Episode 3 aired FEBRUARY 25, 1949 on CBS Radio. Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar is a radio drama that aired on CBS Radio from February 18, 1949 to September 30, 1962. The first several seasons imagined protagonist Johnny Dollar as a private investigator drama with actor Charles Russell in title roll. In 1955 after a yearlong hiatus, the series came back in its best-known incarnation with Bob Bailey starring in "the transcribed adventures of the man with the action-packed expense account – America's fabulous freelance insurance investigator." In this episode Johnny goes to Singapore to expedite a shipment of tin and finds everyone looking for a mysterious "it." The show features a bad guy who sounds like a Sydney Greenstreet imitator. Johnny even tells him, "Your mother must have been frightened by Sydney Greenstreet!" Charles Russell, Mark Warnow (composer, conductor), Paul Dudley (writer), Gil Doud (writer), Richard Sanville (producer, director).