Whether you are looking to learn something new or perhaps just looking for some inspiration, podcasts can be a great investment of your time.
Check the points in bold under each podcast to see what its focus is.
Web Dev * Tips & Tricks
Syntax is a fun — and sometimes funny — podcast for web developers hosted by Wes Bos and Scott Tolinkski, two independent full stack developers who create online training courses. In each episode Scott and Wes break down topics to provide applicable tips and nuggets of information to help Web Developers in their careers.
Indie App Development * Marketing * Design
From development and design to marketing and support, Under the Radar is all about independent app development. It’s never longer than 30 minutes and is hosted by David Smith and Macro Arment.
Learning * Citizen Developers * Newbies * General Coding
The Learn to Code With Me podcast, created by Laurence Bradford, is for aspiring techies and self-taught coders looking to transition into the tech industry.
Newbie * Dev Stories * Citizen Developers
Stories from people on their coding journey. New episodes featuring stories from CTOs to indie developers, published every Monday.
Tips & Tricks * General Coding
A podcast for software developers and computer programmers to educate on-the-go. It’s presented by Allen Underwood, Joe Zach and Michael Outlaw, professional programmers who were frustrated by the lack of quality programming podcasts.
Indie App Development * Apple
A podcast about indie software development for the Mac, iOS and other Apple technologies hosted by Daniel Jalkut and Manton Reece.
App Development * Dev Stories * Citizen Developers * Newbies
Paul Lefebvre talks with members of the Xojo community about how they use Xojo, technology in general and so much more.
What are your favorite tech-related podcasts?