Aired October 15, 1947. Based on real life news stories, Big Story featured murder and other violent crime cases from the point of view of a newspaper reporter. A unique and exciting format, Big Story dramatized a different news reporter and their heroic deed each week. According to the ads of the day, this program starred "a reporter who has solved a crime, exposed a corrupt political administration, smashed a racket, or performed some other notable public service. At the end of each program the real news reporter was brought on the air and given a $500 reward by the sponsor of the show, Pall Mall. Big Story was a great success. It ranked with the top old time radio shows of its day, and in its first year on the air, Big Story even topped the ratings of Bing Crosby's Philco Radio Time. So grab your press pass and start scribbling some notes, because this is one Big Story you won't want to miss!