sides of the Gate" with James Bonato Episode 125
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James Bonato is a documentary film maker who created "Peace on Both Sides of the Gate" which shares the personal stories of a selection of people who have experienced NDEs. Documentary films are his passion as his mission in life is to make a positive difference which he attacks every day. Love is the cornerstone of life, something his NDEs taught him while making the film "Peace on Both Sides of the Gate".
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Guest: Gabriel Sereni, Psychic Medium, B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy (2002)
Full Notes on The Experience, History and Research of Mediumship with Gabriel Sereni|
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! SeriesGabriel Sereni is an experienced intuitive coach, medium, healer, and teacher with over 20 years of experience in the transformation space. He has also taken many classes at The Rhine and taught them. A medium himself, he has dedicated time to studying the history and research of mediumship.
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Full Notes on Water Mediumship with Psychologist Annette Childs, PhD Episode 123
Also go to full show notes for the Eulogy and photos of her friend, Bill Andrews.
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Dr. Annette Childs holds a Ph.D. in psychology and for more than 30 years has maintained a private practice assisting individuals and families to grow through difficult transitions.
She is the author of four award-winning books and the critically acclaimed Caregiver Education Program Living with Dying.
A natural intuitive, Dr. Childs has created Rx for the Soul®, a unique form of insight-based therapy that melds the intuitive arts with education on quantum entanglement and the afterlife sciences.
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Guest: Lynn K. Russell, Author of Beyond NDEs, The Next Step in Near-Death Experience Research.
Full Notes on Researching 2500 Near-Death Experience Cases with Lynn K. Russell Episode 122
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Lynn K. Russell studied religions most of her life in the search for truth. That quest for spiritual search culminated with the research she did for Dr. Jeffery Long’s book, Evidence of the Afterlife. In the process she researched 2500 cases
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Guest: Julie Ryan, Psychic Medium, Medical Intuitive, Author and Podcast Host of "Ask Julie Ryan"
*Free Gift for listeners/watchers: Audio and Digital copy of Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next: http://julieryangift.com*
Full Notes on Psychic Medium and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan Episode 121
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Psychic Medium and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has and facilitate energetic healings. She can communicate with spirits both alive and dead. Julie can scan animals, access people’s past lives, and she can tell how close to death someone is.
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Guest: Diane Hennacy Powell, MD, neuropsychiatrist, author, researcher on autistic savants.
Book: The ESP Enigma
Podcast: The Telepathy Tapes
Full Notes on Telepathic Abilities in Autistic Savants Diane Hennacy Powell, MD, Episode 120
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Diane Hennacy Powell, MD is a neuropsychiatrist and internationally recognized expert on autism and savant syndrome. Her research, which focusses on autistic children who have ESP as a savant skill, has been presented at international scientific conferences and is featured in the popular podcast The Telepathy Tapes. She trained in neuroscience at Ohio State University and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where she received her MD and psychiatric training, and was formerly on faculty at Harvard Medical School.
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Full Notes on After Death Communication Changed her Mind About Life After Death with Jan Canty, Ph.D Episode 119
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Jan Canty, Ph.D. is a psychologist, writer, photographer, educator, consultant, podcast host and cancer survivor. She holds a degree in psychology as well as a post-doctoral fellowship in family therapy.
After the passing of her husband, due to murder, her life changed. She now hosts the podcast "Domino Effect of Murder" and is working on a third book, is working on a third book about psi phenomena following the death of a loved one.
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Guest: Alexandra Trev Coach who helps you say yes to life again.
Full Notes on Say Yes to Life and Goals Using some Spirituality with Alexandra Trev Episode 118
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Alexandra Trev is a coach who uses spiritual techniques such as manifesting to help people achieve their goals and say yes to life. She helps people overcome the blocks and trauma holding them back so they can live happier lives.
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Guest: Dr. Jim Roach - innovator, author, national speaker and advocate in integrative, functional, holistic health.
Full Notes on Teaching Patients About NDEs and Spirituality with Dr. Jim Roach, Holistic Doctor - Episode 117
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series After many years of working as a mainstream medical doctor, Dr. Roach revolutionized his approach to medicine and his personal life. Today he is a leading innovator, author, national speaker and advocate in integrative, functional, holistic health. He finds his greatest happiness in following his spiritual pathway – educating health practitioners and healing patients.
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Guest: Sally Douglas, Cofounder of Good Mourning Podcast + Grief Support Platform
Full Notes on "Good Mourning," Grief, and Signs with Sally Douglas Episode 116
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Sally Douglas is the co-founder of Good Mourning, a leading grief support platform and podcast. She is also an author, speaker and breathwork facilitator. After the sudden and unexpected passing of her mom, Sally became Passionate about breaking the silence around grief.
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Guest: Dr Karen Frances McCarthy, medium, scholar, and author of Till Death Don’t Us Part
Full Notes on “Till Death Don’t Us Part” with Karen Frances McCarthy PhD CSNU Episode 115
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Dr. Karen Frances McCarthy is a respected medium, scholar, and author of Till Death Don’t Us Part (White Crow Books, 2020) who has a deep interest in the intersections of literature, spirituality, and culture. She holds three Certificates of Recognition from the Spiritualist National Union (SNU) in mediumship, spiritual healing, and public speaking and has trained extensively at Arthur Findlay College in England.
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Guest: Anna Schmidt, Paranormal Specialist and Host of the Podcast, Perfectly Paranormal.
Full Notes on The Paranormal Specialist with Anna Schmidt Episode 114
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Anna Schmidt describes herself as a super sensitive psychic whose 40 year passion for the paranormal which began in childhood has evolved into a career specialising in professional paranormal house and property healing. Meaning she cleans the negative energies out of people’s homes. She works remotely cleansing properties worldwide of unwanted energetic trespassers and the emotional and trauma energy in homes that attract them. She is also host of the podcast Perfectly Paranormal.
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Guest: Dr. Tiffeny Todd, of Psychic Physics Department Chair and Associate Professor of Physics. Documentarian of Playing my Mind Symphony.
Full Notes on Lab Grown Brains with Tiffeny Todd, PhD Part 2 Episode 113
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Dr. Tiffeny Todd earned her PhD in physics from the University of California, Irvine where she researched a mechanism believed to give birds their ability to sense the Earth's magnetic field to navigate. Today she is a Department Chair and Associate Professor of Physics at Pierce College in Washington state. In January of 2024, she presented a new model for nonlocal consciousness at The Science of Consciousness conference hosted by the University of Arizona's Center for Consciousness Studies.
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Guest: Dr. Tiffeny Todd, of Psychic Physics Department Chair and Associate Professor of Physics. Documentarian of Playing my Mind Symphony.
Full Notes on The Science of Life After Death with Tiffeny Todd, PhD Part 1 Episode 112
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Dr. Tiffeny Todd earned her PhD in physics from the University of California, Irvine where she researched a mechanism believed to give birds their ability to sense the Earth's magnetic field to navigate. Today she is a Department Chair and Associate Professor of Physics at Pierce College in Washington state. In January of 2024, she presented a new model for nonlocal consciousness at The Science of Consciousness conference hosted by the University of Arizona's Center for Consciousness Studies.
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Guest: Brandon Schexnayder, Host of Southern Gothic Podcast
Full Notes on Ghost Stories with Southern Gothic Host Brandon Schexnayder - Halloween Special Episode 111
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Brandon, host of Southern Gothic Podcast, is a veteran audio engineer with a passion for pushing the boundaries of what’s possible between your earbuds. After a long career in Music Row recording studios, helping artists like George Strait and Lee Ann Womack make their albums, Brandon decided it was his turn to tell stories and create something for himself, so he enlisted the help of his sister Bryanne and Southern Gothic was born.
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Guest: Sandra Champlain, Author and Podcast
Full Notes on We Don't Die with Sandra Champlain Episode 110
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Sandra Champlain is the author of the #1 international best selling book "We Don't Die - A Skeptic’s Discovery of Life After Death" and host of "We Don't Die Radio" and "Shades of the Afterlife” with well over 600 combined episodes. She organizes online medium classes, courses, demonstrations and the non-denominational weekly “Sunday Gathering.” Sandra is a highly respected author, speaker, entrepreneur who is committed to make a difference in the lives of others.
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Guest: Dr. Natalie Dyer, Research Scientist
Full Notes on Harvard Trained Research Scientist on Spirituality, Reiki, and Finding Lost Cats with Dr. Natalie Dyer Episode 109
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Natalie Dyer, PhD, is a Research Scientist with Connor Whole Health at University Hospitals, Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute at University of California Irvine, and President of the Center for Reiki Research. Natalie obtained her Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Toronto, Doctorate in Neuroscience at Queen’s University and postdoctoral fellowships at Harvard University and Harvard Medical School.
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Guest: Dr. Jeffrey Dunne, President of the International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL)
Nexus | PEAR | Brenda Dunne
Full Notes on with Dr. Jeffrey Dunne, Episode 108
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Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Dr. Jeffrey Dunne is President of the International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL, www.icrl.org), an organization established in 1997 to continue the research of the effects of consciousness on physical systems carried out at Princeton University from 1979-2007. In addition to his own explorations into the nature of consciousness through ICRL, and several decades of research at the Johns Hopkins University in fields that ranged from acoustics to data science and artificial intelligence, Dr. Dunne is an award-winning playwright and author. Through his recently published novel, Nexus, Jeff weaves the concept of syntropy with the implications of the nature of consciousness into a story that speaks to the potentially-existential challenges humanity is facing, and highlights a path by which we can navigate towards a healthier, sustainable future
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Follow Dr. Jeffrey Dunne: ICRL | Nexus on Amazon |
Guest: Neal Grossman, PhD Philosopher, Professor, Author
Books: The Spirit of Spinoza, Conversations with Socrates and Plato, A Philosopher's Journey
Full Notes on Conversations with Dead Philosophers with Neal Grossman, PhD, Episode 107
Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Neal Grossman, PhD, studied History and Philosophy of Science at Indiana University, 1971. He then taught Philosophy at the University of Illinois at Chicago until 2013.
His first book, The Spirit of Spinoza: Healing the Mind, (ICRL, 2014) is a readable presentation of Spinoza’s remarkable system of spiritual psychotherapy. And his second book, Conversations With Socrates and Plato [iff books, 2019] describes “how a Post-Materialist Social Order Can Solve the Challenges of Modern Life and Insure Our Survival”.
Relevant papers: (i) Who’s Afraid of Life After Death?, JNDS, May, 2002; (ii) Four Errors Commonly Made by Professional Debunkers (Journal of Near-Death Studies, 26(3), Spring 2008) (iii) Review of “The Self Does Not Die”, JNDS, Journal of Near-Death Studies, 34(4), Summer 2016
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Guest: Rosa Hope, PhD Scientist in Spirituality
Full Notes on: Astrophysicist on an Afterlife with Rosa Hope, PhD, Episode 106
Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Rosa Hope, PhD is an award-winning scientist. Performing artist. World citizen. The pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and experience have been the guiding principles of Rosa's life. With four college degrees (including a PhD in astrophysics), years spent living across Europe and Asia, and extensive study of spirituality, religion, and metaphysics, Rosa endeavors always to gain a deeper understanding of herself, others, and the universe we inhabit. She aims to serve by helping others establish a deep and abiding connection to their own inner wisdom and achieve a more spiritually integrated life, often through the exploration of altered states of consciousness and experiences beyond death.
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Guest: Rachel Garrett, RN, CCH and Podcast host of Spiritual Spotlight Series
Full Notes on: How Could the Akashic Records Work? with Nurse Rachel Garrett, RN, CCH Episode 105
Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Rachel Garrett, RN, CCH is a Registered Nurse who specializes in many healing modalities.
She is an international spiritual thought leader who loves to teach others no matter where they are at in their journey. She is also a Master IET Instructor, Akashic Record Practitioner/Healer, and more. She has gotten medium and psychic information and we discuss how the akashic records could possibly work. It’s pretty encouraging when Nurses and anyone trained in the medical field is open to this stuff. She is also host of the Spiritual Spotlight podcast and she offers a range of transformative and healing modalities.
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Guest: Bridget Cook-Burch aka "The Book Whisperer." Founder of Your Inspired Story and SHEROES United
Full Notes on: Seeing Who People Really Are After a Near Death Experience with Bridget Cook-Burch aka "The Book Whisperer" Episode 104
Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Bridget Cook-Burch's life was transformed after a Near Death Experience in her 20's. She became inspired to help others share their stories of transformation.
Her clients call her “The Book Whisperer”. She is a New York Times & Wall Street Journal bestselling author, mentor, trainer, mamma-bear humanitarian, and speaker known for riveting stories of transformation.
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Guest: Robert Christophor Coppes, Author of "Impressions of Near-Death Experiences"
Full Notes on: "Impressions of Near-Death Experiences" with Robert Christophor Coppes, PhD Episode 103
Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Robert Christophor Coppes is a scientist and retired financier, has studied NDEs for decades and has lectured on this topic in the US and Europe. His latest book on NDEs is called “Impressions of Near-Death Experiences” and it in fact is a compilation of hundreds of quotes from experiencers. He considers them the best tutors in life. He lives in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
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Guest: Johanna J. Lunn, Founder of When You Die Project
Full Notes on: What Happens When We Die with Johanna J. Lunn Episode 102
Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Johanna J. Lunn is an award-winning producer and director with more than 35 years of film and television experience. Currently she is using her lifelong curiosity about the death and dying process to bring documentaries about "What happens when we die," to life.
Johanna is the founder of the When You Die Project, which seeks to foster good conversations around death by de-mystifying the dying process and reducing our fear of death through knowledge. Discussing what happens when we die with curiosity and compassion allows death to become a more natural part of life and can set the ground for healthy grieving.
Go to www.WhenYouDie.org for podcasts, resources, social media pages and to stream her award-winning documentaries:
Chapter 1: In the Realm of Death & Dreaming: Does consciousness continue after death?
Chapter 2: Saying Goodbye: Preparing for Death
Chapter 3: Architecture of Death: The Inner World of Dying
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Guest: Forensic Medium Sheila Marie
Full Notes on Solving Crimes with Forensic Medium Sheila Marie Episode 101
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Sheila Marie is a Forensic Medium who has made a significant impact in the field of criminal investigations. She has collaborated with the FBI and law enforcement agencies helping solve missing person cases and criminal investigations. Today, she is credited with resolving over 400 high-profile criminal cases, leaving an indelible mark on the world of forensic investigation.
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WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife
My first book is now available in audio on audible and apple!
What if everything you thought you knew about how the world worked was challenged?
Elizabeth “Liz” Entin considered herself a rational person who dismissed the concept of an afterlife as nothing more than wishful thinking. Shattered and lost after her dad’s unexpected death, she was moved to investigate if there was any scientific evidence of an afterlife. This exploration shook her understanding of the world to the core.
With a skeptical eye and a profound passion for understanding the inexplicable, Liz studies psychic mediums, takes classes on ghost hunting, attends a seance, attempts spoon bending and volunteers for an organization that scientifically researches mediums. When this organization holds a weekend conference, she finally gets a behind-the-scenes view into this world, where everything she has been studying culminates in one of the biggest WTF’s Liz has encountered. But is there actually enough evidence to prove we survive . . . that her dad is still with her?
Liz’s hilarious and honest take on the evidence behind life’s biggest mysteries is eye-opening for anyone who has ever wondered about the afterlife, but cannot be content with faith. This book will give you a reason to hope and leave you wondering what the f*ck just happened?!
WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic investigates even more evidence of an afterlife and fights for justice with her dead dog is now available for sale! Buy now on Amazon. Paper and other outlets will be available in about one week. In this sequel to WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife, Elizabeth “Liz” Entin continues to look for scientific proof of an afterlife. Something she had always considered about as realistic as the Tooth Fairy when she first began this “shot in the dark” search after the loss of her dad in 2015. Picking up where the first book left off, this second book in the series shows Liz once again using her analytical mind to research psychic mediums and the scientists who study them. No longer new to this strange world, she starts conducting her own “WTF can happen?!” experiments with mediums, studies under a former secret psychic spy from the United States Army, and learns from experts in paranormal activity. She tries to talk to dead people (including her dad), attempts to meet up with mediums in different dimensions, move objects with her mind, and applies CIA tactics to “spy” on faraway spots. She is still stunned when, during these attempts, the inexplicable continues to happen. In the process, she deepens previously unimaginable relationships with mentors who have studied this afterlife phenomena for almost 20 years—and keeps getting more and more evidence that everything she once thought about how the world (and the world beyond it) worked was way more extraordinary than she, a hard-core “sciencey-skeptic,” had ever imagined. And, in a subplot that seems to fall right in line with the weird trajectory of her life, and the humorous approach she takes to addressing life’s darker moments, Liz unexpectedly gets called as a secondary witness in the Harvey Weinstein case which despite its serious tones— is filled with the most hilarious twists, including “visits” from Liz’s late chihuahua, Peanut. Through it all, Liz continues to honestly address the reality of living with grief, call out frauds among the medium community, embrace her full awkwardness as she meets researchers she always admired, and share her continued shock that overall very normal people seem to be doing the impossible. Liz will not only have you laughing but will also leave even the biggest skeptic wondering (and hoping)… could this really be true? Could we actually survive death?
Guest: John Mathis, BA, RN - Near Death Experiencer, Reiki Master, Nurse
Full Notes on:
PART 1: Near Death Experiencer + Researcher John Mathis, BA, RN, Episode 99
PART 2: Verified Near Death Experiences with Researcher John Mathis, BA, RN, (Part 2) Episode 100
Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series John Mathis is a data scientist, nurse, Reiki Master, and has had more than one NDE, he also practices remote viewing and has had many OBEs, including ones that were verified. He has also had fascinating experiences with past life regressions.
He was fascinated enough by the NDE experiences, that he decided to research the topic.
He is also the author of Guitars, Cigars and Tiki Bars: A Guy's Guide to Spirituality.
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Guest: John Mathis, BA, RN - Near Death Experiencer, Reiki Master, Nurse
Full notes on Near Death Experiencer + Researcher John Mathis, BA, RN, Episode 99
Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series John Mathis is a data scientist, nurse, Reiki Master, and has had more than one NDE, he also practices remote viewing and has had many OBEs, including ones that were verified. He has also had fascinating experiences with past life regressions.
He was fascinated enough by the NDE experiences, that he decided to research the topic.
He is also the author of Guitars, Cigars and Tiki Bars: A Guy's Guide to Spirituality.
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Guest: Sarina Baptista, Psychic Medium, Author, and Mother of J.T.
Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Sarina Baptista developed psychic medium capabilities after the passing of her son J.T. Sarina Baptista is an Award-Winning Author, International Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, and Evidential Psychic Medium. She has two award-winning books, Finding Love and Purpose and My View from Heaven. Sarina discovered her gifts through her own tragedy – the passing of her seven-year-old son in March 2007. She learned that her son did not really die. He was still very close, and he led her to her incredible gifts
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Guest: Shaun Lether, Founder of Hawaiian IANDS, (International Association for Near-Death Studies)
Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Through a series of Spiritually Transformative Experiences, (STEs) Near-Death Experiences, (NDEs) and their powerful after-effects, Shaun Lether woke up to his true spiritual nature and discovered his life purpose. That purpose did not revolve around his previous successes in academics and business. Rather, his soul’s purpose centered around mind, body, and spirit healing, and being of service to others. Shaun is the founder and leader of Hawaiian IANDS, (International Association for Near-Death Studies) and leads Near-Death and STE sharing groups with many spiritual organizations. He also runs several NDE, STE, and Life After Death Facebook groups with a combined membership of over 1,100,000.
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Guest: Shaun Lether, Founder of Hawaiian IANDS, (International Association for Near-Death Studies)
Buy the books: WTF Just Happened?! Series Through a series of Spiritually Transformative Experiences, (STEs) Near-Death Experiences, (NDEs) and their powerful after-effects, Shaun Lether woke up to his true spiritual nature and discovered his life purpose. That purpose did not revolve around his previous successes in academics and business. Rather, his soul’s purpose centered around mind, body, and spirit healing, and being of service to others. Shaun is the founder and leader of Hawaiian IANDS, (International Association for Near-Death Studies) and leads Near-Death and STE sharing groups with many spiritual organizations. He also runs several NDE, STE, and Life After Death Facebook groups with a combined membership of over 1,100,000.
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My second book in the WTF Just Happened?! series, YES it's a series now, is ready for pre-order on Amazon.
Book two, WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic investigates even more evidence of an afterlife and fights for justice with her dead dog continues this crazy exploration into scientific evidence of an afterlife.
The ebook is currently available for preorder on Amazon: PREODER HERE
It will publish live on August 15th in ebook and paperback anywhere you get books! Buy me a coffee | WTF Just Happened Books | Science + Spirituality Salons | Newsletter
Buy the book: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife Sky Pelletier Waterpeace, MA, is a mathematician, author, and Outreach Trainer for the Monroe Institute. A former militant atheist, Sky had two NDEs several years apart. These experiences led ultimately to a complete transformation of his understanding of reality and of the nature of his true self.
Professor Waterpeace is the author or coauthor of a half dozen articles on pure and applied mathematics, and he has also published one novel and one book on super-efficient training methods for runners and other athletes. Follow Sky Waterpeace, MA: Website
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Guest: Sky Pelletier Waterpeace, MA, 2 Time Near Death Experiencer, Mathematician, author, and Outreach Trainer for the Monroe Institute.
Buy the book: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife Sky Pelletier Waterpeace, MA, is a mathematician, author, and Outreach Trainer for the Monroe Institute. A former militant atheist, Sky had two NDEs several years apart. These experiences led ultimately to a complete transformation of his understanding of reality and of the nature of his true self.
Professor Waterpeace is the author or coauthor of a half dozen articles on pure and applied mathematics, and he has also published one novel and one book on super-efficient training methods for runners and other athletes. Follow Sky Waterpeace, MA: Website
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Guest: Brianna Lafferty - Near Death Experiencer, Author, and Death Doula
Buy the book: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife Brianna is an award-winning author, international speaker, and a passionate Death Doula. After a lifetime of chronic illness, a near-death experience, and learning how to do what was thought to be impossible - healing, she is now passionate about helping others achieve the same. Whether it is planning for end-of-life matters, coping with grief, or gaining clarity about the spiritual world and the magic that it holds, Brianna has the life experience to assist. Follow Brianna Lafferty: Website | Instagram
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Guest: Philip Hasheider - Near Death Experiencer and Author of "Six Minutes in Eternity: A Memoir."
Full notes on "Six Minutes in Eternity" and Other Dimensions with Philip Hasheider Episode 92 Buy the book: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife Philip Hasheider is a Near Death Experiencer. He had a heart attack where he died, and was dead for 6 minutes before he was resuscitated. During this time he had an amazing NDE where he went to another dimension. He wrote a book about it called “Six Minutes in Eternity: A Memoir.”
He is also a farmer, writer and local historian. He’s the author of 30 books on farming, local history and family stories. He lives on a farm in South Central Wisconsin, with his wife Mary, and where pasture-grazed beef is a central part of their farm’s legacy. Follow Philip Hasheider: Amazon | Lisa Hagan Books
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Guest: Jeff Bomberger - Intuitive
Full notes on Develop Your Own Intuition with Jeff Bomberger Episode 91
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Jeff is the author of two books, Awakening Soul Force: A Practical Guide to Awakening the Truth Within and Be Still and Listen: A Guide to Unlocking Your Intuition. Jeff’s path has led him into a variety of fields and disciplines including fitness, filmmaking and politics, but his intuitive practice is the anchor that has remained through it all. Jeff is committed to helping others recognize their intuitive power and spiritual connection through sharing his direct experiences and creating inspired content!
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Guest: Amber Kasic - Shared Death Experiencer and Psychic Medium
Full notes on Shared Death Experience + Giving Gifts from Her Dad on The Otherside with Amber Kasic Episode 90
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Amber Kasic is an evidential medium, author, speaker, and former classroom teacher. After a shared death experience with her father in 2020, she began a journey of discovery and connection with our greater reality, guided by her dad in spirit. She shares that journey with audiences worldwide. She now inspires others to explore just what is possible in our lives, as love is limitless, and we are connected beyond our human understanding. It's Nature's Way.
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Flashback replay to my very first WTF Just Happened?!: All about the afterlife. No woo. episodes!
Guest: Psychic Medium Joe Perreta. Joe is certified by the Forever Family Foundation and participates in scientific research and studies conducted by major universities.
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Episode 1+2 1 ) Did a Psychic Medium Predict 9/11? Psychic Medium Joe Perreta - Part 1 - Episode 1 In the first episode of WTF Just Happened?!, where we bring you evidence of an afterlife and psi without the woo, we speak with Psychic Medium Joe Perreta. He talks with Liz about some bat shit experiences, such as a dream in which he predicted 9/11 when he was 12 years old and some surprising synchronicities. He explains that he questions his own abilities and discusses how a book he read, a dream, and another medium all came together to make him decide to pursue being a medium in the first place. 2) Why Don't Psychic Mediums Win the Lottery: Psychic Medium Joe Perreta Part 2 - Episode 2 In this episode Joe talks about a shocking time he got strong evidence he really was communicating with Liz's (dead) dad, why psychic mediums don't win the lottery, and more crazy, mind-blowing stuff.
Guest: Jeffrey C. Olsen. Near Death Experiencer and author of "Knowing" and "Where are You?"
Full notes on Near Death Experiencer Returns to Grief + Healing with Jeff Olsen Episode 89
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Jeffrey C. Olsen is a number one international best-selling author who inspires audiences globally with his intriguing story of perseverance and inner strength. After a horrific automobile accident took the lives of his wife and youngest son, also inflicting multiple life-threatening injuries to Jeff (including the amputation of his left leg) he found the courage to survive over 18 surgeries and eventually heal both physically and emotionally.
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Guest: Camille Dan Author of “Gathering at the Doorway: An Anthology of Signs, Visits, and Messages from the Afterlife” and “Aaron's Energy: An Unexpected Journey Through Grief and the Afterlife With My Brilliant Son. ”Cohost of "The Book Club Across the Veil"
Full notes on Staying Connected to her Son on The Other Side with Camille Dan Episode 88
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Camille Dan is an author and book club host. After the shocking passing of her son Aaron in 2019, she was shocked when he began to show he was still around. Aaron sent her signs, messages, and information of what it is like on The Other Side.
Camille, a previous critical care Nurse and investment manager, was a logical skeptic and this transformed her world.
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Guest: Angela Harris. Near Death Experiencer (NDEr), IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies) Board Member and Director of Groups + Events
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Angela Harris is a multiple near-death experiencer and has been an experiencer of all things spiritually transformative since she was a child. Serving as Director of IANDS Groups and Events immersed her in narratives and data about STEs (spiritually transformative experiences) which has given Angela depth and breadth of knowledge about these topics. She also serves on the IANDS Board of Directors.
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Guest: Amber Hadley - Psychic Medium, Marketer, and Podcast Host of The Psychic Apprentice
Google + Facial Recognition Technology?! How Can Mediums Use Tech with Medium + Marketing Expert Amber Hadley Episode 86
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Amber Hadley is a psychic medium who also works in marketing and therefore knows all the ways and extent to which people can and can’t use technology to get information on a person - the way fraudulent mediums might do. She is also host of the podcast The Psychic Apprentice, where each episode features a different guest who is an expert in the field of mediumship, psychic abilities, or paranormal phenomena.
Follow Amber Hadley: Apple | Zencastr | MatchMaker.fm
Guest: Christian Sundberg has memories of Pre-Birth.
Author of “A Walk in the Physical."
Full notes on Remembering Life Pre-Birth + Between Lives with Christian Sundberg Episode 85
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When Christian was a young child he remembered his existence before coming to Earth. While that memory left him completely for his early adult life, it spontaneously returned 13 years ago as Christian took up a meditation practice and went through a personal awakening journey. He also began to have Out of Body Experiences (OBEs).
Christian is the author of the book “A Walk in the Physical."
Guest: Ray Catania - author of “The Atheist and The Afterlife” + "You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It.”
Full notes on The Atheist + The Afterlife with Ray Catania Episode 84
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Ray Catania is the author of two books that are part of his "Awakening Series - the first one titled “The Atheist and The Afterlife” and his second book, "You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It.” He has experienced an NDE and despite dismissing anything more than the consciousness is created by a brain theory - too much happened (many evidential) and he could no longer deny something was happening.
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Guest: Jock Brocas - Evidential Medium, Grief Researcher, Paranormal Researcher, Founder of ‘Paranormal Daily News'
Podcast: Deadly Departed, The Pillars Of Grief Podcast
Books: Deadly Departed, Powers of the Sixth Sense, The Book of Six Rings
Full notes on Researcher + Evidential Medium Jock Brocas Episode 83
Jock Brocas is a paranormal + grief researcher, as well as an evidential medium. As a sought-after speaker, his lectures on grief, the afterlife, and the paranormal resonate deeply, offering profound insights grounded in academic research with experience and empathy.
He is the author of several books in spirituality and the afterlife. Jock also writes for several international magazines and is the founder of the globally respected ‘Paranormal Daily News'
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Guest: Medium Kim Russo - The Happy Medium
Forever Family Foundation Certified Medium (#FFFCertifiedMedium)
Windbridge Certified Research Medium
Author of: The Happy Medium + Your Soul Purpose
Host of: Celebrity Ghost Stories + The Haunting Of...
Full notes on Psychic Medium Kim Russo Talks Evidence + Science Episode 82
Kim Russo is an internationally-renowned Psychic Medium, intuitive counselor and spiritual teacher.
Kim's abilities have been tested and verified and is certified as a highly evidential Medium by The Forever Family Foundation and The Windbridge Institute for Applied Human Research. Kim is the host of the long running series "The Haunting Of..." and "Psychic Intervention" and is the author of "The Happy Medium - Life Lessons From The Other Side" and "Your Soul Purpose - Learn How to Access The Light Within"
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Guest: Martin Tanner, BA, JD co-founder, Chair, Vice President and a member of the Board of Directors of IANDS in Utah + North Carolina
Full notes on Near Death Experience (NDE) Expert, Cofounder of Utah IANDS, Martin Tanner BA, JD Episode 81
Martin has personally interviewed over 600 people who have had a Near-Death Experience, as well as leading researchers.
Martin Tanner, BA, JD, has been deeply involved in Near-Death Experience research since the late 1980's when he co-founded the Utah Chapter of IANDS. Since 1990, he has been Chair of Utah IANDS. He is currently Vice President and a member of the Board of Directors of The International Association for Near-Death Studies, Inc., in Durham, North Carolina. Originally a skeptic he is now convinced NDEs are real.
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Guest: William A. Donius, author of Thought Revolution: How to Unlock Your Inner Genius
Full notes on Unlocking Your Brain with William Donius Episode 80
William A. Donius came to this exploration of afterlife evidence in a unique way - by developing a methodology for unlocking innovation, intuition, and creativity that engages first the left side of the brain and then the right side. He spent the past ten years to conducting research with hundreds of test subjects to determine if this methodology could be applied to corporate America.
Very interestingly, as he has gone further, he has noticed that this exercise can open up intuitive and even possibly psychic and mediumship abilities.
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Guest: Tricia J. Robertson, President of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research (SSPR)
Full notes on Researching the Afterlife with Tricia J. Robertson, President of the Scottish Society of Psychical Research Episode 79
Tricia J Robertson is the previous president of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research. As a former teacher of mathematics and physics, she brings a grounded and science-minded approach to afterlife evidence and parapsychology. She has worked with Parapsychologist, Professor Archie Roy on researching cases at the SPR and taught a class at the University of Glasgow entitled “An In Depth Study of Psychical Research.”
She has researched and co-authored published papers with Professor Archie Roy, that follow controlled experiments in up to triple-blind conditions on psychic mediums.
She is the author of three books, ‘Things You Can Do When You’re Dead,’ ‘More Things You Can Do When You’re Dead,’ and ‘It’s Life and Death, but Not As You Know It’
Follow Tricia J. Robertson: Website | Amazon | Barnes+Noble
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Guest: Peter Panagore, MDiv
Full notes on He Died Twice. And Came Back. With Peter Panagore, Mdiv @ IANDS Conference Episode 78
Peter Panagore, MDiv, is an internationally acclaimed author and spiritual counselor. Best known for his Audible International Best-Seller, Heaven Is Beautiful: How Dying Taught Me That Death Is Just the Beginning, Panagore has had two near-death experiences that profoundly altered his life.
I met Peter Panagore, a two time Near Death Experiencer, at the IANDS - International association of Near Death Studies Conference.
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Guest: Mona Sobhani, PhD
Full notes on A Neuroscientist Explores Science of Spirituality with Mona Sobhani, PhD
Mona Sobhani, Ph.D., is a cognitive neuroscientist, author, and entrepreneur. She's a former research scientist at the University of Southern California, holds a doctorate in neuroscience from the University of Southern California and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Vanderbilt University with the MacArthur Foundation Law and Neuroscience Project.
She is the author of the Ommie 2022 Best Spiritual Book Proof of Spiritual Phenomena: A Neuroscientist’s Discovery of the Ineffable Mysteries of the Universe (Park City Press) and the substack Cosmos, Coffee, & Science substack. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, VOX, and other media outlets.
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Guest: Hospice Nurse Penny
Full notes on Hospice Nurse Penny on Death Bed Visions + Other Afterlife Evidence Episode 76
Penny Smith, BSN, RN, CHPN is a nationally certified hospice and palliative care registered nurse. She currently works as a hospice quality manager for an organization in Washington state operating three home hospice locations and an inpatient care center.
Penny is a passionate advocate for hospice education with a mission to normalize the end-of-life process to remove the stigma and fear around hospice care, death and dying. She gets her message out using a variety of teaching styles including Tiktok trends, dark humor, dancing and storytelling.
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Guest: Ben Sinclair Host of Unravelling the Universe Podcast
Full notes on Afterlife Research + UFOs with Ben Sinclair of Unravelling the Universe Episode 75
Ben Sinclair is the host of Unravelling the Universe. A podcast & YouTube Channel dedicated to long form video interviews with scientists, academics, researchers, and experiencers. The show explores phenomena related to three questions:
What happens after we die?
Are we alone in the Universe, or on Earth?
What is the nature of reality?
Ben has done a lot of research into these extraordinary phenomena and tries to balance his curiosity and open-mind with his natural skepticism.
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Guest: Zee Mendez, Akashic Record Consultant & Intuitive Clairaudient Medium
Full notes on Psychic Medium + Akashic Records Consultant Zee Mendez Episode 74
Suey (Zee) is an intuitive clairaudient psychic medium who also works with the Akashic Records. They began to feel energies strongly when they became pregnant and had to explore further. They had some remarkable and verifiable experiences.
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Guest: Royce Morales of Perfect Life Awakening
Full notes on Awakening This Life + Past Lives with Royce Morales Episode 73
Royce Morales is a Transformational Facilitator, Author, Blogger, Speaker, TV/Radio Host, YouTube creator. She is the founder of Perfect Life Awakening. Spiritually based courses and private inner work to transform you. This has involved past-life regressions.
She is host of "The Perfect Life Awakening Show."
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Guest: Jessica Greenwalt
Full notes on Is AI Conscious?with Jessica Greenwalt Episode 72
Is AI conscious? Can it be conscious? If it became conscious how would we know it was consciousness vs mimicking consciousness?
Jessica Greenwalt is a multiple award-winning designer, UX researcher, web developer, strategist, and digital artist.
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Guest: George Williams, PhD Full notes on Brain as a Filter with George Williams, PhD Episode 71 George Williams, PhD focuses on theories and research of what psi data can tell us about the nature of consciousness. One of his main theories is the FIIT (Filter Integrated Information Theory), which states that the brain is a filter of our consciousness. It does not create our consciousness. George has a wide, interdisciplinary background. As an undergraduate, he studied engineering at Vanderbilt, then worked at IBM for 8 years. He switched to a different direction and studied literature at Maharishi International University, where he also became very curious about the notion of group consciousness. Then, the pursued a doctorate in economics at Northwestern University. Since the late 90s, he has worked as an economist in a government agency. Follow George Williams, PhD: Papers | Google Scholar
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Guest: Dr. Mary is an Energy Healer and Host of the Podcast Energy Medicine
Full notes on Energy Medicine with Dr. Mary Episode 70
Dr. Mary has over 25+ years of experience as a self-employed business woman and consultant … AND 15 years ago, she experienced burnout firsthand and crashed hard! At the time, she didn’t have the necessary tools or resources to navigate the difficult period in her life, so she panicked and ran away to the other side of the world. Now, she is wholeheartedly committed to supporting women who want to transform the way they show up in this world and experience thriving health, happiness, and purpose, utilizing the tools of energy medicine, spiritual embodiment, and meditation.
Dr. Mary is the host of the internationally acclaimed podcast Energy Medicine where she talks about all things that align the mind, body and spirit.
Dr. Mary earned her doctorate in Chiropractic from Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, MO. She completed her Certificate in Positive Psychology from the Wholebeing Institute in Lennox, MA and studied under Dr. Tal Ben Shahar. In addition, she completed her Masters in Intuition Medicine® from the Academy of Intuition Medicine® in Sausalito, CA and studied under Dr. Francesca McCartney.
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Guest: Psychic Medium Gail Hayssen. Host of A Small Medium at Large podcast
Full notes on Scientifically Researched Psychic Medium Gail Hayssen Episode 69
Gail Hayssen is known today in the research community as a telepath, psychic and ‘remote viewer’ — someone who accurately sees distant or future events.
She has worked with top researchers in parapsychology including Dr. Dean Radin and Russel Targ. The chapter on Telepathy in Dr. Dean Radin’s international bestseller Supernormal describes one of many successful paranormal experiments with Gail as the subject. She has contributed to many experiments and papers on paranormal phenomena.
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Guest: Claire Campagna, Energetic Alignment Coach for Entrepreneurs
Full notes on Human Design + Astrology with Claire Campagna Episode 68 Claire discusses her work with Human Design and Astrology. Claire uses Human Design, astrology, and intuitive guidance to support burnt out & overwhelmed entrepreneurs to create their own CUSTOMIZED paths to flow & freedom in their businesses. What exactly is Human Design? How does it differ from Astrology? What is the science or verification behind either, if there is any?
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Guest: Dr. Àlex Gómez-Marín Theoretical Physicist + Neuroscientist
Full notes on "Seeing Without Eyes" with Dr. Àlex Gómez-Marín Episode 67 Dr. Àlex Gómez-Marín prize prize-winning proposal, "Seeing without Eyes," tests the EOV (Extra Ocular Vision) concept. He conducted studies where he tested if blind people and blind-folded people were able to “see” and report what they were seeing. Could they read? Accurately report colors?
'Seeing Without Eyes’ was a winner of The Linda G. O’Bryant Noetic Sciences Research Prize for The Institute of Noetic Sciences.
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Guest: Luis Minero: Author, Researcher and Lecturer
Author of Demystifying the Out-of-Body Experience: A Practical Manual for Exploration and Personal Evolution
Founding partner of Mosaic Wellness and Health
Luis Minero is a researcher and teacher on having an OBE - Out of Body Experience. He is author of "Demystifying the Out-of-Body Experience: A Practical Manual for Exploration and Personal Evolution."
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Full notes on Out of Body Experiences with Luis Minero Episode 65
Guest: Adam Dince
Hypnotherapist and author of Back to the Beyond, Exploring Near-Death Experiences Through Hypnosis
From the IANDS (International Association of Near-Death Studies) Conference Adam developed a new hypnotherapy modality for near-death experience (NDE) regressions. Follow Adam Dince: Website | Book | TikTok | Instagram
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Full notes on Exploring Near-Death Experiences Through Hypnosis with Adam Dince Episode 64
Guest: Jonathan Pritchard Entertainment Mentalist + Mind Reader For 15+ years Jonathan Pritchard toured the world as a Mentalist which is type of entertainer specializing in apparently reading minds, predicting the future, instant hypnosis, and other impossible skills. Eventually he realized his talents could do more than entertain people, and that’s when he began consulting for the world’s largest companies. Jonathan Pritchard is the founder of ZAVANT enterprises and the author of multiple books focused on the power of applied psychology. Having a stage mentalist on this podcast can show the difference between a genuine psychic medium and an entertainer. Follow Jonathan Pritchard: Website | YouTube | Amazon | LinkedIn | Card Trick
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Buy me a coffee | Get the Book | Science + Spirituality Salons Full notes + Photos on Genuine Psychics versus Entertainment Mind Readers with Mentalist Jonathan Pritchard. Episode 63
Guest: Mike Anthony Mike Anthony is the author of Love, Dad: How My Father Died... Then Told Me He Didn't. He also has an appearance where he shares part of his story in Netflix Surviving Death docuseries. When Mike Anthony’s father unexpectedly died, his family was left shocked and utterly devastated. However, when a phone call came out of the blue delivering a complete stranger’s message that Mike’s dad had contacted her from “the other side,” it kicked off a chain of events that would entirely change Mike’s family’s perspective on life, death, and the transcendent nature of love. Follow Mike Anthony: Website | Book | Amazon | Instagram
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Buy me a coffee | Get the Book | Science + Spirituality Salons Full notes + Photos on "Love Dad, How My Father Died, Then Told Me He Didn't" Author, Mike Anthony. Episode 62
Guest: Psychic Medium Emrie Oliver
Being very science-minded, involved in STEM, and skeptical, Emrie always demanded evidence and verification. She has had remarkable out of body experiences (OBEs) and medium readings where she got very strong evidence. And some inexplicable experiences, that might not have been evidential, but are still absolutely mind-blowing.
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Full notes on Meeting People Out of Body and Other Evidence with Psychic Medium Emrie Oliver. Episode 61
Guest: Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR. Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)
Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR, is the Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Neurology at Oregon Health & Science University. She completed her undergraduate degree at University of California Berkeley in Anthropology and Pre-Medicine. She obtained her clinical doctorate at the National University of Natural Medicine. She obtained her Master of Clinical Research from Oregon Health & Science University where she has been on faculty in the department of neurology since 2006. She also completed two post-doctoral research fellowships.
She spent her childhood in a family that channeled, where she learned about the possibility of an afterlife at a young age. She is the author of "The Science of Channeling: Why You Should Trust Your Intuition and Embrace the Force That Connects Us All."
Learn more about Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR and IONS: Website | Book | IONS | IONS LinkTree | Instagram @IONSOnline
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In this episode:
- How did Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR become involved with IONS
- Originally she was interested in research on meditation
- IONS has different divisions: IONS Discovery Lab (IDL), a division on how practical applications of consciousness can affect the physical world.
- IONS has a division that studies channeling
- Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR defines channeling broader than how people often define it as a medium channeling a discarnate during a seance.
- IONS conducts many fascinating and unique studies
- There was a fascinating study conducted by Deam Radin on sending positive energy to chocolate and tea
- Channeling was a big part of her childhood
- There were some highly evidential examples of channeling in her family that she witnessed herself
- When she was a holistic doctor, she would often get downloads about the root cause of some patient's issues
- What are some of the most amazing experiments she has participated in
- What could it be like in the afterlife.
- IONS has given awards to some of the best experiments on afterlife evidence and non-local consciousness
...and more
Guest: Brittany Quagan, M.S., LPC - Yale University COPE Project Co-director, Psychic Medium + Therapist
Brittany Quagan, M.S., LPC is a therapist, reiki practitioner, and a psychic medium. She was also Co-director, working with neuroscientist Dr. Al Powers on the Yale University COPE Project.
The Yale University COPE Project researched people who reported hearing voices in various forms. They studied differences of people who find this a problem and cannot control these voices, as well as those who do not and are able to control the voices, such as psychic mediums.
Brittany Quagan is in a unique position as both a psychic medium and a therapist to help end the stigma that the mental health field often has of psychic mediums.
According to her website, Brittany Quagan, has "worked in mental health and wellness for over ten years. She has a Masters Degree of Science in Clinical Counseling and Human Services, as well as a License in the State of Connecticut as a Professional Counselor. She is an anti-racist and LGBTQIA+ affirming therapist.
She herself struggled with debilitating anxiety, panic disorder, depression, and low self-esteem, which you can learn more about on her website. She has been named one of the top 10 life coaches, and top ten Reiki healers in Connecticut in 2018 and 2019.
"As a person with lived experience and with deep roots in spirituality and spiritual healing, I worked alongside neuroscientists, therapists, psychic/mediums, spiritual healers, parapsychologists, advocates, and other persons with lived experience to learn from one another, from the experiences others have, and how we can use the strengths and skills that those doing well use to help those who might be struggling with distressing experiences."
- Brittany Quagan, M.S., LPC
Learn more about Brittany Quagan, M.S., LPC: Website
Yale University COPE Project (Control Over Perceptual Experiences.): On IMHU | Website
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Full notes on Yale University COPE Project Co-director, Psychic Medium + Therapist Brittany Quagan, M.S., LPC Episode 59
Guest: Rebecca Williamson, owner of Cambre House and Farm
Rebecca Williamson is the owner of Cambre House and Farm, a haunted wedding venue outside of Nauvoo Illinois. She has been interested in the paranormal her entire life and has nearly 20 years of experience doing paranormal investigations. Rebecca bought the Cambre House from her Grandparent's estate in 2016 and hosts weddings and paranormal investigations there.
Follow and learn more about Rebecca Williamson and the Cambre House: Website | Linktree | IG: @cambre.house
See photos and the full notes on A Haunted House with Rebecca Williamson, owner of Cambre House and Farm. Episode 58
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In this episode:
- Rebecca’s grandparents had bought a house, the Cambre House and Farm, which is haunted and it has been in Rebecca’s family her whole life
- It is under the National Register of Historic Places
- The house was built in 1860s and is like a museum. It is now a wedding venue.
- Rebecca bought it after her grandparents passed.
- When she first bought it, she did not know it was haunted.
- She realized it could be haunted after she first spent the night there as an adult when she and her family heard footsteps.
- Other phenomena occurred such as doors opening and closing and locking.
- One door always locks her mom (but no one else) out
- Her son also had a few weird experiences there and a repair man who doesn’t even believe in this phenomena had weird experiences.
- Augusta Paranormal, founded by her friend Chad Derry investigated the house
- There was recorded EVP (electronic voice phenomena) and ITC (Instrumental Trans-Communication) - voices were heard and recorded.
- At times though what people perceive as phenomena is explainable by normal means.
- Rebecca investigated further into the history of the house and got some verification of what mediums had said
...and more
*TRIGGER WARNINGS* Suicide, suicide loss, sexual abuse, sexual assault, childhood abuse
Lenore Matthew, Ph.D., MSW, is a Doctor of Social Work with expertise in psychic awakenings, trauma, and grief, as well as research, evaluation, and evidence-based practice. Her psychic abilities suddenly opened up when her late husband Bruno ended his own life. Today, Dr. Matthew focuses on integrating psychic mediumship into mental health care, demonstrating the clinical effectiveness of mediumship for trauma and grief. Her work has been featured by Mental Health America (MHA), the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), and The Mighty Community for Mental Health Awareness, among other outlets. She continues to work with Bruno in Spirit, who is her main co-creator.
Follow Dr. Lenore Matthew: Website | IG: @drlenorematthew | Facebook
Get the book: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife
Stanley Krippner, PhD is a renowned and award-winning parapsychologist and trailblazer in studying consciousness. He has a lifetime of knowledge. We were honored to have him as a guest and are thrilled for him to share his expertise with all of you. Professor Stanley Krippner is a pioneer in the study of consciousness, emphasizing cross-cultural perspectives and non-ordinary experiences that question mainstream paradigms. He is a prolific author and researcher on dreaming, psychedelics, creativity, shamanism, parapsychology, and trauma, and a recipient of numerous awards in multidisciplinary fields A fellow in five APA Divisions and past president of two, he holds positions as Affiliated Distinguished Faculty at the California Institute of Integral Studies and a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Science.
His memoir "A Chaotic Life: The Memoirs of Stanley Krippner, Pioneering Humanistic Psychologist," will be published soon. Stay tuned. Follow Stanley Krippner, PhD: Website | Books | Psi Encyclopedia Full Notes on Dream Telepathy, Parapsychology and Is There an Afterlife with Dr. Stanley Krippner Episode 56 Get the book: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife In this episode: - Dr. Stanley Krippner is a renowned pioneer in the field of parapsychology - He had an interesting experience as a child that got him into parapsychology - He wanted to study and understand these psi experiences from a science-based perspective, not a religious one - He worked with medium Amyr Amiden who manifested apports - It was very difficult to explain these apports by "normal" means - Dr. Krippner conducted dream and ESP studies at the Maimonides Dream Laboratory - Something in the atmosphere seems to affect psi - Is there strong evidence of survival of consciousness? - If the studies and experiments of parapsychology are so strong, why do skeptics dismiss them? - How are skeptics helpful to parapsychology - Consciousness is fundamental to everything - Dr. Krippner conducted Out of Body (OBE) research. - His views have been enriched over the years, but not transformed - Dr. Krippner is excited about the future of AI research - ...and more
Molly MacCartney is an Intuitive Medium, Author, Podcast Host and the Founder of Empowered Wisdom School. Her Passion is helping spiritually sensitive people tune into their gifts and keep their energy clear of negativity so they can live on purpose and confidently go for what they want in life.
Molly shares some remarkable moments when her dad, who has passed away, visited her, how she first learned she had psychic medium abilities, how some of these abilities were verified, and how she has helped many clients overcome being people pleasers, as she used to be. She explains what it is like for her when she connects with those on the other side and how can she tell if she is reading someone's psychic energy versus getting information from one of their loved ones who have passed away. She has even channeled, discusses what she views as angels and spirit guides, and explains how she connects to higher consciousness. She shares if people can connect on their own to their loved ones and higher beings.
Molly is author of "Empower Your Wisdom" and is host of two podcasts, "The Empowered Wisdom Hour" and "The Empowered Wisdom Show."
Follow Molly: Website | Instagram | Facebook
Full Notes on Listening to Your Intuition, and Empowering Women with Intuitive Medium Molly MacCartney Episode 55
Get the book: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife|
In this episode:
- Molly saw spirits when she was a little kid but shut them down
- She reawakened her abilities in her 20s
- What was Molly’s turning point when she realized she had to come out and follow these gifts
-She studied with an evidential medium
- How does Molly get the information
- Molly’s dad who had passed away visited her
- Intuitive readings vs. medium readings are different
- How does Molly keep boundaries with spirits
- Higher beings feel different than when she connects with someone’s loved ones
- What is the difference btw spirit guides and angels
- Were angels or spirit guides ever human?
- What is the biggest evidence of accuracy she has ever gotten
- Can Molly predict the future?
- Predicting the future is similar to weather forecasting
- How can people get in touch with their own intuition?
- Why do we turn off our intuition?
- How can we communicate with our own loved ones?
- Can Molly communicate with her loved ones?
- What is channeling?
and more…
Sally Rhine Feather, Ph.D. who was born in 1930 is the eldest daughter of Joseph Banks (J.B.) and Louisa Rhine. They are often referred to as the founders of modern parapsychology. They founded what was the Duke Parapsychology Lab and is now the Rhine Research Center: Bridging the Gap between Science and Spirituality. Sally grew up in the early days and heart of parapsychological research. She participated in experiments as a child, met mediums such as Eileen Garret, and as she got older, she was a research assistant for her parents. She watched ESP studies, the launch of Zenar cards, studies on animals and more.
She obtained a doctorate in experimental psychology from Duke University in 1967 and then went on to work at the Duke Parapsychology Lab as a research assistant. Her research topics included psi abilities of animals, correlation of memory and ESP performance, and help-hinder effects in a PK task.
She later trained in clinical psychology at the University of North Carolina in 1969. She dedicated the next several decades to clinical psychology in mental health centers and her own private practice until she retired in 2004.
She served on the board of directors at The Rhine, and in 2010 she received the 2010 Career Achievement Award from the Parapsychology Association. She has co-edited books on her parents' research.
J.B. Rhine: (1895-1980) is considered to be the founder of modern parapsychology. He was originally a botanist before getting into psychology, joining the psychology department at Duke University. He then moved onto parapsychology and opened the Duke Parapsychology Lab. He was the "first to systematically apply experimental investigations in the field of psychical research." He developed experiments in ESP using Zenar cards, studies in precognition, ESP and worked with historic mediums such as Eileen Garret. He detected fraud but also got inexplicable results. He kept tight protocols and did fascinating ground-breaking research on ESP and Psychokinesis, adding to the solid body of evidence that our consciousness seems to behave non-locally.
Louisa Rhine: (1891-1983) She collaborated with JB Rhine and developed innovative methods to study psi and ESP. Like J.B. Rhine she applied the scientific method to parapsychology. Her main focus was her collection of spontaneous cases. There are books on these cases she collected.
According to Psi Encyclopedia, The Rhine's drew many conclusions such as, "Psi is non-physical, showing no association with brain localization, musculature, sex, age, ethnicity or health, is not mediated through the normal six senses, and is not limited by space or time.
The Rhine Research Center | The Rhine Education Center
Books: The Gift: ESP, the Extraordinary Experiences of Ordinary People (by Dr. Sally Rhine Feather, coauthored with Michael Schmicker) | Letters of JB Rhine | Hidden Channels Of The Mind by Louisa Rhine
Full Notes, Photos, Video of Kiwi:
Get the book: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife|
In this episode:
- Sally Rhine Feather, PhD is the daughter of the founders of The Rhine Institute
- She was born in 1930
- JB and Louisa Rhine ran a parapsychology department at Duke University
- It is now The Rhine and no longer part of Duke
- Dr. Rhine Feather met some amazing people back in the day such as Dr. William Macdougal + Eileen Garrett
- What got her parents involved in parapsychology
- What did JB and Louisa Rhine think about ESP and Psi before studying this
- What research was most amazing
- What were JB and Louisa Rhine's thoughts on survival of consciousness
- What does Sally think about the survival of consciousness and Psi
- Sally participated in experiments as a child and helped with research as an adult
and more...
Will and Karen, are the husband and wife hosts of the award-winning podcast The Skeptic Metaphysicians.
Will is more of the skeptic, and Karen is more of the believer, but both are fascinated and have their world views challenged, as they explore "metaphysics." By talking to psychic mediums, channelers, astral projectors, near-death experiencers, energy healers - and all sorts of fascinating people who explore this non-material world, both have gotten to learn about things they had never thought possible. In this episode with fellow podcasters who are fascinated by the same topics, Karen and Will discuss some of the phenomena they have learned about that most blew their mind, how Will came to change his mind about the "spiritual" and why Karen always thought there was more than materialism. They share some of their most evidential "what the fucks," what they think of an afterlife, how have their lives changed since delving into this world of the "inexplicable," and more.
Follow The Skeptical Metaphysicians: Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
Link for full Episode Notes and to learn more about Will and Karen: The Skeptic Metaphysicians: Changing Their World View and the Most Astounding and Evidential of the Metaphysical. Episode 53
Get the book: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife
In this episode:
- Karen and Will are husband and wife co-hosts of the podcast The Skeptical Metaphysicians
- Will is more of the skeptic and Karen is more of the believer
- Why did they start this podcast
- What changed Will's mind and why did Karen always believe
- How have they sensed when guests were genuine - something that is not always easy to tell in this "spiritual" world
- How have they handled it when they discovered a guest was not genuine
- Karen had an amazing OBE experience. Liz and Will have been trying with no luck
- What are some of the most amazing things they have learned which changed their worldview
- What evidence have they gotten that there is more than this material world
- What ended Will's terror of death
- What do they think happens after we die
- How have their lives changed since delving into this world - it seems once people open their minds to the "inexplicable," lives change.
and more...
Book | Website
Melvin L. Morse, M.D. is a medical doctor who specializes in pediatrics and has researched NDEs (near-death experiences) in children. He has authored several books and articles on paranormal science and near-death experiences in children, including the 1987 New York Times bestseller Closer to the Light, written jointly with Paul Perry, and with a foreword written by Raymond Moody.
As a medical student, Dr. Morse always pursued his interests in consciousness research. During a neurology rotation at Johns Hopkins, he worked under the legendary Vernon Montcastle and cared for patients who had half their brains removed or split-brain surgery. He assessed the effects such surgery had on consciousness, his first understanding that consciousness does not depend on brain function. He attended lectures by the early pioneers of functional neurogenesis. This is the revolutionary concept that all thoughts and experience changes our brain and our brain is capable of repairing itself. Follow Dr. Melvin L. Morse: Website | Amazon
Watch the Video of this episode Full Episode Notes and photos drawn by children Near Death Experiences (NDEs) in Children with Pediatrician Melvin Morse, M.D. Episode 52
Get the book: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife In this episode:
- Dr. Morse had assumed consciousness was created by a brain
- Hearing children share NDEs as soon as they "came back" changed his mind
- What are some of the most remarkable and evidential NDEs Dr. Morse witnessed in children
- Many of the stories are very funny and cute told from a child's perspective
- Dr. Morse was always fascinated by the brain
- Children who had NDEs are exceptionally nice kids and stay that way when they grow up
- What happened when a Nazi prison guard had an NDE
- What science and neuroscience backs up NDEs as genuine
- We don't have a common language for spirituality
- What is the most astonishingly veridical NDE Dr. Morse witnessed
and more...
Book | Website
This episode is from a live event I did with Dr. Lenore Matthew for her YouTube Channel. Watch the video episode Spirituality for Skeptics: How Evidence of the Afterlife Gives Us Tangible Hope on Dr. Lenore Matthew's YouTube Channel .... Join Liz and Lenore, two analytical former skeptics, for a discussion on evidence of the afterlife and how it gives us hope after loss. Liz Entin is an afterlife researcher, author, and host of the podcast, WTF Just Happened?! Dr. Lenore Matthew is a Dr. of Social Work, an expert in evaluation research, and a trained evidential psychic medium. Find Dr. Lenore Matthew at: www.drlenorematthew.com www.instagram.com/drlenorematthew www.facebook.com/drlenorematthew Find Liz Entin of WTF Just Happened?! at: www.wtfjusthappened.net www.instagram.com/wtfjusthappened www.facebook.com/wtfjusthappened6 Talk Details: As science-minded, analytical people, Liz and Lenore had no reason to think about the afterlife — until their loved one passed away and the world of afterlife communication unexpectedly opened up to them. Liz Entin considered herself a rational person who dismissed the concept of an afterlife as nothing more than wishful thinking. Shattered and lost after her dad’s unexpected death, she was moved to investigate if there was any scientific evidence of an afterlife. This exploration shook her understanding of the world to the core, and led to writing her book and hosting her podcast, both titled, WTF Just Happened?! A sensitive data scientist, Dr. Lenore Matthew's life was forever changed in 2020, when her husband took his own life without warning — and that same night, began coming to her from the afterlife. Her path as a psychic medium awoke that night — a path that was rife with challenges, namely around her skepticism. Today, she helps other people develop their intuitive abilities, and conducts research and evaluation studies of the impact of mediumship and other spiritual healing on people's health and well-being. In this online event, Liz and Lenore present their unique experiences researching and encountering the afterlife after the traumatic loss of a loved one, and how the evidence they've collected gave them tangible hope for the future — even being former skeptics. Book | Website
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This is the second episode with Simon Bown. Simon Bown is the host of The Past Lives Podcast and The Alien UFO Podcast. He has a diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and is certified in Past Life Regression Therapy. He specialises in taking people through past life regressions and has conducted a large number of sessions. He has had many paranormal experiences including psychic flashes, UFO sightings and a number of strange events not easily explained.
These have proved to me that there is something more to us than flesh and blood and that we are energetic beings working through a cycle of reincarnation with the aim of experiencing everything there is to be experienced as a human being. He has had three remarkable incidences of feathers showing up in an unexpected and profound way while discussing angels with mediums. He took part in his first past life regression in 1987 at the College of Psychic Studies in London. The thoughts and feelings he experienced have stayed with him to this day. Since then he has viewed several other past lives through hypnotic regression. They have never failed to provoke intense feelings and give him great insight into his life today.
He has produced over 250 podcast episodes. Each one is an hour long interview with a researcher or someone who has had an amazing experience. Almost all of the guests have written a book and in preparation for each episode Simon reads the guest's book to give him the knowledge to ask in depth questions. Combining the information and insight gained from the interviews and the books has given him a detailed overview of the concepts of Reincarnation, Near Death Experiences and the continuation of consciousness.
Podcast guests include Dr Raymond Moody, Dr Eben Alexander, Whitley Strieber, Dr Bruce Greyson, Dr Christopher Kerr, Dr Jim Tucker and Leslie Kean. The Past Lives Podcast has achieved over 2,000,000 downloads, is in the top 0.5% of podcasts worldwide and recently went to No.1 in the UK Apple podcasts spirituality chart and was No.5 in the USA.
When I am not working I have many interests. I have been playing bass guitar for over 40 years which I find to be tremendous fun. I also have a hobby of writing science fiction."
Follow Simon Bown: Website | Patreon *and on all podcast apps Full Episode Notes with Video of Dr. Ian Stevenson
"Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect The Best Evidence of an Afterlife with Simon Bown, Host of the Past Lives Podcast Get the book: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife
In this episode:
- There are many "Goldilocks planets" in the solar system. Is there life on them?
- Is there intelligent life on other planets?
- We now see and are able to observe more planets than ever
- Some people have reported "between lives" experiences
- What experiences has anyone had with aliens
- It is obvious there is life on other planets with so many planets
- Books on scientific studies of UFOs
- Japanese aircraft picked up UFOs
- Have physicists examined UFO information
- Some UFOs have been spotted moving in inexplainable ways
and more...
Book | Website
Sponsor links and discount codes WONGO puzzles: https://zen.ai/wtfjusthappened10
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Simon Bown is the host of The Past Lives Podcast. He has a diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and is certified in Past Life Regression Therapy. He specialises in taking people through past life regressions and has conducted a large number of sessions. He has had many paranormal experiences including psychic flashes, UFO sightings and a number of strange events not easily explained. These have proved to me that there is something more to us than flesh and blood and that we are energetic beings working through a cycle of reincarnation with the aim of experiencing everything there is to be experienced as a human being. He has had three remarkable incidences of feathers showing up in an unexpected and profound way while discussing angels with mediums. He took part in his first past life regression in 1987 at the College of Psychic Studies in London. The thoughts and feelings he experienced have stayed with him to this day. Since then he has viewed several other past lives through hypnotic regression. They have never failed to provoke intense feelings and give him great insight into his life today. He has produced over 250 podcast episodes. Each one is an hour long interview with a researcher or someone who has had an amazing experience. Almost all of the guests have written a book and in preparation for each episode Simon reads the guest's book to give him the knowledge to ask in depth questions. Combining the information and insight gained from the interviews and the books has given him a detailed overview of the concepts of Reincarnation, Near Death Experiences and the continuation of consciousness. Podcast guests include Dr Raymond Moody, Dr Eben Alexander, Whitley Strieber, Dr Bruce Greyson, Dr Christopher Kerr, Dr Jim Tucker and Leslie Kean. The Past Lives Podcast has achieved over 2,000,000 downloads, is in the top 0.5% of podcasts worldwide and recently went to No.1 in the UK Apple podcasts spirituality chart and was No.5 in the USA. "When I am not working I have many interests. I have been playing bass guitar for over 40 years which I find to be tremendous fun. I also have a hobby of writing science fiction." Follow Simon Bown: Website | Patreon *and on all podcast apps Full Episode Notes with Video of Dr. Ian Stevenson "Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect The Best Evidence of an Afterlife with Simon Bown, Host of the Past Lives Podcast Get the book: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife In this episode: - How did Simon get started - Past life regression hypnosis - He has had fascinating and inexplicable personal experiences - Fascinating things he has learned - Physical mediumship. Stewart Alexander and Kai Muegge - Dr. Ian Stevenson and the birthmark cases - Do the spirit world ever make mistakes? - People get healed during past life regressions. - Evidential past life regressions - Simon had psychic experiences and more...
Sponsor links and discount codes WONGO puzzles: https://zen.ai/wtfjusthappened10
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Monica began to get amazing signs (all dimes) after her father passed.
Monica L. Morrissey is author of Dimes From Heaven, More Dimes From Heaven and Once Upon a Dime. She is also owner of Intuitive Wellness, where it is all about "soul-care." She is a professor at Southern New Hampshire University where she teaches teachers who are working on their Master’s degree in Curriculum and Assessment. She was an elementary school teacher for 24 years. She taught middle school math for three years and and then was aCurriculum Director for five years (so she is logical!).
Monica has been an educator for over thirty years. Her experience teaching others helped her gain the knowledge she would need for the unexpected career change; becoming an author. At the age of fifty, she published her inspiring Dimes from Heaven, How Coins and Coincidences Helped Me Discover My Life as an Empath book to help others understand our connection to loved ones who are in the spirit world and how our thoughts affect our health. Following her intuition like never before, she began sharing stories about synchronistic events revealing that our souls never die. As an empath and natural-born teacher, her faith is guiding her to help people experience life and death in a whole new way.
Monica was careful to leave spirituality out of the classroom. Since the tragic death of her nephew in 2008, she secretly began reading and studying about mediums, death, grief, and how our body (and life) are affected by our thoughts. She now has a better knowledge about the afterlife to share with others. Her retirement from the public school system allowed her to follow her true passion; helping people who want to learn more about everlasting life and who want to live healthier and happier lives.
Monica is a Reiki Master and Instructor, Intuitive Card Reader, Past Life Regression practitioner, and loves to analyze dreams. At her business, Intuitive Wellness, Monica is dedicated to helping clients with soul-care. When she started writing her stories she knew they were powerful and they would and will continue to help readers experiencing loss. She wants everyone to be able to experience this feeling.Dimes from Heaven was a finalist for the International Indie Book Awards in the category of death and dying and was an Amazon #1 Top New Release in Supernaturalism.Monica knows how powerful these stories of coincidences are from another dimension. Dimes are her signature sign from heaven and people love listening to her stories. The synchronicities reveal a soul’s life is eternal. Each of her books gives us the tools to open the door to heaven so we are able to feel the deep love for those no longer with us.
Follow Monica L. Morrissey Website | Amazon | Facebook | Instagram
Full Notes for: Signs and Dimes from The Other Side with Author of Dimes from Heaven, Monica L. Morrissey
Get: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife
In this episode:
- Dimes and coins meant something to Monica's dad, especially the Liberty Dimes.
- After he passed away, he began to send her dimes
- She wrote books to share these signs and help others know they can get signs too
- She is an empath and shares how she realized she was
- Writing helped her cope with physical pain
- How did dimes become a sign
- What was the first sign she got
- She was greatly impacted by her nephew's passing ]
- She discovered Brian Weiss and past life regressions
- She does Reiki
- She had an intense Reiki experience which helped heal her back
- How does she know what to do and what does it feel like when she does healings
- She has seen healing when she gave past-life regressions
- She also does dream analysis
- How can one tell when it is the subconscious mind in a dream versus a dream visitation
- She is fascinated by how brains work
and more...
How good are Liz's protocols when getting a medium reading? Are they different than Kenny's? What are ways to detect cold-readings? Kenny shares some really entertaining "ghost hunts," and how to make sure you assess everything skeptically. Both Liz and Kenny like evidence, try to avoid belief, have the sense of humor of a twelve-year-old, and challenge how one another think, all of which makes this an especially fun episode. Kenny Biddle is the Chief Investigator for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, skeptical investigator and has a column in the Skeptical Inquirer. Despite his skeptical take (more so than Liz), he has taught a class alongside Loyd Auerbach at The Rhine Education Center "Skeptical Approach to Parapsychology." He used to "believe it all," unskeptically, but after some absurd experiences, he changed his mind and learned how to logically evaluate. While he has concluded differently than Liz and Loyd, and has not concluded an afterlife (or PSI) in general is highly probable, he shares how to protect against fraudulent psychic mediums, how to detect cold-readings, and shares some of the most ridiculous frauds out there, such as $300 ghost-detectors. He has some really fun stories from the field of "ghost-hunting," and he and Liz actually do not disagree on techniques and most of the conclusions. Follow Kenny Biddle: Facebook | Skeptical Inquirer | YouTube Full Notes for: Assess Afterlife Evidence and Medium Readings Critically and Avoid $300 Ghost Detectors with Kenny Biddle, Chief Investigator for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry Episode 48
In this episode: - Kenny had been a ghost-hunter, like the ones on TV - He realized he had not thought critically - He avoids dogmas and belief and likes to have ideas - What does he think or reincarnation? The work of Dr. Jim Tucker? - What cases did Kenny work on as a ghost-hunter - What are some of the most ridiculous cons and tricks he has seen - In most of the cases he has uncovered, are the people intentionally fraudulent or do they genuinely believe - How do people react when he uncovers what is going on - He was a Catholic and believed everything with our assessment - Does he think any of the Psi evidence is valid - How can one recognize a cold-reading or avoid a fraudulent medium reading - What was his "turning point" - Has he had anything that “shook his skepticism to the core” - Can Kenny explain logically how Liz bent a spoon - What’s the death clock? - How good a sitter is Liz in terms of recognizing cold-reading - How good are Liz's protocols when getting a medium reading? - How can anyone be a really good sitter - Has Kenny had a reading with any of the scientifically verified mediums ... and more Book | Website
Consciousness can be created by a brain and there could still be an afterlife. How could that work? Sea Kimbrell has a JD and a PhD in biology, and is a former Professor of Biology. Sea decided to leave academia because he wanted to spend his time thinking about the big questions in life, not where his next grant was coming from. He currently writes from his home in Kansas. He is author of "Atheists in the Afterlife: Eight Paths to Life After Death Without God." As an atheist from a secular family he always wondered what could happen after death. Using his knowledge as a scientist, he realized there ARE ways we can survive death that has nothing to do with god, heaven, or religion. While there has been lots of scientific research on survival of consciousness, Sea takes a completely unique approach to this question. Theories such as a Block Universe related to how time is an illusion and the simulation theory are some of the theories that play into his assessment. Sea and Liz discuss how as two atheists, who think there could be an afterlife, their thoughts are alike and how they differ. Follow Sea Kimbrell: Amazon | Medium Full notes on: "Atheists in the Afterlife: Eight Paths to Life After Death Without God," Author Sea Kimbrell In this episode: - Sea Kimbrell has a PhD in biology and was a biology professor who took his knowledge to come up with ways there could be an afterlife - Both Sea and Liz agree that there is (most likely) no god - Sea defines a god as a conscious being who could break laws of physics - But could there be other laws of physics in other dimensions - If there was a being that defied the laws, it would make more sense to reevaluate the laws of physics than assume there is a god - Physicists do not understand time - Time could play into a way there could be a type of afterlife - The Block Universe is one way there could be an afterlife - Of the 8 possibilities to life after death Sea wrote about, which does he think is most likely? - Which is leads likely? - Are we possibly living in a simulation? - Do we have free will? - What does Sea think about reincarnation? - The Einstein Twin Experiment and the mystery of time - The research of Drs. Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker on kids with past life memories - Sea came up with unique philosophical and scientific ways there could be an afterlife different than the typical research - How have people in the scientific community responded to his book? There is a lot of stigma on afterlife topics. - Quantum Entanglement and Spooky Action could add to evidence of an afterlife - Shadow People and the Brane Theory of Dr. Stephen Hawking - Is there a 9th theory Sea would add? - The Branch Theory - Infinite Universe Theory - Dr. Stuart Hameroff and Sir Roger Penrose who won Nobel Prizes and worked with Dr. Stephen Hawking have done research that could explain survival of consciousness - Could anything convince Sea that there definitely is an afterlife? - Could Liz be convinced there isn't? ... and more Newsletter | Website
What happens when serious scientific protocols and testing methods are applied to psychic mediums? Can they get accurate information? Is this strong evidence that we actually survive badly death?
Guest:Julie Beischel, PhD, Cofounder and Director of Research at the Windbridge Research Center and the Windbridge Institute, LLC
Dr. Julie Beischel is cofounder of the Windbridge Institute (Normalize, Optimize, Utilize Psi) and the Windbridge Research Center (studying dying, death, and what comes next), along with her husband Mark Boccuzzi. She is also Director of Research at the Windbridge Research Center.
Dr. Beischel received her PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology with a minor in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of Arizona. She then took her training as a scientist to apply the scientific method to study psychic mediums. Windbridge and the research team have used tight protocols to conduct up to quintuple-blinded, peer-reviewed studies on psychic-mediums. These studies had astounding results. When you eliminate all opportunities for mediums to cheat (such as giving cold-readings or hot-readings) a portion of mediums can get highly accurate information under these tight controls.
The evidence and data of Windbridge strongly points in the direction, that yes, we and our loved ones actually do survive bodily death.
Follow Windbridge + Dr. Julie Beischel: Windbridge Institute | Windbridge Research Center | Dr. Julie Beischel
Link to all books and "Guidance for Grief Card Deck" by Dr. Julie Beischel
- Guidance for Grief Card Deck
- Love and the Afterlife: How to Stay Connected to Your Human and Animal Loved Ones
- Among Medium: A Scientist’s Quest for Answers
- From the Mouths of Mediums Vol. 1: Experiencing Communication
- Meaningful Messages: Making the Most of Your Mediumship Reading
Full notes on: Blinded, Peer Reviewed Scientific Studies on Psychic Mediums with Dr. Julie Beischel, Cofounder of The Windbridge Institute
Get the book - WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey-skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife.
In this episode:
- Dr. Julie Beischel is a scientist with a degree in pharmacology
- After the loss of her mom, to suicide, she went to see a psychic medium
- The medium reading was accurate and Dr. Beischel wanted to scientifically investigate what happened in a lab
- Good scientists don't have any preconceived notions
- She and her husband Marl Boccuzzi cofounded The Windbridge Institute and later the Windbridge Research Center
- What types of protocols does Wndbridge put in pace to certify psychic mediums
- Some mediums can get highly accurate and specific information under strict testing conditions
- The testing is up to quintuple-blinded, peer reviewed and has been repeated by other researchers
- How can people be a good sitter when they get a medium reading
- How did Windbridge test to conclude that mediums are communicating with a deceased loved one and not reading the mind of the sitter
- What is the difference between a psychic reading and a medium reading?
- If you are a terrible person in this life, what happens when you cross over?
- Love plays a strong role on the other side.
- Mediums can communicate with our animals
- What is it about skeptics' brains that make them unable to be persuaded (or at least curious) about this research
- We have to broaden our understanding of the laws of the universe
... and more
It took Robert (Bob) Ginsberg, Cofounder of the Forever Family Foundation, six years of a deep dive into the evidence of an afterlife before he was convinced. However, the science, a bunch of inexplicable signs, personal experiences and readings with psychic mediums all came together to convince him we (most likely) survive death.
Bob and his wife Phran (who sadly passed in 2020) are cofounders of the Forever Family Foundation, which they founded in 2004, after the unexpected passing of their daughter Bailey. Forever Family Foundation is an organization dedicated to helping the grieving by using science and evidence to demonstrate that yes, we do survive bodily death. They use a science-based testing protocol to certify psychic mediums to assure they can get accurate information under strict controls which eliminates any opportunity to cheat. They have a scientific advisory board, hold grief retreats, host webinars, and are a very supportive and loving community who get grief.
Books by Bob: The Medium Explosion: A Guide to Navigating the World of Those Who Claim to Communicate with the Dead and My Life: Here and There: A Journey that Transcends Time and Space
Follow The Forever Family Foundation: Website | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok
Get the book - WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey-skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife.
In this episode:
- Bob co-founded Forever Family Foundation with his wife Phran, after the passing of their daughter, Bailey, to help people in grief have valid hope in an afterlife based on evidence.
- Bob used to consider the afterlife a fantasy
- Desperate for hope he delved into the science and research of afterlife evidence
- Many things happened that made it seem like Bailey was communicating from the other side.
- Forever Family Foundation certifies and tests psychic mediums
- Did Bob have a major turning point and if so what caused that?
- Bob conducted a Remote Viewing experiment with unexpected results
- Myths about grief
- Why do some people get terrible medium readings?
- A doctor had a remarkable story of communication that he never shared with anyone else aside from Bob
and more...
What happens when Dr. Jeffrey Tarrant, a licensed psychologist who is board certified in neurofeedback maps psychic mediums' brains and with an EEG (electroencephalogram) machine? Does he discover unusual activity?
Dr. Tarrant is the founder and Director of Psychic Mind Science and the NeuroMeditation Institute in Eugene, OR. He is a licensed psychologist and board certified in neurofeedback. Dr. Tarrant specializes in teaching, clinical applications, and research combining technology- based interventions with meditative states for improved mental health. His research focuses on exploring brainwave changes that occur as a result of contemplative practices, technological interventions, non-ordinary states of consciousness, and psi related abilities. Dr. Tarrant is the author of the book, Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain and the upcoming Becoming Psychic.
Dr. Tarrant’s exploration of psychics and mediums has been featured at national conferences, in the New York bestselling book The Light Between Us by Laura Lynne Jackson and in an upcoming 5-part docu-series.
Follow Dr. Jeffrey Tarrant: Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube Full notes on Mapping Mediums' Brains and Brain Wave Patterns with Dr. Jeffrey Tarrant Episode 44
Get the book - WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey-skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife. In This Episode: - Dr. Tarrant uses an EEG machine to map psychic mediums' brains. - Most of these mediums are certified by the Forever Family Foundation (#FFFCertifiedMediums) and/or certified by The Windbridge Institute (WCRMs) - He mapped psychic medium Laura Lynne Jackson's. Laura sees psychic readings on one side of a visual "screen" and mediumship on the other. Did the results correspond with her visual experience? - What exactly is an EEG and what does it measure? - Laura gave Dr. Tarrant a medium reading and a psychic reading during the experiment. How accurate was she and what was her brainwave activity like? - Dr. Tarrant also studied psychic medium Janet Mayer, the first medium he studied. - Dr. Tarrant studied Janet while she "downloaded" a tribal language she did not know. - He also mapped the brains' of psychic mediums Angelina Diana and Joanne Gerber - What consistencies has he discovered of mediums' brains, both while they give readings and at baseline? - How do mediums' brains differ from the general population? - Dr. Tarrant mapped his own brain while he read Zener cards. - Dr. Tarrant conducted an experiment where he mapped energy healers' brains as well as the people receiving energy healing - He has worked with Dr. Diane Hennacy-Powell studying psychic abilities in autistic children and young adults - Autistic children and young adults have shown remarkable psychic abilities and more.... Contact | Newsletter
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Johnny Burke is the host of the Closer To Venus Podcast; a show that was created to explore the non-physical world in an attempt to answer existential questions that traditional religious beliefs can not. He also plays guitar for The Mansions and Black Box Traders. In this episode Johnny shares some mind-blowing stories from his guests, including a man who was a police detective who verified memories from a past-life regression, and a famous verified NDE (Near Death Experience) case. He also shares some pretty amazing personal experiences he has had, how religion and some of the worst of politics inspired him to start the Closer to Venus Podcast. Liz and Johnny discuss their thoughts on whether or not anyone is evil, the strongest evidence of an afterlife, and their mutual hatred of a certain pseudo-politician who they refuse to even mention by name. (Though you can figure out who it is.)
Follow Johnny Burke: Closer to Venus | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
Full notes on Past Lives Verified, Evil, Politics and NDE's with Johnny Burke of Closer to Venus Podcast Episode 43
Get WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife
In this Episode:
- Johnny Burke decided to start this podcast because of the entanglement of religion and politics
- Churches have led people astray in many ways
- What does ascension and 5D mean
- Thousands of years ago there was (possibly) an advanced society, but greed destroyed them, the way it is harming us
- Could a well-known powerful person who seems to be causing lots of harm, be doing good in someway?
- Johnny lost his dad when he was only five years old
- Johnny always "knew" there was an afterlife. Why?
- Are we all just playing a role here?
- Are some people good and others evil?
- How hosting the "Closer to Venus" podcast changed Johnny's mind about an afterlife
- Why did Johnny always think reincarnation was true
- The story of Barbara Bartoleme and her NDE (Near Death Experience) which was verified
- Robert Snow, author of "Portrait of a Past-Life Skeptic: The True Story of a Police Detective's Reincarnation," a police detective who verified a past life memory
- Animals can see things and Liz had an amazing experience about this
- What does Johnny's old community of religious people think of his podcast
- Are people who do bad things actually bad? Or are they also trying to do good?
- What is most compelling reason Johnny thinks there is an afterlife
and more…
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Guest: Graham Nicholls OBE (Out of Body Experience) Expert and Leading Practitioner Books: Avenues of the Human Spirit and Navigating the Out of Body Experience: Radical New Techniques Graham Nicholls is an Out of Body (OBE) expert and teacher, who has participated in a lot of scientific studies on OBE’s and psychic phenomena. One of the first times he found himself out of body and out of his home, he “floated” along the street and into a home. He checked the house, including the name on a letter and the address. He did not know these people and had never been in their home. When he checked the name against the address it was accurate. That was one of many times he verified that he was actually out of body. He had a few other remarkable experiences, including an emotionally powerful experience where he witnessed and predicted a tragedy. about a week before it occurred He also witnessed a second tragedy right after it occurred, although it was nowhere near him, and had not yet made the news.
When Graham participated in lab experiments on OBE’s and psychic phenomena, getting the highest score that researcher Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D. had ever seen. He has also participated in research with Dean Radin and at The Rhine Research Center. Science, verifying his OBE experiences and attempting to learn and research the mechanism and explanations behind OBE's is his priority.
Full notes on Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) Researched and Verified with Graham Nicholls, OBE Expert and Leading Practitioner Episode 42
In this Episode:
- What is an OBE - Out of Body Experience
- How did Graham Nicholls first get into OBEs - having and researching them
- What are the theories of what an OBE is and how it could work
- What was the first “paranormal” experience Graham first had
- What were some of the verified OBEs Graham had - OBEs where what he saw and experienced turned out to be true
- Graham sadly witnessed a tragedy that oddly ended up occurring a few days after he watched it unfold while Out of Body
- Graham also saw another tragedy right after it occurred while out of body, but it was nowhere near him and had not yet hit the news
- What does it look and feel like when Graham is out of body?
- Sometimes colors are sharper and sometimes they are duller. He has also seen colors that are not part of this world
- Does an OBE feel different when it turns out to be a verified one versus a less realistic one.
- What are some of the best studies and research being conducted on OBEs
- Graham got the highest score in laboratory experiments being done on OBEs and telepathy that researcher Rupert Sheldrake, PhD had ever seen
- Graham shares some of the research and studies he has been a part of as well as some he created himself
- Can anyone have an OBE if they practice
- Can we visit our deceased loved ones during an OBE
- What does physics have to say about how OBEs could work
and more…
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Wikipedia deems everything in parapsychology as "woo" and banned Ted Talks? Ever wonder why, if an afterlife, parapsychological research, mediumship and more were real, reliable sites such as Wikipedia, consistently say they are not. Craig Weiler, Science Editor, Paranormal Daily News; Parapsychology Journalist delves into exactly that question.
Craig Weiler is a California Bay Area based author and he is the science editor for Paranormal Daily News. He covers controversies in parapsychology, such as a Wikipedia controversy, the TED controversy of 2013 and reported on 10 years of undiscovered research by Russell Gruber Mirror Worlds Research. He is currently working on the first issue of Parawize, a new magazine devoted to parapsychology and other edge sciences.
He is an associate member of the Parapsychological Association, author of Psi Wars: TED, Wikipedia and the battle for the Internet. He pays the bills with his small construction business on the peninsula in northern California, where he lives with his wife and just enough cats.
Full notes on Why Wikipedia and Skeptics Dismiss Parapsychology as Pseudoscience with Craig Weiler, Science Editor Episode 41
Follow Craig Weiler: Quora | Twitter (@Craigweiler) | LinkedIn | Facebook | Paranormal Daily News
Buy his book: Psi Wars: TED, Wikipedia and the battle for the Internet
In This Episode:
- Why does Wikipedia always deny parapsychology
- Who has taken over Wikipedia
- What happens when authoritarian-minded people take over groups
- What is scientism
- Why do skeptics dismiss strong evidence
- Aren’t skeptics supposed to be unbiased
- If the evidence of psychic abilities and afterlife was so strong, wouldn't that convince skeptics
- What happened with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake's banned TED Talk
- What is the Ganzfeld experiment and how was it such amazing evidence of an afterlife
- What studies has Dr. Rupert Sheldrake done on animals and psychic abilities
- The universe is made up of consciousness
- An amazing remote viewing experiment showed people can predict the future
- What does Craig Weiler think of The Amazing Randi's million dollar challenge
- How does belief affect research and studies within parapsychology
- What are the differences between parapsychology and the paranormal
- What is the most amazing psychic experience Craig Weiler has personally experienced
- What is the most exciting stories in parapsychology that Craig Weiler is working on now
- Dr. Bill Bengston has used psychic abilities to heal
- Healing energy is embedded in objects
- Since entanglement exists, space and time cannot actually be fundamental to reality
- Why do people get so angry about discussing or researching psychic abilities
- What is the future of parapsychological research
and more...
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This episode is dedicated to listener questions. I answer one question each episode and this episode is a selection of them. If you have any questions, you can send them to [email protected].
Full notes on Why do mediums get some wrong information? ... and more. Your Questions. Answered. Episode 40
10 Questions:
1 - Do you have any regrets in your exploration of afterlife evidence? 2 - Are you 100 percent convinced there is an afterlife? 3 - Are mediums that are celebrities or mediums who have a celebrity clientele really the best? 4 - Why don't all evil people have an NDE (Near Death Experience) and become better people? 5 - What is the difference between a psychic and a medium? 6 - In all of your research, when were you the most shocked? 7 - What do you mean by an accidental cold reading? 8 - What's the dumbest thing anyone has ever said to you about grief? 9 - After doing all this afterlife research, are you still scared to die? 10 - Why do mediums get some information wrong?
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Paul H. Smith, Remote Viewer with the US Army Star Gate Project describes his time as a "psychic spy" in the US Army Remote Viewing Program, named the Star Gate Project, which he joined in 1984. (Star Gate was officially declassified in 1994.) Remote Viewing is a learned skill where a person can get information about an event or location using ESP or psychic information. During Paul's assignment with the US Army, he was trained by the founders of Remote Viewing, Ingo Swann and Dr. Harold E. Puthoff at SRI-International (Stanford Research Institute). Paul shares some remarkable and highly evidential Remote Viewing sessions he witnessed, in which the US Army Remote Viewers got specific details of locations and what was being built in those locations. He also shares a few remarkable times he got very accurate information, including a time he (and others) got precognitive information - meaning information about the future - about an event that had not yet happened. He discusses ways Remote Viewing has been applied to the everyday real world, such as betting and investing, as well as used by police and detectives. Remote Viewing has also been used to view outer space where Ingo Swann got details that were later verified. If you have ever heard that Star Gate was not successful, Paul will explain why it was actually closed and why that is not true. This episode with a logical-minded, well-respected Retired US Army Major who discusses factual situations where he and other people seemingly defined the laws of space and time, will make you question what you think you know. No matter how science-minded you are.
Paul currently teaches classes on Remote Viewing (anyone can learn this technique!). You can find the details on his website, Remote Viewing Instructional Services. He also wrote books on the topic The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing: The Secret Military Remote Perception Skill Anyone Can Learn and Remote Perception: Basic Operational Training. His book is also available on Amazon kindle and paperback.
In This Episode:
- Paul H. Smith was recruited to be a remote viewer for the US Military program, the Star Gate Project
- What is Remote Viewing (RV)
- In Star Gate Paul was a psychic spy who used his consciousness to spy on foreign threats
- What is Star Gate RV military program
- What were some remarkable successes of Star Gate RV
- A Star Gate remote viewer accurately described a foreign submarine, including the launch date (information that was secret and he could not have known)
- RVers accurately sketched a foreign location given only coordinates
- RV terms Target, Mental Noise
- RV is s skill anyone can learn
- Different kinds of RV
- RV shows that time and consciousnesses do not act as we think
- Paul perceived an event very accurately before it happened
- Paul shares his most detailed and remarkable session
- How did Paul get involved in Star Gate.
- Paul was skeptical of anything ESP-related but Star Gate changed his mind
- Why was Star Gate closed
- Statisticians examined the operational data of Star Gate
- Are the military and CIA still using RV
- Do Police and detectives use RV
- How does RV work for investing and betting
- What is Associated Remote Viewing (ARV) and how to do it properly
- What percent do remote viewers get accurate
- Do people successfully invest with RV
- What does it mean about time that you can RV the past and future
- How successfully can you RV the past and future
- Will NASA use RV
- Ingo Swann was able to get accurate information RVing outer space
Full notes on Psychic Military Spies, US Army Star Gate Project, and Remote Viewing with Paul H. Smith Episode 39
Follow Paul H. Smith: Website | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter
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What are my thoughts on manifesting? I recently was a speaker at a group summit "Swey to Success" on using spirituality to grow success. I personally don't consider myself especially spiritual although I study and explore topics like an afterlife and remote viewing. If they all prove to be true, I see it more as science than spirituality. Manifesting is a popular topic now and I have lots of thoughts on that...
Follow Swey: Intuitive Vision + Brand Architect
Full Episode: Is Manifesting Complete Bullish*t? - Bonus Episode - Swey to Success Conference
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Stephen Hawley Martin (Steve) is a best-selling author and writer of many books, including ones that examine the evidence of life after death, a fascination of his. Among his books are "Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die," "Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die," "ESP: How I Developed My Sixth Sense and So Can You," among others on this type of inexplicable phenomena. While Steve had owned an advertising agency and has written best-selling books, both fiction and non-fiction, on many other topics such as novels and business management books, afterlife evidence has always been a main topic of curiosity for him. Raised in a science-minded materialist family, he was astounded when had an OBE (Out of Body Experience,) possibly an NDE (Near Death Experience) one night when he was twenty-five. This experience, along with some books he discovered around this time opened up a whole new world to him. He also hosted a podcast in the early days of podcasting, where he talked with people such as Dr. Jim Tucker and Dr Julie Beischel. His books discuss the same people - serious science-minded afterlife researchers from places such as DOPS - Division of Perceptual Studies at University of Virginia.
In This Episode:
- When he was twenty-five, Steve had a terrible flu which lead to a brief OBE, possibly an NDE.
- He was raised in a science-minded materialist family, so this was a life-changer for him.
- He joined a group called the Rosicrucianism Order, which added to his current understanding of consciousness
- He had a podcast where he got to speak with people studying survival of consciousness, such as people from the Division of Perceptual Studies in UVA
- Dr. Raymond Moody's book, "Life After Life," helped further his thought that there was an afterlife and understand what hd happened to him
- He had lost his father when he was young
- Steve ended up experiencing many synchronicities that furthered his explorations
- He does think that reincarnation is part of the explanation
- Drs. Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker who studied/study cases of kids with past-life memories
- The researchers at UVA Division of Perceptual Studies and the history of DOPS
- Carl Jung and synchronicities
- Dr. Julie Beuschel and the research being done by the Windbridge Research Center
- Skip Atwater and Remote Viewing
- The Monroe Institute
- Lynne McTaggart and Henry Stamp and their research
- Physics and the splits particle experiment
And more...
Follow Stephen Hawley Martin: Website | Email
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This is a quick update because I wanted to talk to everyone about the sound. I saw a comment and got some feedback that the sound is too low and not great at times. I really appreciate any of your feedback! So I'm going back and I'm in the middle of fixing all the sound on the past episodes as much as possible.
I've learned a lot about podcasting since my first episode and for newer episodes, I now have upgraded recording equipment. And so for older episodes, I've learned much better editing tools and tricks and equipment that I'm going back and redoing. It's going to take a little bit of time, a couple weeks, so have some patience with that. So as with anything, I'm getting better at it with time! And always please let me know if there's any feedback about anything. I'm always open to hear ways all of you think this podcast could be better. We're growing and growing, which I'm so excited about. And I want to make this a really amazing experience for all of you. I think the people I'm talking to are just on the cutting edge of research, and have made such a difference to me in my worst days of grief. I really do hope to share that with all of you.
So thank you so much for your patience and being with me as we continue this growth.
Get the book: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife
Reach out with further feedback: [email protected]
Follow on IG (and reach out here): @wtf_just_happened_
Lynn Miller is a psychic medium and intuitive based in Malibu. While she always had some abilities, they grew much stronger during an NDE (Near Death Experience). Her main goal in her career is using these "defy the (apparent) laws of the universe" abilities to help people in their business and in personal relationships. But while doing so, she is also helping add to the growing body of evidence that we do survive bodily death. According to Lynn, “Everyone is capable of listening to their own guidance or psychic abilities; however, shedding light and bringing to the fore those messages and intuitions is another goal altogether.” Originally she was interested in acting, so now she is using her comfort in front of a camera to bring attention to the survival of consciousness. She was part of a pilot for Fox Television, was a finalist on Lifetime's "America's Psychic Challenge," appeared on VH1 "Couples Therapy" has her own Radio venture "The View From Beyond," and more which you can read about on her website.
In This Episode:
- Lynn is a medium intuitive who has been practicing for 30 years
- She had psychic premonitions and predictive dreams of the future as a young child including a couple that shocked her mother
- At 20, Lynn had an NDE (Near-Death Experience) which opened up her medium abilities
- The first time she had medium abilities, she got information about a woman next to her at the bar which turned out to be accurate
- She just knows stuff such as names and dates people passed away.
- She often gets information about the future
- How does she experience getting her information?
- How is it different when she gets mediumship information than psychic information?
- What happened during her NDE?
- She had the choice to come back after her NDE - what does that mean about people who don't come back?
- Can we change the future?
- What does it mean when we meet someone and feel as if we have always known them?
- How can we be aware we are living a lower vibration life and how can we move it to a higher vibration?
- What does Lynn think about life on other planets?
- Can our animals communicate with us after they have died?
- How can non-mediums communicate on their own with loved ones who have passed away?
And more...
Full notes on Evidential Mediumship and Near Death Experiences with Lynn Miller Psychic Medium
Follow Lynn Miller: Website | Instagram | FaceBook |
Kyle Yates is a paranormal investigator, hosts podcasts on paranormal investigations and is the owner of Vibes Broadcast Network where he hosts two shows, “Listen to the Vibes” and “Into the Pit.” He got into podcasting because along with investigating inexplicable phenomena himself, he wanted a chance to speak with other investigators, including some of the ones he had followed and found inspiring. While almost all occurrences end up having “normal” explanations, there are a few instances he has experienced that are absolutely inexplicable. Along with a few experiences he had with a psychic-medium and some things he saw as a child, Kyle has concluded, that while it’s rare., there is something more than meets the eye.
In This Episode
- Kyle has had inexplicable experiences his whole life
- Some of his earliest memories of “weird” phenomena
- He was inspired by watching “Ghost Hunters” to start his own paranormal investigation team
- Kyle shares a very cute story about how he first joined a team when he first met his now wife
- The big question of parapsychology - are these “beings” hauntings or apparitions?
- The most amazing and inexplicable things he has encountered in his investigations
- Almost all phenomena turn out to have a normal explanation and Kyle shares some examples
- When Kyle first had a medium reading she knew things she could not have known normally
- When this medium joined his paranormal investigation team, he got further evidence mediumship seems to be genuine
- Is there some collective consciousness?
- Morphic Resonance theory of Dr. Rupert Sheldrake seems to back up some type of collective consciousness
- Is there life on other planets and can these beings visit earth?
- Most science fiction of the past ends up coming true
- How does physics tie in with all of this?
- Liz and Kyle discuss some of life’s biggest mysteries
- and more...
Full notes on Finding Ghosts? with Paranormal Investigator Kyle Yates Ep36
Follow Kyle Yates | Instagram | TikTok | FaceBook | YouTube
Psychic Medium Catherine Nadal is also the author of two books, “Seeing More Than Clouds in Your Coffee: Stories of a psychic medium in New York City” and “And She Danced by the Light of the Moon: Behind the Eyes of a Psychic Medium in NYC.” She is a certified medium with The Forever Family Foundation which uses science-based testing to assure all mediums are genuine and highly accurate. She is also a nurse and served in the military where she retired from the Army Reserve as a Colonel after serving for 30 years.
In This Episode
- Psychic medium Catherine Nadal is certified by Forever Family Foundation, a registered nurse, a retired army colonel, and is recently certified as a grief educator with Dr. David Kessler
- Valentine’s Day can bring up a lot of grief
- Tips for coping with grief during Valentine’s Day, and in general
- Cathy first realized she had abilities whole fishing with her dad
- Cathy shares some highly evidential readings she gave as a psychic medium including one involving tattoos that the woman getting the reading didn't even know at the time and verified later
- A psychic visitation dream Cathy had that helped her realize she had abilities
- Liz and Cayhy share memories of their dads and some similarities their dads shared
- Cathy gives a special type of reading called a "coffee reading"
- Cathy shares a Valentine’s Day ritual she does to honor those who have passed away.
- and more...
Follow Catherine Nadal: Website: www.dreamcentralstation.com | IG: @catwitchnyc | Facebook: Dream Central Station
Buy Catherine's Books
Seeing More Than Clouds in Your Coffee: Author House | Amazon | Barnes + Noble
And She Danced by the Light of the Moon: Author House | Amazon | Barnes + Noble
Full notes on Psychic Medium Cathy Nadal: Valentine's Day Special. Holidays Suck When You're Grieving
William Patrick is a psychic medium, tarot card reader, and energy healer. He also does past-life and Akashic records readings. He has had these inexplicable abilities since he was a child. When he was young, he "knew" things were going to happen before they did - small things. He also had dream visitations from a cousin and his grandmother when they passed away before he was even told. He has had friends' deceased loved ones come and visit him giving evidential and verified messages. After the passing of his own mother, his abilities grew. He had an amazing and profound Out of Body journey where he explored other dimensions and even visited his mother who had passed away at this point.
In this episode:
- William had abilities as a child
- His imaginary friends who he thinks were beings from the other side
- When his mom passed when he was an adult he realized that he had abilities
- He had a fascinating out-of-body experience, where he visited other dimensions + saw his mom who had passed
- How could tarot cards work?
- His grandmother and cousin visited him the night they passed away in evidential ways.
- How can one clear negative energies
- How can one recognize they have negative energies around them
- What are spirit guides
- What guides does William have
- William got evidence during a medium reading for a friend that was later verified
-and more...
Follow William Patrick: Website: www.intuitivevisions.org | IG: @intuitivevisions401 | TikTok: @intuitivevisions | Facebook: William Patrick
Full notes on Clearing Negative Energy, Tarot, and Talking to the Dead with Psychic Medium William Patrick
John G. Kruth, MS is the Executive Director of the Rhine Research Center and the founder and Education Director of the Rhine Education Center. He is a well-respected parapsychologist and researcher who focuses on psychokinesis (the ability to affect matter with your mind), various healing methods, bioenergy, psi, applications and evaluations of remote viewing. He takes a logical, scientific, and data-driven approach to studying afterlife science and parapsychology. He has a background in technology and is currently is a teacher at The Rhine Education Center, teaching virtual classes such as "8 Studies on Parapsychology" and "Research Methods for Parapsychology."
John discusses some of the most remarkable studies and research being conducted in parapsychology. He shares studies that show time does not work the way we think, how we all have some ability to predict the future, how many psi abilities do not seem to be affected by space and time, people’s ability to move objects and matter with their mind, physics and how it can apply to parapsychology. One of his main focuses is energy healing and he discusses some ground-breaking experiments he witnessed. He also shares how physics such as quantum entanglement have been used in some parapsychology experiments and some fascinating results involving bioenergy.
In this episode:
- Remarkable studies in parapsychology
- Studies that show we all predict the future
- We all predict the future
- "Time Traveling Porn"
- Psi wheels and the mind's ability to move objects
- Biophotons
- Applying physics to parapsychology
- Methodologies of energy healing
- Plants and Consciousness
-and more...
Learn more about John Kruth, MS + The Rhine: John Kruth, MS | Rhine Research Center | Rhine Education Center
"Science is that you're making observations and yes we use our senses to do that. We enhance our senses with microscopes and telescopes or whatever we need to to observe things and then we make hypotheses concerning. Okay, what could have caused this thing to happen and then we find ways to test these hypotheses or we say what would the Ah Afterlife Hypothesis. What would that predict."
J. Steve Miller, PhD is author of many books including "Deathbed Experiences as Evidence for the Afterlife" and "Near Death Experiences (NDEs) as Evidence for the Existence of God and Heaven." He is now an Assistant Professor of Philosophy,in the Interdisciplinary Studies department at Kennesaw State University teaching such courses as Introduction to Religion, Critical Thinking, Religion & Science, and Death & Dying. Dr. Miller always had a fascination with religion, spirituality and the truth of our existence. Tragically when he was a young man, his first wife passed away from cancer, which propelled him further into this exploration.
In this episode Dr. Miller shares how he first learned about NDE's through a book about someone's persona experience, but he wanted more evidence. He didn't know this person. How did he know that we're even telling the truth. This lead him to delve into Near Death Experience research done by people such as Dr. Jeffrey Long and Dr. Sam Parnia. This propelled him further to study Deathbed Experiences, such as when people see their loved ones who have passed away when they are close to death. He was amazed to learn people he knew and trusted had experienced both of these.
Being curious, logical, and a philosopher, he applied an amazing "hypothesis test" and way of thinking about the stories he heard either anecdotally or as reported by researchers. This is a test all of us can use when we read about afterlife evidence or hear personal stories people report.
In this episode:
- Top researchers on NDE's
- Apply logic and assess each bit of afterlife data and evidence
- Deathbed Experiences - when people see deceased loved ones or other beings at the time of death
- Shared Death Experiences (SDE's)
- Crisis apparitions - when people who have just died visit an unknowing loved one
- Mark Twain's experience with predicting a death in a dream
- Why oxygen deprivation to the brain doesn't explain NDE's
- People he knew and trusted who have had NDE's and SDE's
and more...
Learn more about J. Steve Miller : Website | Books on Amazon
Full notes on Death Bed Experiences and Near Death Experiences with J. Steve Miller
Mark Boccuzzi is cofounder, along with his wife Dr. Julie Beischel, of The Windbridge Institute and The Windbridge Research Center. Windbridge conducts an assortment of studies using scientific protocols, (up to quintuple-blinded) on psychic mediums and their abilities to get accurate information about a sitters (person receiving the medium reading) deceased loved ones. These studies are peer reviewed, downloadable for free, and available in easy to read formats or more academic versions. Windbridge has expanded and is now also focused on ADC (after death communication) and if and how grief is healed through mediumship and ADC’s.
With Windbridge's rigorous protocols and scientific approach, their results makes a strong argument, even for anyone who is highly skeptical, that yes, our loved ones really could still be with us. For those of us in grief, who need evidence and won't "just believe" check out this episode and the research of Windbridge.
In this episode:
- Examples of research studies on psychic mediums conducted by Windbridge, some of the protocols, results, and how they eliminate mediums potentially using cold-reading and other cheating tactics. (Used only by fake mediums)
- Windbridge studies ADCs (after-death communication) as well.
- Windbridge research is rigorous and peer-reviewed, often using "proxy" sitters as well as other blinding tactics.
- Studies have included up to quintuple levels of blinding
- Medium readings can help transform grief
-Why do scientists scoff at parapsychology
- Audrey's Project -launched in honor of Mark's mother, where people can share their own ADC's.
- ANSUR - researching survival and afterlife communication with animals
- and more...
Follow Mark Boccuzzi + Windbridge: Windbridge Research Center | Windbridge Institute | Mark on IG | Windbridge on IG | YouTube
Full notes on Scientifically Researching Psychic Mediums at The Windbridge Institute with Mark Boccuzzi
WTF Just Happened?! A sciencey-skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife the book is now available in eBook for kindle and paperback.
Order Book Here
What if everything you thought you knew about how the world worked was challenged?
Elizabeth “Liz” Entin considered herself a rational person who dismissed the concept of an afterlife as nothing more than wishful thinking. Shattered and lost after her dad’s unexpected death, she was moved to investigate if there was any scientific evidence of an afterlife. This exploration shook her understanding of the world to the core.
With a skeptical eye and a profound passion for understanding the inexplicable, Liz studies psychic mediums, takes classes on ghost-hunting, attends a seance, attempts spoon-bending, and volunteers for an organization that scientifically researches mediums. When this organization holds a weekend conference, she finally gets a behind-the-scenes view into this world, where everything she has been studying culminates in one of the biggest WTF’s Liz has encountered. But is there actually enough evidence to prove we survive . . . that her dad is still with her?
Liz’s hilarious and honest take on the evidence behind life’s biggest mysteries is eye-opening for anyone who has ever wondered about the afterlife, but cannot be content with faith. This book will give you a reason to hope and leave you wondering what the f*ck just happened?!
Link to full show notes for I Go to my First Medium and WTF?! (Bonus Episode) Episode 31
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"So what I'm what I'm trying to get at here is that I love science. And I believe it's a wonderful way of gathering knowledge. And I think we should be very careful not to slip into dogma and make sure we are sharpening this beautiful tool all the time. And I also believe there is multiple ways of gathering knowledge beyond the scientific lens as well."
Cristina A. Moraru of Worthful Woman is a science communicator and podcaster focused on the intersection of science and spirituality. While Cristina was raised Christian, she went through multiple world views including atheism and materialism. She no longer identifies and Christian or as atheist. Her ideas are constantly evolving as she gathers more information.
Full notes on Scientific Exploration of Afterlife Evidence with Science Communicator Cristina A. Moraru
What we talk about in this episode:
- Cristina's evolution from being raised Orthodox Christian to where she is now
- How her beliefs and worldview are still developing
- While looking at the world in a very analytical way she discovered there is legitimate research being done on afterlife, telepathy and more
- Mark Gober's book, "An End to Upside Down Thinking," about research being done on afterlife evidence first opened her mind
- While we claim to investigate consciousness, we still don't really have an understanding of what it is
- Two people often don't realize they are talking about the same thing because they are using different wording
- Afterlife research can be emotionally charged - how do we navigate subjectivity in science
- The sheep goat effect in experiments
- Aspects of quantum physics
- Rupert Sheldrake: We sense we are being stared at
- Are psi and precognition evolutionary advantages
- Dreams Cristina and Liz had that predicted the future
- Was a medium reading Cristina had evidential?
... and more
Follow Cristina: www.worthfulwoman.com | Podcast Worthful Woman (also on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and most podcasting platforms) | IG: @worthfulwoman | LinkedIn | articles | link.tree
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This episode is dedicated to listener questions. I answer one question each episode and this episode is a selection of them. If you have any questions, you can send them to [email protected].
Full notes on Do psychic mediums know all your secrets? Your Questions. Answered. Episode 29
10 Questions:
1 - What is one book that changed your mind most about afterlife evidence?
2 - What are some tips when booking a medium reading to make sure that they are not cheating?
3 - Have you ever had any experiences before you began studying afterlife evidence that you now look back on differently?
4 - I thought genuine psychic mediums were never supposed to charge for their gifts?
5 - Is it true that we actually pick our parents before we are born? And if so, why do some people choose abusive parents?
6 - Have you ever gotten any signs from your dad on the other side?
7 - Is it true you bent a spoon? What was that like?
8 - How can consciousness be created without a brain?
9 - How is it being friends with psychic mediums? Do you ever feel weird and that they know all of your secrets?
10 - Have any psychic mediums ever told you things that you said were wrong but then later came true?
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Sponsors: Estorie Agency | Speaking of Crime Podcast | Stephanie Thoma | Abortion Access
When Krista asked her ex, who had recently passed, to prove to her that there is an afterlife, she was stunned by the level of evidence she got. As someone who has been researching evidence for the last 5 years, Liz has to admit this is one of the strongest, most remarkable signs she has ever heard of.
Krista is a "normal" person, who has had some inexplicable experiences. She is not a psychic medium. She is not involved in the afterlife or paranormal world at all, which makes you think that these things can happen to all of us.
Full Show Notes on "Prove to me There is an Afterlife!" + Voices that Saved Lives Episode 28
What we talk about in this Episode:
- Krista was always fairly skeptical and never thought much about afterlife or spirituality.
- Unfortunately, she lost her mom when she was young, so families would take her to church, but it never resonated. She would annoy the teacher by asking logical questions.
- She definitely did not expect what happened when "paranormal" things occurred as an adult
- Her phone kept behaving weirdly at a consistent time
- She heard a "voice" that once saved her life and another time saved her dog's life
- A "glitch" in a photo she took turned out to be prescient (see the photo here)
- She got an absolutely inexplicable message and sign from a "voice" that was most likely her deceased ex
... and more
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Sponsors: Estorie Agency | Speaking of Crime Podcast | Stephanie Thoma | Abortion Access
Here is a preview of the opening Introduction to WTF Just Happened?! A sciencey-skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife.
The eBook is available for preorder HERE.
It will officially publish October 28th.
If you prefer to read paper books, they will be available when it publishes on October 28th. For some reason you can't preorder paper books.
What if everything you thought you knew about how the world worked was challenged? Elizabeth “Liz” Entin considered herself a rational person who dismissed the concept of an afterlife as nothing more than wishful thinking. Shattered and lost after her dad’s unexpected death, she was moved to investigate if there was any scientific evidence of an afterlife. This exploration shook her understanding of the world to the core. With a skeptical eye and a profound passion for understanding the inexplicable, Liz studies psychic mediums, takes classes on ghost hunting, attends a seance, attempts spoon bending and volunteers for an organization that scientifically researches mediums. When this organization holds a weekend conference, she finally gets a behind the scenes view into this world, where everything she has been studying culminates in one of the biggest WTF’s Liz has encountered. But is there actually enough evidence to prove we survive . . . that her dad is still with her? Liz’s hilarious and honest take on the evidence behind life’s biggest mysteries is eye-opening for anyone who has ever wondered about the afterlife, but cannot be content with faith. This book will give you a reason to hope and leave you wondering what the f*ck just happened?!
It will officially publish October 28th.
If you prefer to read paper books, they will be available when it publishes on October 28th. For some reason you can't preorder paper books.
What if everything you thought you knew about how the world worked was challenged?
Elizabeth “Liz” Entin considered herself a rational person who dismissed the concept of an afterlife as nothing more than wishful thinking. Shattered and lost after her dad’s unexpected death, she was moved to investigate if there was any scientific evidence of an afterlife. This exploration shook her understanding of the world to the core.
With a skeptical eye and a profound passion for understanding the inexplicable, Liz studies psychic mediums, takes classes on ghost hunting, attends a seance, attempts spoon bending and volunteers for an organization that scientifically researches mediums. When this organization holds a weekend conference, she finally gets a behind the scenes view into this world, where everything she has been studying culminates in one of the biggest WTF’s Liz has encountered. But is there actually enough evidence to prove we survive . . . that her dad is still with her?
Liz’s hilarious and honest take on the evidence behind life’s biggest mysteries is eye-opening for anyone who has ever wondered about the afterlife, but cannot be content with faith. This book will give you a reason to hope and leave you wondering what the f*ck just happened?!
Psychic medium Deborah (Deb) Freeman always knew she was not alone. Since she was a child she felt a loving "presence" that cared for her. After having an NDE (Near Death Experience) and later another, as she puts it, she should be dead, but believes this presence saved her. She always "knew" things, such as inexplicably knowing her healthy dentist was going to pass away before her next appointment. She was confused by what she understood to be a message for a friend of hers from someone who had passed away, and learned that this friend had lost a son many years ago. This message was from this woman's son. A son of a woman who worked as a cashier made sure Deb let his grieving mom know he was still around when this woman happened to be ringing up Deb's purchases at TJ Maxx. As these inexplicable messages kept getting verified, Deb realized she was a psychic medium. But she didn't only get messages for other people. After her husband Dan sadly passed, he made sure to let Deb, her kids, and grandkids know he was still there.
Along is a psychic medium, certified by the Psychic Institute in Glastonbury, CT. She also does Reiki. She has been giving readings publicly since 2019, but has been receiving messages for over 30 years. She does both group and private readings, benefit readings for charities, fairs, and runs workshops.
Full Show Notes on Evidential Messages from the Other Side with Psychic Medium Deborah Freeman
What we talk about in this Episode:
- Deb always sensed a loving "presence"
- Deb had two NDEs where she should have died and two OBEs where she left her body
- She saw "spirits" which didn't look exactly like a person
- She inexplicably knew her dentist would die soon
- She got messages for friends and strangers from their loved ones that were verified
- Her husband let Deb and family know he was with them after he passed
And much more . . .
Contact Deborah Freeman: email | Phone: 1.860.946.3901
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Sponsors: Estorie Agency | Speaking of Crime Podcast | Stephanie Thoma | Abortion Access
Introducing the Seeking I podcast. Host Darren McEnaney has Liz as a guest on this podcast. As a fellow skeptic who began to examine the evidence of an afterlife, Liz and Darren have had a similar path. Liz shares her story as a guest on Darren's podcast.
Darren McEnaney is the host of Seeking i, a podcast that speaks with the top researchers of afterlife evidence, psi, and consciousness. Darren is a self described "lay researcher of consciousness focused on anomalous experience and life beyond physical death." In each episode, Darren has insightful conversations with many of the people who helped convince Liz there was actually valid evidence of an afterlife.
Full Show Notes on From ‘Woo’ to ‘Wow!’ with Liz from WTF Just Happened - Introducing Seeking - I Podcast
What we talk about in this Episode:
- What first convinced Liz there could be an afterlife
- The research of Dr. Jim Tucker on kids with past life memories
- NDE's - Near Death Experiences
- What do Darren and Liz consider the most compelling evidence of an afterlife
- Why are so many scientists and skeptics closed to afterlife evidence
- What do they think about mediumship and what makes a medium reading seem genuine
- What do they think of Netflix Surviving Death Series
And More . . .
Follow Darren: website | podcast
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Sponsors: Estorie Agency | Speaking of Crime Podcast | Stephanie Thoma | Abortion Access
There is an amazing phenomena when someone dies and their loved ones "accompany" them on the first part of their dying journey into the afterlife. This is called the Shared Death Experience (SDE) and William J. Peters is the leading researcher. How are these similar and different from Near Death Experiences - NDE's? Some SDE's are not only transformative emotionally, but are shockingly evidential of an afterlife. Most likely would all love to have one, so who does report having SDE's and how can we increase our chances?
William J. Peters is an end-of-life therapist who had a remarkable experience while volunteering at Hospice where he floated out of his own body and accompanied a dying patient as the patient crossed over. Having had two NDE's in his past, William recognized the similarity. He was so enthralled by this experience that he began to research if others had experienced anything similar. Spoiler alert - many people have. William spent the next 20 years gathering reports from others who had experienced what is now called a shared death experience. He founded The Shared Crossing Project in 2011 with the goal of positively transforming our relationship to death. Here people can discuss, share, and learn more about people's personal "Shared Crossing" experiences and the current research. He then wrote a book on his extensive research sharing some of the astounding stories called At Heaven's Door: What Shared Journeys to the Afterlife Teach About Dying Well and Living Better.
Full Show Notes on The Shared Death Experience with William J. Peters, Founder of The Shared Crossing Project Including Upcoming Courses
What we talk about in this Episode:
- What are SDE's - Shared Death Experiences
- How are they different from NDEs
- Who has SDE's
- What are some highly evidential and verified SDE's: How do we know they aren't like a dream
- How can we all increase our chances of having an SDE
and more...
Follow William J. Peters and The Shared Crossing Project: Instagram | Facebook |Twitter | Youtube | Website | Book
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Want some amazing evidence that mediums are really communicating with people who have died? Firefighter Andrew Radziewicz, has some amazing stories and abilities - he is a psychic medium able to evidentially speak with people who have died. In his "normal" life as a firefighter, he was stunned when a psychic medium he did not know approached him with very specific information about Andrew's recently passed grandmother. Later, this same medium gave him a message that didn't make sense at first but turned out to be profound (and shockingly evidential) when he happened to share it on a first date. Why is it so hard for mediums to solve crimes? That is something Andrew would ideally like to do. Andrew also shares some interesting possible UFO stories, details of how he became a medium and some remarkable readings he has given that proved to be accurate.
See full show notes for The Psychic Firefighter Andrew Radziewicz on Mediumship, UFO’s + Psychics Solving Crimes Episode 24
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Andrew Radziewicz aka The Psychic Firefighter, is an expert at communicating (and showing he has) with our loved ones who have passed. His experiences and psychic abilities are being studied by leading scientists and PhDs at Stanford, and The University of Dublin. He was a "normal" firefighter in New York, and is now a funeral director, arranger and embalmer in Australia. He trained with renown medium Robert Hansen, has possibly connected with Extraterrestrials (some interesting stuff there!). He has been covered by the New York Post as well as other media publications. This is not the last you will hear of him.
What we talk about in this Episode:
- When he was young, he made is grandma promise when she passed, she would show him she was around.
- When he was in the US Coast Guard he and his crew witnessed some intriguing occurrences.
- Dr. Stephen Greer who researches extraterrestrials
- Renown psychic medium Robert Hansen gives Andrew evidential information about himself and others. Andrew trains with Robert Hansen.
- He has some inexplicable experiences with UFOs.
+ a lot more
Follow The Psychic Firefighter Andrew Radziewicz: Instagram | Website
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What happens when a horror and fiction writer becomes interested in Near Death Experiences and has some genuine paranormal experiences? Does she find these experiences scary? Do they influence any of her fiction writing?
See full show notes for Horror Short Story Writer Who Has Encountered Some Genuine Paranormal - JC Bratton Episode 23
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JC Bratton is a young adult horror/thriller short story writer. In 2020 she released three short stories and one collection (Things That Go Bump in the Night) under her publishing company, Blue Milk Publishing. Her latest short story, “Dollhouse,” peaked at #1 on Amazon’s 45-minute Teen & Young Adult Short Reads. JC’s stories pay homage to the Point Horror novels she would read as a kid, such as Slumber Party by Christopher Pike and Twisted by RL Stine. Some of her biggest influences are Alfred Hitchcock, Lois Duncan, Stephen King, and Richard Matheson. JC lives in the heart of Silicon Valley: San Jose, California.
You can also check out her interview on her podcast with Liz of WTF Just Happened?! here.
What we talk about in this Episode:
- JC Bratton's interest in Sci-Fi and horror which made her inclined to think about paranormal, but she's science-minded.
- A college class about NDE's and weird things that happened after her dad died made her consider paranormal as more than fiction.
- JC Bratton and Liz analyze some of her experiences and what they could have meant scientifically and "paranormally."
- JC Bratton shares an experience she had with her dad while he was in hospice.
- Near Death Experiences (NDE's): They discuss more on NDE's, the work of Dr. Bruce Greyson and Kenneth Ring's research on blind people who see during NDE's
- JC Bratton shares the NDE's she has learned about that amaze her the most.
- Being a horror writer focused on the "scary" does JC Bratton still see paranormal as "scary" now that she's had experiences
- How does she approach evil in her writing. Is there evil in the spirit world?
- The Annabelle Doll horror story. Could aspects of it be real?
- What do NDE's teach us about evil?
Follow JC Bratton: Instagram | Twitter | Website | Podcast
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"And the idea that you would sort of blink out of existence or death, as someone like Dawkins might argue, I don't think that's a scientific statement at all. It relies on a philosophy that isn't being talked about underneath."
Despite what science says, it actually doesn't make more sense than our consciousness being downloaded by brain and continuing on after our death, that our consciousness would be created by a brain, which is non-conscious matter. What makes me a me? Where in our body is our consciousness stored? How does the English language, versus French, make us over identify with our bodies and treat temporary states as permanent? When were the first humans and do actions from that time still affect us today? Why was it that monkeys evolved the most? Could there have been a time other species, such as reptiles, evolved to the consciousness level of humans. Will a plastic eating bacteria save us? No you don't need to believe in God to think there is an afterlife.
See full show notes for Consciousness, Brain Functions and Afterlife - Philosophy with Matthew Riddle and Darren McEnaney Episode 22
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Matthew Riddle of Consciousness Matters and Darren McEnaney of Seeking I delve into the philosophy of science, afterlife and consciousness.
What we talk about in this Episode:
- What exactly is philosophy? It seems to mean something different to all three of them, and what role does science play in philosophy.
- Is consciousness created by the brain? That is seemingly the scientifically logical explanation, but when you start examining, it is not necessarily as logical as it seems.
- They discuss one of the biggest philosophical questions, what makes "me myself" or what makes "you yourself." How much are innate personality traits? How much personality is biological? If we have past lives, does that contribute to who we are in any way.
- Where in our body is our consciousness stored? Is it really only our brain? We also feel so much in other parts of our body, such as our gut.
- If we do live previous lives, how does that impact our life today? Every action by every person in history has impacted the world today in some way.
- When were the first humans. Could there have been other civilizations way before the first known humans, who were wiped out? Or self destructed.
- You do not need to believe in God to think there is an afterlife.
- How psychedelics were transformative and eye-opening into other states of consciousness for Matt.
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Don’t you wish you could know what your animal wants to tell you? Or that a medium can connect with your animal who has passed away? What happens to our animals when they die? Sam Rosso @ourwildwithin is a psychic medium and animal communicator. This means she can communicate with living as well as animals who have passed away. She also gets messages from people who have passed away. She also teaches Breathwork. She used to work at Google until she began to learn that she actually had psychic abilities which at first shocked and baffled her.
See full show notes for Working at Google to Psychic Medium and Animal Communicator Samantha Rosso Episode 21
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What we talk about in this Episode:
- Sam shares how she was in "normal" corporate job at Google. She began a journey of self-discovery where she found her path. She became a coach, helping women grow and develop their businesses. During this time she began meditating frequently and was confused when she began to get "messages."
- She began to have many "weird" experiences and even began to get messages from her grandmother who had passed away.
- She reached out to other psychic mediums and found both mentorship and frauds. Her story of being scammed will help serve as a warning for what to avoid.
- In what ways was Sam getting messages from spirits. How did she know this was what was going on?
- Sam was terrified at first when she began to get messages from spirits. Why was she scared? Why do people find "ghosts," who are just those of us who have passed away, including our loved ones, scary.
- How did Sam know she was not just hallucinating? Also, if these deceased people appear, how does she know she is not actually seeing a real person?
- Can anyone, even skeptical Liz, have psychic medium abilities?
- How did Sam begin to communicate with animals? How did the adoption and rescue of her wolf-dog help with this?
- What were some of the most evidential examples of animal readings that Sam has given?
- How can we all better connect with and understand our animals? What is the biggest misconception we have about animals?
Contact | Sign up for our newsletter | Get our Free E-Book "How an Atheist Found Valid, Scientific Evidence for the Afterlife"Sponsors:Estorie Agency | Speaking of Crime Podcast | Stephanie Thoma | Abortion Access
Mariah Kunau, who refers to herself as the Paranormal Concierge discusses channeling, mediumship and what is the strongest evidence of an afterlife that she has encountered. Mariah was in the Netflix, Surviving Death docuseries, where she investigates a haunted house, and gives us a behind the scenes view into her paranormal exploration. She explains ways we can communicate on our own with our loved ones who have passed, answers if mediums who have passed are better communicators with this side than "normal" people and gives her thoughts on why some of us get many more signs and communications from our deceased loved ones, while some of us get very little or none.
Full notes on Mariah Kunau, the Paranormal Concierge on Channeling, Mediumship + Afterlife Evidence
As a psychic, medium and paranormal investigator, Mariah is here to help people discover, understand and unfold the truths and magic about the world of the paranormal. She had dedicated many years to not only properly develop her abilities, but she has studied parapsychology and has investigated numerous 'haunted' locations throughout the country. It's her mission to bridge the knowledge between 'science' and the Spirit World during her paranormal investigations. Mariah takes great pride working with integrity, transparency and authenticity.
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Sponsors: Estorie Agency | Speaking of Crime Podcast | Stephanie Thoma | Abortion Access
Estorie Agency: Put WTF Just Happened?!” in the subject line to receive a free 30-minute consolation.
Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
Stephanie Thoma: Use code WTF50 for $50 off
This is a special episode launching WTF Just Happened?!'s Million Dollar Consciousness Challenge of Gilead contest. This is a contest where WTF Just Happened?! will offer one million dollars to anyone who can prove, through a scientific, peer reviewed study that demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that consciousness is created in human beings at the moment of conception. Note this cannot be belief based, it must be scientifically valid.*
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This challenge is inspired by the Amazing Randi's one million dollar challenge, where stage magician James Randi, offered one million dollars to anyone who demonstrated they had psychic, mediumship or any other "paranormal" abilities. No one ever won, which does not mean that no one has these abilities. That is another topic, which has been discussed on this podcast in Episode 14 - The Blue Lady of The Moss Beach Distillery with Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach and Episode 8 - The Evidence that Convinced Two Skeptics There is an Afterlife with Darren McEnaney of Seeking I.
There was another high money challenge that recently was proposed by Robert Bigelow of The Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies, offering up to $500,000 for the essay that provided the best evidence of an afterlife. The top three prizes went to: First place $500,000 was awarded to Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, 2nd Prize $300,000, Pim van Lommel M.D., 3rd Prize $150,000, Leo Ruickbie Ph.D. There were other awards given to those not in the top three, and their essays are worth reading.
*This means that the scientific community would come to a consensus that this has been proven. Apparently in the United States of America, laws are being passed that apply to women (only in certain states who are only in certain socio-economic income brackets, where they cannot afford to take a day or two off and fly to another state) imposing this what can only now be interpreted as a religious belief. I would be curious to see if there is actual valid evidence that could prove this astronomical claim. To be eligible for the one million dollars, the scientific community must be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt, as well as me that consciousness is created at conception.
Sponsors: Estorie Agency | Speaking of Crime Podcast | Stephanie Thoma | Abortion Access
Jacob Cooper, LCSW, RMT + CH. Author of Life After Breath
When Jacob "died" when he was only 4 years old, he experienced what is called an NDE - Near Death Experience. He stopped breathing from an undiagnosed whooping cough while playing on a slide at the playground. As he was rushed to the hospital, he "crossed over" and experienced what happens when we die. After gaining the wisdom, he had to return to his life a as a child. Years later, (Jacob is now in his 30's) he remembers his NDE as if it was yesterday. To this day, he is not only still transformed from this experience, he is convinced that yes we really do survive death.
Full notes on He Died and Came Back
Jacob Cooper, LCSW, RMT + CH: Website | Indie Book Store | Amazon | Instagram
Sponsors: Estorie Agency | Speaking of Crime Podcast | Stephanie Thoma | Abortion Access
Estorie Agency: Put WTF Just Happened?!” in the subject line to receive a free 30-minute consolation.
Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
Stephanie Thoma: Use code WTF50 for $50 off
Are Near Death Experiences genuine evidence of what happens when we die, tricks of the brain to help us cope with fear or death, hallucinations based on trauma and oxygen deprivation? Listen to what an expert who has been researching NDE's for years has to say on the topic.
Dr. Jan Holden is an NDE (Near Death Experiences) researcher who is at the top of her field. She has been researching NDE's since the 1970s, is an author on the topic and president of IANDS - International Association for Near Death Studies.
See full show notes for Near Death Experiences - NDE's with Dr. Jan Holden Episode
NDE's (Near Death Experiences) are when someone is clinically dead (or close to it) for a set period of time before being medically resuscitated. During this time people report floating above their body, describe the hospital room and often details of what was going on, such as what doctors and nurses were saying or doing. But are these genuine evidence of what happens when we die or hallucinations with logical and material explanations?
Dr. Holden shares remarkable stories of "veridical perceptions" which is when what people see and perceive during NDE's turns out to be verified by the doctor or other credible witnesses such as their family members. People often report seeing deceased loved ones during NDE's, but when people also see loved ones who died suddenly and no one knew they were deadDoes that mean our loved ones who passed away chose not to be with us? As someone in grief, Liz finds that hard to face, and Dr. Holden discusses her thoughts on that topic. These are just some of the aspects of NDE's that Dr Holden, an expert in the field, discusses with Liz and Darren.
Dr. Janice Holden: Website | IANDS || Darren McEnaney: Blog | YouTube | Website
Sponsors: Estorie Agency | Speaking of Crime Podcast | Stephanie Thoma | Abortion Access
Estorie Agency: Put WTF Just Happened?!” in the subject line to receive a free 30-minute consolation.
Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
Stephanie Thoma: Use code WTF50 for $50 off
Annette Marinaccio, author of “Your Soul Focus: You Believe in the Afterlife, Don’t You?".
Liz continues her conversation about the evidence of an afterlife that convinced Annette, a logical-minded accountant, not prone to belief or fantasy that there really is an afterlife.
Annette had been so amazed by some evidential readings she had with two different psychic mediums, that she took her parents to one of the medium’s group readings. Her father was just as stunned as Annette was, when her uncle, his deceased brother came through letting everyone know he was still around.
But no matter how much evidence of an afterlife anyone gets, the two discuss that still, no one can really know what is going on. We are still limited by our 3 dimensional human lives. We can’t understand things such as other dimensions or infinity. But are we even supposed to know? Maybe it would ruin our lives for us if we did know. Maybe we come here for a purpose and if we knew too much this would distract us from our purpose. Or make everything we were supposed to do while on earth feel irrelevant.
The two discuss time and how time is relative both here and on the other side. While everyone from mediums to people who have had near death experiences all say time is different on the other side, Annette offers her theory as to why. They both discuss past life memories. Why do some people (although very few) actually have strong memories of a past life? .
Annette shares how profoundly her life view has changed since studying all this evince of an afterlife. She also wants to remind people that she really has seen so much paradigm shifting and substantial evidence that yes, we do survive death.
Annette Marinaccio: Website | Book | Instagram
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A left-brained accountant and afterlife evidence. Author of "Your Soul Focus" Annette Marinaccio
Annette Marinaccio is the author of “Your Soul Focus: You Believe in the Afterlife, Don’t You?". Annette is a left-brained, logical accountant who had never given the afterlife much thought until after her mother-in-law passed away in 2006 and weird things began to happen. When she shared the inexplicable happenings her friend posed the question, “You believe in the afterlife, don’t you?” Annette was baffled. Is that what people believed? What did she think?
Annette is not the type to just believe without evidence, but so many things began to happen, that she started to think her mother in law must be behind this. Like Liz, she then set out to delve into the possibility of an afterlife and was pretty amazed at what she discovered.
Annette shares how her mother-in-law first gave an inexplicable sign to let her granddaughter (Annette’s daughter) know she was still around. At first Annette was worried that her daughter was taking the loss of her grandmother so badly that she was hallucinating. But then too many coincidences happened which culminated in a very evidential medium reading.
She went on to get another medium reading from someone else. Annette even shared what happened in the medium reading with her dad, who verified even further that the reading was accurate. Although he was pretty shocked and confused that this could even happen.
After Annette wrote her book about afterlife evidence, she even had moments where she got some inexplicable information herself. This is not something someone as logical as Annette would say lightly. Annette explains that she has been lucky to always have had good medium readings, unlike Liz, who had some bad ones. Annette shares more amazing and inexplicable information that these mediums got which made her unable to deny something was going on, and that we most likely survive bodily death.
Annette Marinaccio: Website | Book | Instagram
Get the book - WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey-skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife.
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Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
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Full Show for Ghosts, Parapsychologists, Evidence and Skeptics. Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach
Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach answers if he will take on any case or reporting of paranormal activity? What are red flags that will cause him to turn down a case? What did a very skeptical ex-Navy Seal Officer tell Loyd about a ghost referred to as The Blue Lady ghost that convinced him this was genuine. He had been working on this case for years and was amazed to get this inexplicable verification. If psychics are real why do they never stop earth quakes and win the lottery? Why has no one won James Randi's offer to give a million dollars to anyone who proves they have "paranormal" abilities.
Parapsychologist, mentalist, and author Loyd Auerbach speaks with Liz of WTF Just Happened?! and Darren of Seeking I. Darren is a self described "lay researcher of consciousness focused on anomalous experience and life beyond physical death." Loyd is a leading parapsychologist in the field with a masters degree in Parapsychology. He is one of the main teachers at The Rhine Education Center and he is Vice President of the Forever Family Foundation. He has been doing this research for over 42 years and has authored and co-authored many books on the remarkable things he has learned and encountered as he examines if we survive death, if there really are ghosts, and many more inexplicable anomalous phenomena. Loyd takes a scientific, healthily skeptical, and logical approach to this phenomena.
Loyd Auerbach: About | YouTube | Facebook || Darren McEnaney: Blog | YouTube | Website
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Parapsychologist, mentalist, and author Loyd Auerbach speaks with Liz of WTF Just Happened?! and Darren of Seeking I. Darren is a self described "lay researcher of consciousness focused on anomalous experience and life beyond physical death." Loyd is a leading parapsychologist in the field with a masters degree in Parapsychology. He is one of the main teachers at The Rhine Education Center and he is Vice President of the Forever Family Foundation. He has been doing this research for over 42 years and has authored and co-authored many books on the remarkable things he has learned and encountered as he examines if we survive death, if there really are ghosts, and many more inexplicable anomalous phenomena. Loyd takes a scientific, healthily skeptical, and logical approach to this phenomena.
Full show notes on Lois the Ghost and Evidence of an Afterlife. Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach.
Loyd answers if he always thought there was an afterlife or paranormal abilities and shares who and what influenced his fascination from a young age.
What are the differences between Skeptics vs pseudo skeptics. Loyd had some amazing experiences in his over 40 years of research. He shares two of the most remarkable things he encountered, that also were verified. He credits some of the most remarkable experiences to working with a top psychic medium, Alex Tanous who secretly had worked with the FBI and police. To learn from a true and lifelong expert in the field of parapsychology, this is the episode.
Loyd Auerbach: About | YouTube | Facebook || Darren McEnaney: Blog | YouTube | Website
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Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
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Psychic Medium Dusten Lyvers is a highly evidential psychic medium who is certified by the Forever Family Foundation. He is also a licensed counselor and on a fun note, is a ballroom dance performer.
Full show notes for How Did Dusten Know He was a Medium? Psychic Medium Dusten Lyvers
In an Instagram Live talk (part 2) Psychic Medium Dusten Lyvers answers frequently asked questions from listeners.
Why did my loved one not come through in a reading? Does Dusten get nervous before giving readings? How long should someone wait between medium readings? How did Dusten realize he was a psychic medium? Had Dusten ever even met a medium when he was a child? Did he know this was a career option? Dusten is also a therapist, How does being a therapist and being a medium tie in together? And in a slightly “out there” question, does Dusten ever counsel spirits who have passed away? Being a psychic medium can Dusten read the thoughts and personal lives of his friends? Do Dusten's loved one's who have passed away visit him?
Dusten also shares the most “what the fuck” moment has ever seen or encountered when he himself got an amazingly evidential reading. He talks about how all the feedback he has gotten from his clients verifying the information he has given is also very strong evidence of an afterlife.
Dusten also shares tips on how to get signs and ask for signs. He talks about the signs he has asked for (rainbows from his grandmother) and an interesting sign of ants from his grandfather.
Yes, he feels them around but they do not come and visit.
Dusten Lyvers: Website | Instagram
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Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
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Do people who were cruel and abusive apologize for their actions after they die? What does it feel like to give a psychic medium reading? These are some of the questions Psychic Medium Dusten Lyvers answers in an IG Live talk with Liz of WTF Just Happened?!, as she continues her quest for afterlife evidence.
Full show notes for Do People who were Cruel Apologize after they Die? Psychic Medium Dusten Lyvers
How does Dusten handle it if he is giving a medium reading, and the person who comes in was abusive when they were alive? Does the person who came in for the reading even want to hear from this person?
Dusten really got the personality of her dad and Liz wonders what does it feel like for a medium when they give a reading? Dusten explains how he feels the emotions of the person, how his senses are engaged and what that is like as a psychic medium.
A listener wants to know, how long should someone wait after a loved one has passed away before they get a reading? In terms of when someone can come in and communicate with a psychic medium after they have passed away, there is no time frame. Dusten shares a time someone came to him the day after they died, giving really strong evidence and surprising both him and the sitter, the person who came to get the medium reading. However, in terms of healing grief, going to early might not always be healthy.
Not everyone knows this, but there is a difference between psychic readings and medium readings. In fact there is a famous quote, "All mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums."
A listener asks how he can connect with a deceased person when he is giving phone or Zoom medium readings?
Dusten Lyvers: Website | Instagram
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Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
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The conversation continues with Psychic Medium Rebecca Anne LoCicero.
In this episode, that was originally streamed on IG live, Liz and Rebecca open by discussing what exactly is imagination and inspiration. Where does it come from? Does it ever come from "The Other Side."
Full show notes for Can Mediums "Become" Our Dead Loved Ones? - Psychic Medium Anne LoCicero Answers the Hard Questions
Liz and Rebecca continue their discussion on scientific testing of mediums, which the two have a different perspective on. Rebecca thinks that psychic medium readings are about love, which can be hard to measure. She also thinks that they are often subjective, what will resonate with a person. Liz thinks the love coming through in medium readings is not that important. To her it is more about data and accuracy, which provide evidence that we do survive bodily death.
They also talk about "The Amazing Randi," the stage magician who posed the million dollar challenge to anyone who demonstrated evidence of psychic, mediumship, or any "paranormal" abilities. Liz explains why that challenge is not actually what it seems to be and why it really does not matter that no one has ever passed it.
Rebecca shares some of her experiences with physical mediumship. That is when a medium actually becomes taken over and "possessed" by a deceased person. She has had some fascinating experiences while trying to perform physical mediumship, but has never actually been fully accomplished it. She has never seen anyone accomplish this full possession either. Liz shares that she has gone to seances to observe physical mediumship, but it was a complete fraud and carnival show. Rebecca and Liz both agree that if a medium could be completely taken over by someone who has passed away, that would be any grieving person's dream.
Rebecca also gives some warnings and tips on how to avoid being conned and tricked by people who pretend to be mediums on social media. She shares that she has been impersonated a few times. But she does want to remind everyone there really are genuine and ethical mediums as well.
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Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
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Psychic Medium Rebecca Anne LoCicero is not only highly evidential, but she is also hilarious, direct, smart, has been studied by Yale University, and is certified by the Forever Family Foundation.
Full show notes for Skeptics and Psychics - Psychic Medium Anne LoCicero Answers the Hard Questions
In this episode, that was originally streamed on IG live, Rebecca delves into, and answers as best she can, the hard questions Liz and the audience throw at her. “What substance or molecular structure is our consciousness once we die, if it survives?” "Once a psychic makes a prediction, can we change the outcome?" "When does consciousness first enter the body (in a fetus), when does it leave when we die, and where exactly does it go?" "How does a psychic medium see or hear spirits?"
Liz and Rebecca discuss ideas for measuring consciousness leaving and entering a body. While the science is definitely not there yet, the two can speculate. Rebecca also thinks this consciousness that ties into our body is all a form of energy, and one day we will be able to measure it further. Ideally, she thinks if we could do experiments on women who are pregnant we could learn a lot about the start of consciousness.
Rebecca explains the difference between giving a psychic reading versus a medium reading. She also shares three amazing times she got highly accurate information. One time she got health information which proved to be true, about a woman from her dad who had passed. Another time she was reading a highly skeptical man, bringing in his father who also had passed away. The man was intrigued, but still somewhat skeptical until his dad had Rebecca give a final bit of information as the reading was finishing that convinced him this really had to be his father.
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Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
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Darren McEnaney is the host of Seeking i, a podcast that speaks with the top researchers of afterlife evidence, psi, and consciousness. Darren is a self-described "lay researcher of consciousness focused on anomalous experience and life beyond physical death."
Full show notes for The Evidence that Convinced Two Skeptics There is an Afterlife. Darren McEnaney of Seeking I. Part 2: Episode 8
Liz and Darren pick up where they left off last week. Liz continues talking about how she once bent a spoon, which Darren clarifies was with her energy, not strength. Liz also talks about how she could not do it again the next time she went to a spoon-bending event, which actually ended up adding to the evidence that spoon-bending is real.
They both talk about major misconceptions of how mediums get their information and how that makes people think mediums are cheating when they aren't. Liz and Darren both share examples of this from medium readings they have had and they share the best medium reading they had and the worst.
They also talk about NDEs - Near Death Experiences and a remarkable phenomena that has occurred during them referred to as Peak in Darien. This is where someone who has an NDE encounters loved ones who have died, but this includes a loved one who has died suddenly and unexpectedly. The two also discuss skeptics, and what can really be called pseudo-skeptics.
The late James Randi, whose stage name is The Amazing Randi, was a well-known skeptic who set out to catch mediums and other people claiming inexplicable abilities cheating. He set up a one million dollar challenge for anyone who showed abilities to come and try to win this money by demonstrating their abilities. No one ever won. Why is this the case if people really have abilities?
Liz asks Darren to share a time or personal experience he had which blew him away and demonstrated that there was most likely life after death. He shares an amazing and moving story about how after his two dogs passed away, they made sure to let him and his parents know they were still around. Darren's parents were as astounded as he was by these signs from his dogs on the other side.
Follow Darren: website | podcast
Get the book - WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey-skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife.
Sponsors: Estorie Agency | Speaking of Crime Podcast | Stephanie Thoma | Abortion Access
Darren McEnaney is the host of Seeking i, a podcast that speaks with the top researchers of afterlife evidence, psi, and consciousness. Darren is a self described "lay researcher of consciousness focused on anomalous experience and life beyond physical death."
Full show notes for What Convinced Two Skeptics that There is an Afterlife?: Darren McEnaney of Seeking i
Darren always assumed consciousness outside of a brain and an afterlife was fantasy as a child. When he became severely depressed at only 12 years old, he discovered NDE’s - Near Death Experiences, as he was searching for some meaning to life. He was interested in them but dismissed them as nothing more than hallucinations to cope with the trauma of dying. He then learned that many people have the exact same experiences and "hallucinations." He was so intrigued by this that he researched further, and was astounded to learn that many people actually report information that is verified. One case that still stands out to him is the Pam Reynolds case.r.
Both of them discuss the concept of proof versus evidence. No there can never be actual proof of an afterlife, but that does not mean there can't be a preponderance of compelling and valid evidence that we survive death. Darren talks about how proof isn't even the goal of science.
Liz shares that for her it is when all the evidence comes together that she becomes convinced. The one common thread explanation of all the evidence from NDE's to mediumship is survival of consciousness.
The two discuss that there is no good explanation for how a brain, which is material mass and matter, creates and forms consciousness. There is as much of an explanation for how a material brain can do that as there is that consciousness could be stored in a cloud somewhere and downloaded to a brain.
An issue they both are concerned about is that this research is not neutral. Everyone truly hopes there is life after death. Could this deep wish affect how people process and interpret the evidence? Are Darren and Lis just seeing things how they hope they are? While both have this concern, Darren and Liz both make reasonable arguments for why they end up concluding that is not the case. Liz also shares some tangible evidence she has gotten that show there really seems to be more than just a material world.
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Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
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Michell Little is host of the Podcast The Spiritual Witch and is a practicing Wiccan.
Full show notes for Did Michell Have an NDE (Near Death Experience) as a Baby?: The Spiritual Witch Michell Little
Michell and Liz - the sciencey skeptic who has been investigating afterlife evidence, continue their conversation from last episode. Michell became a Wiccan after stumbling across a book she really related to. Was it that simple? While Michell says this officially is NOT the way to do it, she went with her intuition.
Michell is now working on divination. She is working with the Elder Futhark runes which are a type of ancient alphabet that helps her speak with her spirit guides. She also uses a pendulum that has an Angelite crystal. This pendulum with the Angelite crystal keeps giving Michell accurate answers to her questions, some that even are evidential.
But Liz who is skeptical wonders, isn't it small micro movements that we are doing unconsciously, called ideomotor movements, that makes Michell (or anyone) move the pendulum towards an answer. But if so, that is still really interesting, because maybe we know things on a much deeper and unconscious level than we realize.
They then discuss NDE's - Near Death Experiences. One fascinating thing is Michell had died for about 3 minutes when she was a baby. She wonders if she had an NDE. She has a lot of the characteristics and traits such as a maturity. She preferred hanging out with grownups when she was little. Liz and Michell delve in and discuss the many traits of people who have had NDE's and try to figure out of Michell could have been one of them.
They close with any suggestions Michell would have for anyone interested in becoming a Wiccan.
Check out Michell Little's Podcast: www.thespiritualwitch.wixsite.com | Instagram
Get the book - WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey-skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife.
WTF Just Happened?!: www.wtfjusthappened.net | Instagram |YouTube
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Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
Stephanie Thoma: Use code WTF50 for $50 off
Michell Little is host of the Podcast The Spiritual Witch and is a practicing Wiccan.
Full show notes for Should We Hex Donald Trump?: The Spiritual Witch Michell Little
Michell talks with Liz of WTF Just Happened?! about how she defines spirituality, the difference between spirituality and religion, and what does it mean to Michell to be spiritual in her own life. Being a Wiccan also brings lots of judgment and misunderstanding from Michell's Christian culture and family. How does Michell manage that?
Michell explains what the Wiccan belief system is, what book do they follow, if any. What is a Grimoire and what spells work for Michell. Liz questions Michell on any evidence she has ever seen that the spells work and the two share their love of animals.
The two get into a philosophical discussion regarding the ethics of casting spells and hex's. Is it okay to cast a spell to help someone's life? Could that cause harm? What about hexing someone (casting a negative spell.) The answer is pretty clear if it is your annoying neighbor, but what about cruel people who cause harm? Should people cast a hex on Donald Trump? Is he actually doing good in ways we don't see?
Listen to learn about what it means to be Wiccan and to learn more about Michell Little of The Spiritual Witch.
Check out Michell Little's Podcast: www.thespiritualwitch.wixsite.com | Instagram
WTF Just Happened?!: www.wtfjusthappened.net | Instagram | YouTube
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Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
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In episode 4 of WTF Just Happened?!, Psychic Medium Renee Buck talks with Liz about whether she can really read people's thoughts, including the awkward ones. If mediums are supposed to know a deceased person's gender, what happens if someone's deceased loved one was transgender. What happened when Renee gave Liz a past life regression and when Renee had her own. Are they evidential of past lived being true? Renee impresses skeptical Liz with some very evidential experiences that happened when she gave client readings, including finding missing objects. And if spirits are around us all the time are they ALWAYS around us?
Full show notes for Can Psychic Mediums Read Your Mind?: Psychic Medium Renee Buck
Renee is a certified medium with the Forever Family Foundation.
www.whispersfromthelight.com | FaceBook
Get the book - WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey-skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife.
WTF Just Happened?!: www.wtfjusthappened.net | Instagram | YouTube
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Estorie Agency: Put WTF Just Happened?!” in the subject line to receive a free 30-minute consolation.
Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
Stephanie Thoma: Use code WTF50 for $50 off
In episode 03 of WTF Just Happened?!, where we bring you evidence of an afterlife and psi without the woo, we speak with Psychic Medium Renee Buck. In this episode Renee shares some amazing prophetic dreams she had, and how the dreams combined with an amazing reading she had from a medium who brought in her brother who had passed about 20 years earlier, lead her to become a medium herself.
Of course Liz wants the evidence, and Renee shares about the time her brother gave her an absolutely remarkable sign that even impressed Liz. This sign defied the laws of the universe, how mass and matter behave, and is one of the most evidential Liz has ever heard. To Renee, not only was it mind-blowing, it was incredibly healing.
The two also discuss automatic writing, the nature of time, what a Spirit Guide is, and how Renee found hers.
Renee is a certified medium with the Forever Family Foundation.
www.whispersfromthelight.com | FaceBook
Get the book - WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey-skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife.
WTF Just Happened?!: www.wtfjusthappened.net | Instagram | YouTube
Sponsors: Estorie Agency | Speaking of Crime Podcast | Stephanie Thoma | Abortion Access
Estorie Agency: Put WTF Just Happened?!” in the subject line to receive a free 30-minute consolation.
Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
Stephanie Thoma: Use code WTF50 for $50 off
In the second episode of WTF Just Happened?!, where we bring you evidence of an afterlife and psi without the woo, we speak with Psychic Medium Joe Perreta. This is part two of our interview, so be sure to listen to part 1.
Full show notes for Why Don't Psychic Mediums Win the Lottery: Psychic Medium Joe Perreta
In this episode Joe talks about a shocking time he got strong evidence he really was communicating with Liz's (dead) dad, why psychic mediums don't win the lottery, and more crazy, mind-blowing stuff.
Joe is certified by the Forever Family Foundation and participates in scientific research and studies conducted by major universities. (details to release once the studies are completed)
www.joeperreta.com | Instagram
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WTF Just Happened?!: www.wtfjusthappened.net | Instagram | YouTube
Sponsors: Estorie Agency | Speaking of Crime Podcast | Stephanie Thoma | Abortion Access
Estorie Agency: Put WTF Just Happened?!” in the subject line to receive a free 30-minute consolation.
Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
Stephanie Thoma: Use code WTF50 for $50 off
Full show notes for Did a Psychic Medium Predict 9/11? Psychic Medium Joe Perreta
In the first episode of WTF Just Happened?!, where we bring you evidence of an afterlife and psi without the woo, we speak with Psychic Medium Joe Perreta. He talks with Liz about some bat shit experiences, such as a dream in which he predicted 9/11 when he was 12 years old and some surprising synchronicities. He explains that he questions his own abilities and discusses how a book he read, a dream, and another medium all came together to make him decide to pursue being a medium in the first place.
Joe is skeptical himself, and he and Liz discuss some scientists they love, and some mind-blowing readings he has given that helped him feel confident something genuine was going on.
Joe is certified by the Forever Family Foundation and participates in scientific research and studies conducted by major universities. (details to release once the studies are completed)
www.joeperreta.com | Instagram
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Estorie Agency: Put WTF Just Happened?!” in the subject line to receive a free 30-minute consolation.
Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...
Stephanie Thoma: Use code WTF50 for $50 off
Welcome to my podcast WTF Just Happened?! All about grief and the evidence of the afterlife with none of the woo.
Listen for conversations with normal people about weird shit.
To see all podcast episodes, where to listen and more details, click here.
A couple of years ago my dad died and I was shattered. Being raised an atheist, I assumed anything like an afterlife was nothing more than wishful thinking. However, I took a shot in the dark and decided to explore if there was any valid evidence that we could survive death in some form. Something that didn't require belief.
While I expected to find nothing, I was astounded by what I found. There were rational scientists, researchers, doctors (and no not Dr Oz) who were studying all sorts of “not normal” things such as mediums, Near Death Experiences, and kids who remembered past lives. I assumed I was somehow not seeing the "catch" and decided to see for myself. I met mediums, researchers, parapsychologists and more. While I saw a lot of nonsense and fraud, I also met a select group of people who seemed to defy the laws of the universe.
And that's what this podcast is about... Me talking with the many people who have helped me change my mind - some are researchers, some are mediums, and some are just regular people who have had really weird experiences.
I still consider myself an atheist and I still don’t consider myself a spiritual person - I am an evidential person. I hope that you will listen to what I and the people who come on here have to say with curiosity and an open mind. You don't have to draw any conclusions. You don't even need to believe anything said. But at least consider what I and the people who come on here have to say.
And I hope you get to have many of your own WTF Just Happened?! laws of the universe defying moments too.
Contact | Sign up for our newsletter | Get our Free E-Book "How an Atheist Found Valid, Scientific Evidence for the Afterlife"
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